When He Yu returned home from Kunming with Honghong,

Xiaoqian would look at Yang Jie and smile when she saw Yang Jie's pink face.

Xiaoqian said:"After mom left with your grandpa behind your back, I was worried about you not being able to eat well and not being able to sleep.

Today you are finally back!

You also smiled happily at me.

It makes me very happy!"

Honghong He told Xiaoqian about his trip to Qujing and Kunming for medical treatment.

Xiaoqian said:"Yang Jie, your life is really miserable!

After you were born, the Yang family disliked being a woman, so the old lady and her eldest daughter put iron nails next to the pillow to cripple you.

Your father is seriously ill. Then he refused to take you to Qujing for treatment.

When you arrived in Qujing, you encountered a doctor who was unsympathetic and refused to treat you that day.

Your mother was so angry that she cried!

If your grandfather hadn’t taken your mother to Kunming to find your aunt and uncle. My aunt and grandma saved you, otherwise grandma would not be able to see you!" Xiaoqian said while crying!

At this time Yang Yunpeng came upstairs and entered the door.

Xiaoqian asked him angrily,"What are you doing here?"

Yang Yunpeng said,"I'm here to see my daughter!"

"Are you coming to see your daughter?

She has been infected with pneumonia and asked you to take her to Qujing for treatment, but you said that the leader did not allow leave?

I went to your school and asked your principal. The principal said you didn't even go to him to ask for leave.

If he knew his daughter was seriously ill.

They grant leave 100% of the time."

When Yang Yunpeng heard what Xiaoqian said, he lowered his head and said nothing.

He Yu stood up and pointed at Yang Yunpeng with his finger and said,"You are so cruel!

Why are you doing this?

If you don't make it clear, you are not the doll's father.

Honghong couldn't help but question Yang Yunpeng:"Just tell me!"

Why did you become mute?

You know, if my father hadn't taken me to Kunming to find my aunt, you wouldn't have seen this doll."

Xiaoqian said;" Honghong didn't call out Yang Jie's name when talking to her father.

Are you, Yang Yunpeng, just a wooden person? Don't you know why?"

"He didn't want this doll, so why did he give her the last name Yang.

Tell you. We raised her up, and I gave her the last name He, which has nothing to do with your Yang family. He Yu said.

When Yang Yunpeng heard this, he hurriedly said:"She is my daughter, why isn't her surname Yang?"

He Yu said angrily;"Are you embarrassed to say that she is your daughter?"

Are there any men like you in the world?

His daughter was seriously ill but he didn't care.

Wait until someone else pays for her to be cured before you say she's your daughter?

You have read books for so many years, which means you are white!"

"I'll pay for the medical treatment, but I still beg her father not to change her last name."Yang Yunpeng said

"Don't be so boastful. How much money do you have?

This matter is not a question of money, but a question of conscience.

Since you don't care, what does the baby's surname Yang mean?

When she grows up, she will know that she will not call you daddy, let alone Yang.

I have decided that I will never let her last name be Yang, and let her last name be He as soon as possible.

Only in this way can she have a name.

Yang Yunpeng was helpless. He thought for a while and said,"Dad!"

I know I was wrong.

Do you want me to kneel down and beg you, let her last name still be Yang?"

When He Yu heard this, he felt: 'He finally admitted his mistake and relented!

It's really rare for a man to say such things!

If you can forgive others, forgive them,' he said to Yang Yunpeng;"Since you said that, then I will spare you this time.

You are a college graduate, why do you still follow the patriarchal tradition?

This is the outdated feudal thinking of the old society.

In what era are you now, do you still follow your mother and do this?

I originally thought that you could take risks to save my daughter, so I agreed to marry Honghong to you.

Who would have thought that you would give birth to a girl for Honghong, and do what your mother did?

You really let us down.

If you want to kneel down and beg for mercy now, I will believe you this time.

Can there be a second time?"

It's true; if he doesn't want a girl, he changes his surname, and is forced to kneel down to beg for mercy. If he doesn't reward him with some spicy noodle soup, he doesn't know how powerful his father-in-law is!

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