Because everyone saw Li Zhenhe. The situation is over and it is impossible to continue to be the principal.

Several teachers boldly said one after another;

"Your performance today was so wonderful. A majestic principal can actually do such despicable things. I admire you."

"Don't you usually show off your power?

Today, Teacher He and his family are trying to keep you in obedience. This is all your own fault."

"You can't blame Teacher He, you should thank them.

If Teacher He hadn't thought of doing this, he would have just said it in front of everyone, otherwise you would have no way out.

This way you won't go to jail!"


You are just talking and talking.

You must remember it all your life that Teacher He is magnanimous and will not care about you, otherwise you will become a prisoner.

Not only can I keep my official position, but I can also keep my job. They won’t let you go home to farm. From now on, be a good person and follow the right path is the only way.

If you engage in crooked ways, you will only harm yourself, and it will never end well.

You have to remember it all your life, it was Teacher He who saved you with his magnanimity."

Several leaders present did not say anything. They knew that Li Zhenhe had a back-up, and he had a strong desire for revenge. If he failed, he would be thrown away. Wu Shamao.

As for the teachers, they only taught and did not make mistakes. Li Zhenhe did not dare to do anything to them. It was impossible to expel them.

After the meeting, He Yu went home with Xiaoqian and Lin Lin.

Xiao Qian asked Lin Lin:"You haven't seen each other for several years, why are there so many of you?

Was it the public funds used to purchase the machinery for the coal mine, or did you secretly take it from the coal mine?

Lin Lin said;"My mother, I am almost thirty years old, and you still treat me like a child."

In those years, it was because of Li Dongsheng’s poor management.

The money from the coal mine was often used for eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling.

Xiaoqiong and I couldn't get the money, so we were embarrassed to come to see you.

Later, I discussed with the captain and asked Xiaoqiong to keep a tight grip on the money.

If he wants to withdraw money, a smaller amount can be used, but a larger amount must be approved by shareholders, if he does not implement it.

The funds that I and the village have invested and returned over the years. After the final settlement is clear, all will be withdrawn.

The village committee asked him to take away the remaining equipment that belonged to him.

He is not allowed to mine coal here.

Li Dongsheng did not withdraw funds randomly.

Therefore, only in the past two years can we pay dividends on time, so Xiaoqiong and I got the money we both deserved."

"I see!

I asked the cashier who taught me how to pay for commercial housing, but she never said anything.

She said that the person who paid the money did not let her speak.

Why didn't Xiaoqiong come? Is she……..?

Xiaoqian asked

"She is pregnant. She goes to see her mother first.

I was busy coming to see you, and I happened to run into Li Zhenhe, who was trying to find out whether your housing payment was made with embezzled public funds."

Xiaoqian asked happily;"How many months is she pregnant?"

"Only three months!"

"This is great!

Your dad and I are finally going to be grandparents!"

"Yes 1

Your mother is right, we are going to be grandparents!"He Yu said

"If you don't come, your mother and I will really be taken away by the police!

By then, I wonder how angry I will be?"


It was really scary to see the scene at that time!

People say that raising children is a way to prepare for old age, but I think raising children is about rescuing people from times of crisis.

Normally it doesn't matter, only when you are in trouble do you see your true feelings.

The two of us raised you up, and you have not forgotten us. Your mother and I are very happy and relieved."He Yu said

"Your dad said it well!

The two of us did not raise you in vain. At the critical moment, it was you who saved both of us.

We have been thinking about you and missing you.

But you never came back.

I was going to find you two.

But your father and I both got sick one after another, and we only considered whether our illnesses were cancer.

Fortunately it was not cancer, it was just a suspicion during the examination.

Later, your father bought herbal medicine and we both took it and the disease was cured!"Xiaoqian said.

It's true; when you are an official, don't get carried away. If you want to punish someone, you will be punished by others.

It is not to add insult to injury, but to take the opportunity to vent your anger.

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