Li Zhenhe heard what He Yu said. Asking him to report to everyone in accordance with the three principles mentioned by He Yu, he thought; 'I absolutely cannot agree,' or I will go to jail, and when I get out, I will just be guilty of falsely accusing others.

This He Yu is more sinister and sinister than himself!’

"what's on your mind?

Are you unwilling to do what Teacher He asked?

Then let Lin Lin go to the procuratorate tomorrow.

But don’t regret it when the time comes?"Teacher Xiao Chen asked

‘Say it quickly!

You can't hide even if you want to. You have to jump into the hole you dug yourself. ' said a teacher

"never mind!

If he doesn't want to say anything, don't embarrass him and let him go to jail.

Don't waste everyone's time."Xiao Chen said.

Lin Lin asked,"My father asked you to just talk, but you are hesitant, so, I'm sorry!

I will go to the procuratorate tomorrow morning to sue you if you are sentenced.

Don't blame me.

Your public office is removed.

By then, you might as well be a farmer.

Farmers still have fields. You still have a wife and children, but you have nothing."

Lin Lin's reminder made Li Zhenhe wake up from a dream.

‘After self-imposed sentence, public office does not exist. You can't get paid. My hometown doesn’t have its own land to farm. what to eat?

According to He Yu's request, it's just words. My official position is still there, and maybe I can continue to be my principal. ’

He said: ‘Just say it!

But if I want to kill people with a knife, how can I, a dignified principal, kill people?

This is your misunderstanding!"

He Yu thought; 'It would be great if he can admit it as I asked.

As for whether he took a knife to kill someone, it's okay if he doesn't admit it.

Besides, Lin Lin's going to the procuratorate to sue him is just to scare him. Just based on the materials written by the accountant, it is impossible to say that he was framed.

Moreover, the criticism meeting was not held, and the police did not take Xiaoqian away.'

He said to Li Zhenhe;"Okay!

It is really difficult for you to say that you kill people with a knife, and it is difficult for you to speak.

Then you should follow what I said, and you must keep it true to the truth. You cannot be secretive, avoid the important, or be vague.

After talking about it, let me and everyone be satisfied and pass it."

Under He Yu's pressure, in order to prevent Lin Lin from going to the procuratorate to file a complaint, Li Zhenhe started to speak aggrievedly in accordance with He Yu's request.

But when it came to the conditions for his evaluation of higher vocational colleges, he was not qualified at all, and he had neither won any awards. Thesis. Moreover, the biology he taught was only one or two from the bottom in the college entrance examination. When the students were in the college entrance examination, it was very difficult for him to speak, hesitant, and he could not speak clearly for a long time.

The teachers saw his embarrassed look and laughed!

After Li Zhenhe finished speaking, he said:"I feel so wronged not to go to the procuratorate to sue me anymore!

To be honest, in my whole life, you, He Yu, are the only one who forced me to do this in such a lowly manner."

He Yu said;"You can't say that I forced you. You should correct it. It's the result of your own doing.

If we were as vicious as you. The small intestine is narrow.

No matter how nice I say to everyone, you will never let it go easily.

Tonight, you said that my son would no longer pursue your crimes.

Is this considered magnanimous and kind-hearted?

You show your attitude to everyone, right?"

Li Zhenhe thought; 'I have been forced to the point of desperation by you. It is already aggrieved to bear the pain and say it out.

You still want me to express my position and say that I have a vicious heart and a narrow intestine.

But you are magnanimous and kind-hearted.

You So cruel!'

But under He Yu's strong coercion, there was really no way.

He thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say a word, so he had to say:"What you said is absolutely right. I I can only accept defeat.

I have to study hard like you in the future,

I am far behind you." The reason why Li Zhenhe said this was both a pun and a hidden murderous intention.


I didn't expect this result.

I really feel that he is a coward.

People are under the roof. Come on, how dare you not bow your head?

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