Lin Lin heard Xiaoqian say that he was going to find you two.

But your father and I both got sick one after another, and we only considered whether our illnesses were cancer.

Fortunately it was not cancer, it was just a suspicion during the examination.

Later, your father bought herbal medicine and we both took it and the disease was cured!"Xiaoqian said

"I'm sorry, you two, we were only concerned about the coal mine and didn't come to see you two.

Hearing what you said, I feel very ashamed and sad!

Xiaoqiong and I will take good care of you from now on. Lin Lin said feeling sad.

"You can quietly pay us 30,000 yuan for housing, we just want to say thank you!"

‘Mom, you can't say such things!

If you want to thank me, it should be me.

I was originally an orphan. You two have worked hard to raise me since

I was a child. I will never forget you two in my life.

This is my duty,"

"how do you say?

Say it again!

Who told you that you were an orphan?"Xiaoqian asked anxiously


I'm already so old!

How could you hide it from me?

Grandpa has already told me that I was abandoned by my adoptive mother when I was just born, but she committed suicide by jumping into a river.

It was my father who adopted me and had to find a wet nurse to nurse me.

Later, it was my father’s ex-wife Yang Yuanyuan who raised me until I was five years old.

Mother Yang treated me like her own child. One day, she bought me a windmill to play with.

When I walked to the river in my father's hometown, my windmill was blown away by the wind.

I went to chase him away, but suddenly a carriage almost ran me over.

She ran over in a few strides and pushed me away.

I am saved. She was driven into the river by a carriage and died.

Dad also told me that Yang Yuanyuan was my mother.

After Yang Yuanyuan was buried, my father coaxed me and told me that she slept in the mound and didn't want to get up because she was overworked.

I didn't believe it, so I walked along the mountain where Yang Yuanyuan was buried.

At that time, I was already five years old!

When I arrived at her grave, I wanted to dig up the soil where she was buried to see if she was really sleeping or pretending to be sleeping.

Later, my father brought me from Yiliang to Fuyuan and gave me to you to raise.

But you don't dislike me and are very kind to me. And it's even better than treating Yanyan and Bobo.

What touched me most was that Xiaoqiong’s mother and I went to sell coal and were deceived by a liar.

Because you borrowed money to compensate Xiaoqiong's mother, you were almost impoverished, but you didn't complain at all.

From then on, I made up my mind to make money to make up for your great kindness to me, so in my mind, you two are my biological parents.

I will never forget it in my life"

"It turns out that grandpa has already told you about your life.

I've been thinking about it all these years.

Have you already learned about your lifetime?

What if your biological mother is still alive in the world and she comes to claim you but you are not by my side and call us?"


Don't think too much. Don't say that she has jumped into the river and committed suicide. Even if she is still alive to claim me, how can I go with her?

She abandoned me right after she gave birth to me. She was so cruel!

There is such a mother in the world, even animals would not do this, let alone I am still a human being.

Only Yang Yuanyuan and you are my only mothers in this world.

Yang Yuanyuan raised me until I was five years old, but you raised me from five years old to now. I will always keep it in mind.

It's a pity that Yang Yuanyuan is no longer in this world. Otherwise, I will take her to live with you till the end of her life.

It is said that Yiliang could not visit the grave until October of the old calendar. At that time, I will take Xiaoqiong to Yiliang to build the largest monument for her and write a proper inscription on it.

Only in this way can my wish be fulfilled."

"When your father and I went to Yiliang to bury your grandfather, a monument was already erected for Yuanyuan.

You can't go and erect a new monument for her."Xiaoqian said

"Then I have to thank my parents!"

"You're welcome!

Don't say stupid things.

If Yang Yuanyuan was still alive, I would not marry your father. How could I raise you to this day!"Xiaoqian said

"I mean just in case, because she died trying to save me. She gave me the first life, and you gave me the second life.

So I miss her all the time, always thinking that she is still alive in my heart"

"I am very touched that you can keep Yang Yuanyuan in your heart.

It shows that you are not an ungrateful person.

Although you are not the biological child of your current father, no matter your character or conduct. They are all very similar in their behavior."Xiaoqian said, it's true;

I unintentionally revealed that

I am as close to my two adoptive mothers as I am to my two adoptive mothers.

It is rare to have such deep affection, as close as my own.

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