Li Zhenhe told Lin Lin;

"Stop talking!

Because I was confused for a moment and did something sorry for your mother,

I ask for your forgiveness.

Don't go to the prosecutor's office!

Your parents and I will continue to work together from now on.

I will treat them well."Li Zhenhe said with a sigh.


Tell your son not to listen to his nonsense, but to go to the procuratorate to sue him and not sue him.

The teachers in No. 5 Middle School have no peace.

Today he makes excuses to frame you, maybe tomorrow he will find some excuse to frame someone?

Letting him continue to be the principal made us panic and frightened."A young teacher said.

Several teachers were saying:


Don't listen to him!

He is a two-faced person. He talks about people in front of others and lies behind their backs."


I have rarely seen this kind of principal. He has not been promoted to a higher vocational school. I don’t want to think about whether he is qualified or not.

He actually made a scene in the dormitory like a lunatic.

Now, for no reason, he falsely accused Teacher Zhao of embezzling public funds without any investigation or follow-up.

If this kind of principal continues to be a principal, let me boldly say that he is a harmful person!"

"Don't talk about it. Whether he is the principal or not is a trivial matter. I'm afraid it's a matter of going to jail.

I have studied law. According to the relevant provisions of the law, the crime of falsely accusing others is usually sentenced to three to five years.

If you have a better attitude, you may only get a sentence of about two years.

If he is sentenced, the position of principal will no longer exist. He became a criminal."A young teacher said very seriously.

Li Zhenhe was even more frightened when he heard what these teachers said.

‘If He Yu's son really goes to the procuratorate to report him, my life will be completely ruined! '

He hurriedly said to Xiaoqian:"Just ask your son to let me go and don't go to the procuratorate to sue me.

I can do anything you want me to do, please!

For the sake of the fact that we have been together for more than two years.""


Don't listen to him.

He feels that his end has come, so he begs you humbly."A teacher said


He is pretending to be pitiful now, but when he was about to criticize you just now, he looked fierce and eager to put you to death.

If you let him go, he will bite you back when the opportunity arises.

Don’t forget the story of Mr. Dongguo and the wolf.

Have a little kindness towards this kind of person"

"never mind!

Since he can beg for mercy, he will forgive others when he can.

He said that as long as Lin Lin did not go to the procuratorate to sue him, he would do anything he was asked to do, and we would be the first; we wanted him to clear himself of the false charges of corruption against Teacher Zhao in person.

Secondly, if I ask him to say it himself, he is not qualified for the evaluation of higher vocational colleges at all, and he has no award-winning papers. Moreover, the biology students taught were only one or two from the bottom in the college entrance examination.

Just don't pretend to be crazy and want to kill me with a knife from now on.

Third, ask him not to be ruthless and cruel to teachers in the future, but to treat them well.

If he can do it, now he will say it exactly as I said in front of everyone.

If he doesn't want to do what I say.

Then, Teacher Zhao and I will accompany Lin Lin to the procuratorate tomorrow morning with the materials written by the accountant."

When Li Zhenhe heard this, he was thinking: '

This He Yu is so disgusting!

He actually wants me to do what he says. Wouldn't it cost my life more?

Not only will my face be completely humiliated!

I will also have to carry it on my back. Because I didn't get promoted to a high-level position, I wanted to kill people. It's even worse than going to jail!

If these three things I said were to spread, not only would I be scolded and laughed at by everyone, but Cao Ruiming wouldn't let me be the principal.

I would be notorious. Yuan Yang has no face to see anyone!

There is no ladder to the sky and no door to the earth!

I became a loner and refused to agree. I would go to jail. After I came out, I would just carry the crime of falsely accusing others.

This He Yu is even more sinister and sinister than me!'

It's true;

I never thought it would end like this.

One poison will bring down another.

As a human being, you still have to find a way out beforehand.

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