Under the guidance of Teacher Xiao Chen, the new accountant was finally willing to write about the situation when she and Zhao Qianqian handed over the operation.

But she didn't know how to put pen to paper.

She asked Xiao Chen:"I still don't know what to write?

Can you tell me. I'll write、"


I say something, you write something."

Teacher Xiao Chen said something, and the accountant wrote something after him.

The teachers were all surprised!

Did Teacher Xiao Chen discuss it with He Yu's son in advance?

So they cooperated so closely?

But He Yu's son has never been in the fifth grade. Appeared in the movie!

After the new accountant wrote it under the guidance of Teacher Xiao Chen,

Teacher Xiao Chen showed it to Lin Lin and said:"Take a look, what do you think?"

"very satisfied!

Thank you!

In this way, I will take it to the procuratorate tomorrow morning to accuse Li Zhenhe of falsely accusing my mother.

Otherwise, he was too arrogant and the situation was not investigated clearly. Not only did he frame my mother for corruption, but he also had the audacity to ask the police to arrest my mother."

The teachers were all surprised!

Did Teacher Xiao Chen discuss it with He Yu's son in advance?

So they cooperated so closely?

But He Yu's son has not shown up in the fifth middle school for a long time!

Li Zhenhe Listen, he was stunned, he knew;"He Yu's son's move was too vicious and impossible to guard against.

Not only was all his actions ruined by him, but he actually took the note written by the accountant and went to the inspector to file a complaint. Me.

I will be charged with falsely accusing others, and I will be punished at the least and sentenced at the worst.' The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. He really wanted to kneel down and plead with He Yu's son.

But considering that he was the principal, No matter what, he couldn't do this in public.

He hurriedly said to Lin Lin:"I'm sorry!

I came to hold a criticism meeting without investigating clearly, which made your mother feel wronged!

Can you not sue me?"

"Do you think saying sorry and being wronged will help you escape the crime of framed others? impossible!

I, Lin Lin, am not that stupid!

You are too arrogant!

I didn't investigate clearly. I just heard from the accountant that my mother's account of 10,000 yuan was not checked clearly.

Just convict my mother of corruption.

And you called the police here to arrest my mother?

Since I can earn money to pay the short payment for my parents,

I asked the accountant to write down the true situation of the short payment and submit it to the procuratorate tomorrow.

What does this mean?

Do you want me to tell you?

Or ask these two policemen to tell you."

Everyone took a look and saw that the police had disappeared without a trace!

Lin Lin continued,"Look, the police you called felt that you were too stupid and slipped away quietly.

It makes people feel ridiculous!

It's time for the principal to clear his mind!

Don't be stubborn and do stupid things!

I'm not trying to scare you. Just wait for the procuratorate to interrogate you.

As for the procuratorate, how to interrogate you is their business.

You should be mentally prepared in advance."

Li Zhenhe only felt the seriousness of the problem at this moment.

‘At first, he just wanted to take revenge on He Yu.

But he never expected that He Yu's son would suddenly appear and cause the current ending.

Are you going to go to the procuratorate to report me?

If he really takes the certificate written by the accountant, hand it over to the procuratorate.

Then I'm totally finished! '

I was so angry that I almost fell to the ground.

Only now did he understand; 'He is indeed a little ridiculous.

Thinking that he is the principal and has a backing’

"Mr. Principal!

Why don't you say anything?

So many teachers are still waiting for you to express your position.

Should you announce the adjournment of the meeting, or continue to hold a critical meeting against my mother? Lin Lin said with a smile

"Stop talking!

Because I was confused for a moment and did something sorry for your mother,

I ask for your forgiveness.

Don't go to the prosecutor's office!

Your parents and I will continue to work together from now on.

I will treat them well."Li Zhenhe said with a sigh.

It's true; he usually shows off his power, but today he is like a drowned rat.

He actually wants to kneel down and beg for mercy.

It really makes people burst into laughter.

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