After Kong Lin flew away.

He Yu also went out.

Xiaoqian's distressed mood finally relaxed a lot.

She was thinking: 'Since it was a government office calling the Bureau of Culture and Education, it must have been Director Zhang.

He Yu is Director Zhang’s savior again. Director Zhang must have thought of a way to prevent He Yu and me from going to Shibalian Mountain!

If so, I won't have to worry or worry.

She went to unpack the bundled luggage one by one.

Honghong asked: Mom!

Why did you open your luggage?

Does it mean we won’t go to Shibalianshan?"

"You don’t have to ask, of course I won’t go!

Just study hard at Dongmen Primary School!"Lin Lin said

"How do you know that we are not going to Shibalianshan anymore?"Honghong asked

"Of course I know!

You have to use your brain and think about it.

Not only are we not going to Shibalianshan, maybe dad has another good job? Lin Lin said with a raised mouth.


No need to talk nonsense!

It would be Amitabha if we could avoid going to Shibalian Mountain!

Why does your father still have such a good job?"Xiaoqian said


Are you confused?

You didn't listen to what Uncle Kong said. It was Director Zhang from the government office who called to inform Dad, saying that there was something important and he asked Dad to find him as soon as possible.

I think going to Shibalianshan is not important to Director Zhang, it is just a piece of cake.

I am Zhuge Liang, and I know how to calculate and calculate.

There must be something more important than this for me to go to my father for!

Don't you believe it?

I bet you! Lin Lin said proudly

"Believe it or not!

You are the brother!

The brain is smarter than mine!

How dare I bet you?"Honghong said

"Stop talking, both of you!

Lin Lin might be right!

If that happens, we will have a chance to succeed! Xiaoqian said.

Yanyan clapped her hands and said,"We are not going to Shibalian Mountain." I am very happy!

I can ask my sister to take me to the school gate every day to buy candied haws!"

"You money-grubber!

Just thinking about eating!

Don’t think about other things!"Honghong said.

Yanyan cried angrily when she heard that Honghong said she was greedy for money.

"Don't cry! My sister is just teasing you.

As long as you have fun at home, you don't need your sister to carry you on her back every day. It would be great if I could study every day!

When I come back from school, I will take you to buy candied haws for you to eat, okay? Honghong said.

Yanyan clapped her hands and said happily:"You are really my good sister!"

I will definitely listen to you!

You must come back from school every day and take me to buy candied haws to eat!"

Xiaoqian watched several children laughing while unpacking her luggage!

She felt that his energy was much better!

She said to Lin Lin and Honghong:"Come and help mom carry the luggage.

Learn to take care of your own clothes!"

"Mother! I don't understand, what should I do?"Yan Yan asked

"You are young! Don't worry about yours!

Your sister will help you!

All you have to do is entertain your brother!"

"Let my sister teach me how to reason! elder sister!

OK?"Yanyan took Honghong's hand and said

"good! good!

You should learn to do something from an early age, don’t just play and think about buying candied haws to eat every day!

Be like your sister and know how to do everything since childhood!

Haven't you heard what sister Li Tiemei sang in"The Red Lantern":"The children of the poor have become rich early"?

My sister must be like sister Li Tiemei, not afraid of any difficulties she encounters!

Stand tall and be strong-willed!

From now on, you should learn from your sister!

You should also learn to wash your hair by yourself, instead of having your sister wash it for you every time!"Honghong said

"Your sister is right!

You are no longer young, you will be five years old soon!

I really need to learn how my sister does things!

To learn to do your own thing, try to learn to do it yourself!

Don’t just be playful and gluttonous all day long!"Xiaoqian touched Yanyan's head and said.

It's true: the savior finally appeared, no longer sad and depressed.

I laughed while packing my luggage, and finally had a good spirit.

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