He Yu helped Xiaoqian up and told Lin Lin to take good care of Xiaoqian.

With tears in his eyes, he hurriedly went to find Director Wang of the 626th Hospital to treat Xiaoqian!

After learning about the situation, Dean Wang said:"The director of your Culture and Education Bureau is so hateful! He has no humanity at all!

Teacher Zhao is so weak that you even transferred her to Shibalian Mountain with you!

That doesn't mean Her life?"

Dean Wang said angrily

"He has the power in his hands and can do whatever he wants, but I really can't. We can only leave it to fate!"

When we got home, Dean Wang checked his pulse and looked at a few smart and crying children. With tears in his eyes, he thought: 'God is unfair. Good and capable people like He Yu and Teacher Zhao are either suffering from disasters or disasters.

Suffering from illness! But the bad guys are showing off their power on the stage! Punish whoever you want! He Yu is only in his early thirties, and he has encountered a lot of difficulties! If the leader knows what he is good at and promotes and utilizes him, he must be a good piece of material! Just because The territory of Fuyuan turns out to be the territory of Yelang Kingdom! Short-sightedness and talent is buried!' Honghong asked:"Doctor Wang! Can my mother be cured soon? If it can't be cured soon. The director said that if I exceeded the time limit and did not go to Shibalianshan to teach, my parents would be fired. When the time comes, he will have no job and no wages. How will he be able to support us brothers and sisters?" Dean Wang said:"There is no big problem with your mother, don't worry. Director, he is just scaring your parents, don't think too much!


"He is the leader who cares about my parents, and what he says is very controlling!"

Honghong still didn't believe what Dean Wang said and was still crying!

At this time, Kong Linfei suddenly came to He Yu's house.

She saw that He Yu's luggage was basically packed and put away, and

Xiaoqian was lying on the bed with a child. Everyone was crying.

Dean Wang was checking Xiaoqian's pulse.

Seeing this scene, he was very sad.

Lin Lin knew that he was from the Bureau of Culture and Education, so he said loudly:"What are you doing here?"

Are you here to urge my parents to go to Shibalianshan?

Look, my mother has been forced to fall ill in bed by you!

My father just asked Dr. Wang to treat my mother.

You're like a ghost!

The person named Sun just left, and you came again!

Do you really want to force my mother to death?

If that's the case, I'll fight you to the death! He

Yu quickly said to Lin Lin:"You can't talk like this to Uncle Kong!"

No manners at all!

He is different from the one named Sun!

He is a good uncle!"

"I don’t believe it. Anyway, he and the guy named Sun wear the same pants!

Not a good thing!

After all, he is here to act as a reminder for the person named Sun!"Lin Lin still didn't believe what He Yu said.

Kong Linfei touched Lin Lin's head and said with a smile:"

I'm just here to be the devil!

Come urge your dad to go to the government office soon for something important!"

When He Yu heard this, he thought it was the government office that wanted to see him for something important?

‘Director Zhang must be looking for me, we must be saved! '

He hurriedly said to Lin Lin:"Uncle Kong is here to inform Dad to go to the government office.

Dad's good luck has come!

Why don't you apologize to Uncle Kong quickly!

Say thank you to Uncle Kong!""

"Is Uncle Kong really here to inform you that there are good things waiting for you when you go to the government office? Lin Lin asked suspiciously.

"it is true!

Will uncle still lie to you?

And I want your dad to go quickly! Kong Linfei said

"Then I really want to thank Uncle Kong! sorry! please forgive me!

Even if I didn’t say what I just said to you!

Don't you want to be serious with me?"

"How could I be serious with you?

Just wait for the good news about your father!

Doctor Wang!

Please help Mr. Zhao to see a doctor properly, because I have something urgent to do and I have to leave!


It's true:

God has unpredictable circumstances, and people have misfortunes and blessings.

When misfortunes go, blessings will come, and good things will finally come.

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