After He Yu received Kong Linfei's notice, he couldn't wait and rushed straight to the government compound.

As he walked, he thought:"What important thing does Director Zhang want to see me for?

When we came back from the rear office to say goodbye, he once said that when there is a chance, he will transfer me from the Bureau of Culture and Education to another department.

Is that necessary? Which unit should I be transferred to?

But the personnel transfer arrangement should be the responsibility of the organization department!

Could it be?…….‘

He Yu approached Director Zhang's office, and Director Zhang poured a glass of water and handed it to him.

He Yu asked before he took the water:"I wonder what Director Zhang wants to see me for?"

"That's it!

I heard that Wang Zhonglin has issued a transfer order to transfer you and Teacher Zhao to teach at Shibalianshan.

I'm worried and sad about you two.

Teacher Zhao is in such poor health that if he becomes seriously ill, there is only one health center in Shibalianshan Commune, and the doctor's skills and medical conditions are poor.

To come to the county town for treatment, the distance is nearly two hundred miles.

Moreover, the school conditions there are poor and the teachers are not of high quality.

Wouldn't bringing the four children there mean ruining their future?

Because Wang Zhonglin doesn't have a good relationship with me, it's impossible to ask him to withdraw the transfer order.

I've been worrying about your family all day long!

Fortunately, the leader, Comrade Xu, was recently transferred. Come talk to me in my office.

He asked me, I heard that He Yu from the Bureau of Culture and Education rescued me from the flood when we went to the post office to fight the flood.

He said that you have a spirit of selfless dedication.

He also heard that your articles were well written and published in major national newspapers.

Is it real?

I'll tell you that you have been publishing articles in newspapers and magazines since you were a student.

When he was in Zhongan Primary School, he published two influential articles in the provincial newspaper.

There is an article that refutes national philosophical authorities.

He said happily that he is now looking for a knowledgeable person like you to be his secretary.

I also gave him a detailed introduction to how you worked with me to fight drought in Damo Village and transform the slopes in Dahe Commune.

He stood up excitedly and slapped the table and said,"Why doesn't anyone recommend such a man with both civil and military skills to me?"

Let him check everywhere!

He has decided to make you his secretary now. That's why I called the Bureau of Culture and Education to inform you to report to his office tomorrow.

I told him that the Organization Minister Wang Zhonglin had issued a transfer order to transfer you and your wife to teach in the Shibalianshan Commune.

He lost his temper and said,"It's just playing the piano randomly!"

Wouldn't transferring him to Shibalian Mountain be equivalent to being exiled from the army?

They actually persecuted such talents!

He told me to declare this transfer order invalid.

He asked me to call the organization department and cancel the transfer order.

I was also asked to call Principal Yin of No. 5 Middle School and let Teacher Zhao teach in No. 5 Middle School with peace of mind.

I told the chief that I was only in charge of government office matters.

I have no right to interfere with the personnel department’s transfer of people!

What if Wang Zhonglin decides to transfer you two to Shibalianshan?

Comrade Xu said angrily. Could it be that he couldn't control Wang Zhonglin, the head of the organization?

Wang Zhonglin dared to disobey my order. I will announce that he will be dismissed from his position as organization minister.

Since I got the instructions from the chief. I just asked Xiao Li from the Organization Department to go to No. 5 Middle School and inform Principal Yin directly.

I will call you to tell you this great news!"

"Director Zhang!

You are truly a lifesaver to our family!

I don't know how to thank you?"

"How can you say that I am your savior?

Don't say the opposite!

You are my savior!

If it weren't for you, would I be sitting here today? Director Zhang said

"I didn't say anything against it!

I only saved your life. You save me six lives!

If I were transferred to Shibalianshan, wouldn't the futures of adults and children be ruined?"

"never mind!

Between us! each other!

Don’t say thank you to anyone!

But let me tell you!

As the chief's secretary, you will be the popular person next to the chief!

There are so many things, and the section chief still asks you for something!

Be careful and careful in everything you do and say.

If you serve the chief well!

You have a future!

But I believe you!

With your intelligence and ability, the chief will definitely like you! trust you!

Go for it!

Maybe I’ll come and ask you for help!"Director Zhang said with a smile.

It's true: everyone can predict the happy event, and no one will disobey the leader's order!

From then on, he will be successful, and no one will dare to bully him!

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