Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 643: . The weakness of the elven minister

The elf was also very happy when he heard that the command of Bandak had a general direction of attack.

He bowed respectfully to the commander of the Bandak, and then said: "The life and death of the elf colony are all better placed on the commander of the bandak. I only hope that my people can survive this crisis safely. ."

Bandak nodded, and he continued, "I don't know if the Lord Elven King has prepared a camp for our soldiers to rest, and they have been on a boat trip along the way. If they do not provide some timely rest plans, they may not be able to deal with this evening. Of undead soldiers."

"Of course!" The elven king quickly beckoned and signaled the old elf beside him to lead the sergeants waiting at the gate to the place where they needed to rest.

This is a very important battle. The Elven King does not want to make any more mistakes, but he is not qualified to be the commander of the elven colony, but his people give him hope unconditionally, so no matter what price he pays It also requires the victory of this battle.

The elven king said again: "Master Bandak, I don't know what kind of battle plan Lord Kant negotiated with you?"

He looked so anxious, as if the undead soldiers would come at any time.

Bandak pondered: "This is the plan of the Lord Elven King, Lord Kant and me."

He grabbed the stick next to him and said to the elven king: "One stick is easy to break, but two sticks are not so simple to break!"

"I understand this." The Elven King looked at Commander Bandak suspiciously. He became more and more interested in knowing their battle plan.

Bandak continued: "This is our combat plan!"

He smiled confidently and heartily. He believed his young soldiers, who were the future of the country.

The reason why Dehrim can get strong development is to rely on the guard of these strong soldiers.

But the Elven King obviously didn't understand the meaning of Bandak's words, he asked again: "Bandak commander, I'm not quite able to understand what you said, can you be more specific?"

Bandak said solemnly, "Your Excellency, this is a very simple truth. As long as we are united, we can defeat the undead soldiers. No, even if we come to the 100,000 undead soldiers, as long as we are united, we will be able to fight them. Don't stay in the film!"


This term seems so strange to the soldiers of the elf colony. The soldiers of the elf colony are more particular about their personal abilities. They have been trained as an attacking magic soldier since childhood, or a medical soldier who is good at medicine, or good at it. The logistics of auxiliary skills, but unity, is a rare word he rarely hears.

"Yes, Lord Elf, please give me enough confidence, my sergeants, they are all united soldiers, as long as they have these united soldiers, it must be invincible and invincible!"

Bandak said that he was so serious, so serious, and there was no slight weakness or carelessness in it.

"But..." The king of the elf colony paused. He worriedly looked at Bandak and said: "The soldiers led by Pem Commander are also very united, but the final result is not very optimistic. Banda Commander, I still can't agree with you. Unity and personal ability are more important in the elf colony. As long as he has personal ability, even if he is a person who has left the team, he can stand on a high position. They are very proud and do not listen to other people’s opinions, but it is because of these elves with excellent personal abilities that they can resist the dead soldiers again and again."

The elven king even had a sense of pride in his elven courtier.

Bandak asked rhetorically: "But Lord Elven, you haven't really defeated the undead soldiers, have you? Didn't you turn to Dekhrim in the end?"

Bendak’s rhetorical question forced the Elven King into a speechless situation. He admitted that he could not refute the Bandak rule, but he still had difficulty accepting such remarks. After all, the elven colony was indeed a place where power was respected, no Strength, even a simple nobleman is impossible.

"If you still don't believe it, then use the victory tonight to make a big bet with you?"

Bandak laughed, he also wanted to ease the current atmosphere.

They are not opponents, but allies. The argument just now clearly had Mars, and Bandak stopped such dialogue in time.

Bandak said again: "Your Excellency, you need your elves to help us tonight."

The Elven King resolutely replied: "That is nature, our elves must be the strongest backing."

"But," Bandak paused, then said, "Your troops must obey my orders, and no one can leave the team!"

Bandak also told the elven king his request very seriously.

The Elven King nodded, and he said, "No problem. I want to see what the unity of Commander Bandak said. All my soldiers can be temporarily commanded by the Commander of Bandak."

On Madfurin Square, the Elven King summoned all his ministers, as well as soldiers with more than three Samsung elves.

The soldiers were mostly gray-faced, looking lazy and laid-back, not at all looking like soldiers.

Bandak remembered it silently~www.novelmtl.com~ He suddenly understood that one of the important reasons for the failure of the Pem commander, these elf soldiers who were about to go to the battlefield, obviously did not regard the brutal battle as one In the meantime, they are lazy and perfunctory. Although their homes are almost destroyed, they still don't care. The ministers also seem to have gaps between each other. Their eyes looking at each other contain huge resentment.

All these things Bandak looked into his eyes.

The ministers under the elf dynasty said aloud: "Ministers, today our elf colony ushered in an excellent leader. Under his leadership, everyone will be able to win in this war."

All the elves in the square seemed very calm. There were even some elves. When the king spoke, he was still absent-minded and did not know what was in his head thinking wildly.

"So everyone should unconditionally obey what the commander of Bandak said, understand?"

Lord Elven King does not have great majesty, and all of them are reluctant elves. Most of them have a small part of the real power. On the contrary, the real power of the Elven King is greatly weakened.

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