Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 644: . Inspiring Speech

Seeing that the Elven King didn't seem to have any more words to speak, Bandak stood up and he said aloud to the elves below the square.

He said: "Warriors, your home is now being destroyed. Those terrible undead soldiers have hurt your family and injured the people of this territory. Don't you care at all?"

Commander Bandak said something with a strong catalyst, but it did not seem to be enough to awaken the conscience of these elf soldiers. Bandak suddenly sounded. Lord Kant once said that a large number of immigrants from the elf colony had smuggled to Dekhrem From the territory, yes, they are not spies, but the cronies of these elf colonial ministers. No wonder these ministers don’t care, because the elf colony has no longer existed their relatives, and they refused to use them one by one. The real power is because they want to live, not throw into the war with the obsession of seeing them as if they were dead.

This is also the real reason why the elven colony has been defeated and defeated by the weak and undead soldiers.

Bandak had a headache now, but he couldn’t show it. When he came to Peim, he also found out the reason for the elves’ colony’s disunity. But Peim didn’t have too much energy to do this. The reason why those elves can't cover well. Those elf soldiers, even their own companions, don't want to protect. Let's talk about how to protect Sergeant Dekhrem with his companions.

Bandak was extremely disappointed. What he needed was a united team, but a team of loose sand. Even if his sergeant was so united, if the elf soldiers in the rear unit were not united, then they would definitely end up. With a retreat from Peim, he would not allow such a thing to happen.

Bandak continued: "Warriors, I know you may have some misunderstandings now, but I hope you can let go of your stereotypes about each other, and your loved ones are still in Dekhrem, if you can't show real strength, Then Drechheim will not be kind to your loved ones, the elven colony is your homeland, and Drechheim is mostly a gangster who bullies the Gentiles."

These words of Bandak are obviously more exciting than the words of the Elven King.

The ministers' indifferent expressions gradually changed, their faces darkened, and they seemed to be thinking deeply.

I have to say that Bandak really understands people more than Pem. Pem only blindly trusts his old teammates, but he doesn't manage those unrelated people.

But the elven soldiers and elven ministers were fighting alongside them. If they were not able to unite them, then this battle must have been defeated, and Bandak understood this truth deeply.

Bandak visited his teammates in the rest camp. These young guys like to snore loudly while sleeping. Bandak doesn’t mean to blame them, maybe it’s the last time they sleep so peacefully Sleep.

He also collapsed on the floor.

As soon as the soldiers next to him saw Bandak, he quickly said, "Master Bandak, why is this place where you sleep? Didn't the Lord Elven King give you a separate room?"

The young soldier looked very angry and full of anger in his eyes. He really couldn't get used to the actions of these elves. Even in his view, the elf colony had been reduced to such a point that they were all the result of their own blame and could not complain. Others.

Bandak still went down, he said to the young soldier: "The elf king really has to give me a barrack to rest alone, but I think the floor is more suitable for me. I fight outside all the year round and always like to fight with the soldiers. It’s my freedom to sleep on the floor together, and you don’t need to be too surprised.”

Bandak spoke loudly and snored loudly. Even though he was a full-bodied person, he could not resist the erosion of years.

The young soldier was obviously moved by the softness of Bandak’s words.

Some tears suddenly appeared in his eyes. This was something that a soldier shouldn't appear. He wiped it off secretly, and then fell asleep next to the commander of Bandak.

It was still Madfurin Square. Bandak and the 1,500 sergeants were ready to go. Those sergeants got a great reply during the day of rest. They looked radiant and full of youth. The vitality of people, the most important thing is, these people have a calm smile on the corners of their mouths.

This is rarely the case, but for Bandak, attacking is his best. He is not a man who loves soldiers very much. At least compared with Peim, he will never reach Pem. Love the height of soldiers.

He was just using his means to reasonably mobilize the atmosphere of the soldiers. Normally, as long as he stood tall, and then approached the soldiers while fighting, he would achieve unexpected results.

So these soldiers looked as if they were dead.

In contrast, the cavalry led by Pem, they are used to Pem's approachability to them, so in many cases, their solidarity is actually a superficial phenomenon, and in actual combat, it is often vulnerable.

Bandak kept a calm mind at all times, and he analyzed in his head what he should do to mobilize the soldier's momentum~www.novelmtl.com~ What he should do to make the elven minister obey him.

His purpose is only to win victory in the war, in order to save his life, he does not think that Kant's command is a joke, after all, Pem is a lesson, is there a lesson like him?

Bandak didn’t dare to try it easily, so he said again: “Sergeants, don’t let Lord Kant disappoint! You are all the sharpest soldiers of Dekhrim, and don’t forget what Lord Kant said before we left! "

"Lord Kant awaits our triumphant return!"

Bandak's loud voice rang through Madfurin Square, and the elven ministers were frightened by such a loud voice.

Bandak continued to say to the elven ministers: "You are the most reliable defense force, I believe you!"

This speech made those elven ministers suddenly have a hot face. Most ministers heard this saying to him for the first time, which made their inner hearts faintly look forward to, it seems that they did not want to avoid war, But want to try to face the war and go all out, not hide behind.

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