Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 642: .A wise and sensible peer

Above this point, the young soldiers are more willing to join Bandak's camp than Pem's camp.

"Don't relax your training just because of my arrival!"

Bandak carried his hands on his back and shouted at them loudly.

The young guys had a good voice, and they were uplifted when they heard Bandak's orders.

They shouted loud slogans, as if they were not playing virtual dolls, but real enemies.

Bandak continued to shout: "Take the puppets in front of you as undead soldiers to face, don't be afraid of them, they are just a bunch of sand under your hands! They are vulnerable!"

Bandak’s slogan was loud and transparent, and he seemed to have some special attributes, but his purpose was achieved. Such a slogan is deeply rooted in everyone’s mind. Everyone thinks that the undead soldiers are only scattered sand, and they don’t even have real undead soldiers. I have met, only heard the seniors bragging in the camp.

Of course they felt that what the commander of Bandak said was true, and that the undead soldiers were fragile and vulnerable.

Bandak Shen continued again, "But I must tell you that although they are weak, but if you despise them, they will become ten times, one hundred times, or even one thousand times stronger than you. , That is, you are vulnerable!"

Bandak then told them that they cannot underestimate the enemy, and that the enemy is the biggest enemy.

Pem's knights did not make such a mistake, they are too proud, although they seem very humble, but the inner tail is higher than anyone else.

"They are weak only temporarily. Be vigilant at all times. You must not be afraid, because as long as you are afraid, they will become ten thousand times stronger, and then you will not even see the flame of victory!"

Bandak warned them that they were the second worst enemy. "Even if you are caught in the most dangerous situation, you can't be afraid. Believe that we can defeat the weak scum!"

The power of these few words is obviously very shocking. The enthusiasm of all the young infantry has been highly mobilized. They are no longer afraid or worried, because their commander Bandak has told them that the opponent is very weak! Yes, the opponent is very weak! But they cannot underestimate their enemies, they must not be afraid, they must believe in themselves, just as the leader of Bandak believes in them!

Soon it was the day of sending troops.

At the gate of the city, Kant commanded to send away the two thousand infantry led by Bandak. They were composed of another 1,500 Swadia Sergeants and five hundred Sergeants Rodoc.

This group of seemingly young soldiers had a firm smile on their faces. In this city, there were people they wanted to protect, so they set off with glory.

Their smile made Kant see the dawn of victory.

Kant personally presented a glass of wine, and he handed it to Bandak.

Bandak took the wine glass in his hands without fear, and drank it. This time, Kant really wanted to respect Bandak to command a glass because the soldiers he brought out looked so tenacious. To be able to return peacefully will surely be Dehrim's hardest backing.

Dejerim’s sharpest unit is no longer the only Virginia Knight.

Because this excellent infantry regiment led by Bandak can also be the strongest backing of Dekhrem.

Leader Bandak led the infantry out.

The elven colony is far away. They did not use horses. Even Bandak refused to use horses. He walked with his soldiers on his feet.

After two days and one night, this rushed to the elf colony.

However, at this time Bandak felt desolate in his heart, and the spirit colony had already become charred.

Those skinny elves can be seen everywhere, their eyes sockets are deep, and the clothes behind them are all dirty, what about their houses?

All houses were destroyed by undead soldiers, and some houses still have sporadic sparks on the beams of the houses. These unbearable status quo are all showing the evil deeds of undead soldiers.

Bandak didn't immediately reveal their identities. The 2,000 infantry he led walked on this ruined land.

The elves are very repulsive and come in contact with alien species, but it seems that now they do not have so much energy to drive them out of Bandak.

The young infantrymen couldn't even see it anymore. He was about to distribute water and food to the old elves next to him, but was quickly stopped by Bandak's harsh eyes.

This is a matter for their country. They have no power to intervene. At least Lord Kant does not give Bandak such power.

A five-star old elf has seen Bandak outside the palace.

He ran forward immediately, and he said, "Welcome to the command of Bandak, Lord Elven King has been waiting for a long time. If you come one step late, maybe the creatures should be charcoaled."

Bandak didn't give him much face, but led the two infantry captains behind him past the elves.

The remaining infantry stands by on the spot.

The old elf apparently didn’t mind the rudeness of Bandak, this was an arrogance that should have been commanded. He even admired this kind of arrogance, so he followed his head behind Bendak and didn’t dare to speak in words. Too.

Bandak participated in the elven king in the palace.

The elven king did not dare to neglect this leader, just as he did not dare to neglect Kant.

He cooked up the good medicine wine and wanted to treat Bandak to lead the boat ride along the way. Bandak was much more polite.

He said to the elven king: "If you have these medicinal liquors~www.novelmtl.com~ It may be more useful to give wounded people outside than me. Although exhausted all the way, fortunately, I have not encountered the remaining undead soldiers, nor the soldiers. All came to the elf colony intact."

Bendak’s tone was tinged, but anyone would think it was a general’s original temper, so the elven king just smiled and said: “Bandak’s commander should understand me too, there are too many wounded in the elf colony By the way, even if all the medical elves are sent, the injured elves cannot be rescued. The best way is that the commander of Bandak can lead us to defeat the undead soldiers. Isn’t this the easiest way?"

Bandak smiled and agreed with him. In such an era of war, being a king is a very difficult thing.

Suddenly, he understood the Elven King's plan to turn the Elven colony into Dehrim.

"Don't know that the commander has already formulated a combat plan?"

The elven king asked.

Bandak nodded, "I have discussed with Lord Kant in depth, and have developed some more insurance plans, but I don't know if the Lord Elf will accept it!"

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