Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 632: .The Elves Who Are Bad

Just follow these bamboos with black spots and look down, Swah believes that the mystery can be found.

Sure enough, after two hours, Siva found a cave behind a bamboo forest that could only hold a Swadia sergeant. There were scattered black materials scattered outside the cave, which looked a bit scary.

Spank's deputy suggested: "Otherwise let the jackal soldier go first?"

Swah understood the Bank's conspiracy at first glance. If they let their people in first, then if they found any secrets, they must not want them to reveal a word, or even bring them close to the cave.

Or, they will sell the news inside and sell it to Lord Kant of Drechheim at a high price.

These are things that Swah can foresee.

So he took the opportunity to refuse Spank's request.

He said: "Everyone lost some troops last night, and the Lord can see that the undead soldiers are not vegetarian. Only our two armies can work together to avoid being attacked by undead soldiers in this dark cave."

What Swah said was right in the midst of Spunk's deputy.

Spanker's deputy certainly knew the difficulty of the undead soldiers. If this was not the help of Swadia Sergeants, they might be attacked by the undead soldiers throughout the city.

The consequences are simply unimaginable.

With this in mind, Spank's deputy readily accepted Captain Swah's proposal.

Although the two teams looked very harmonious, when they reached the cave, the two troops seemed to deliberately spread out.

They each seek their own secrets.

After Captain Swah went a mile in the cave, he finally found some secrets.

Those undead soldiers were summoned from some unknown material beneath the ground.

As long as these unknown substances are destroyed, these undead soldiers will not produce.

Captain Swah took some samples from unknown substances with a monster spade, which was about ten grams.

Spank's deputy also arrived later. After seeing the unknown substance, Spank's deputy asked: "Is the substance calling the undead soldiers?"

"I think this should be the case." Captain Swah whispered, as if fearing that the voice would be too loud would wake the undead soldiers again.

"I think we should eliminate these unknown substances now!"

"Okay!" Captain Swah replied.

The jackal soldier dripped the melting substance on the unknown substance with just a moment of effort. The huge unknown substance seemed to evaporate in the air.

"I think, in this way, your jackal city-state should not be attacked by undead soldiers in a short time!" Captain Swah said to him with a smile.

"Then my task will be completed, and I will report to the werewolf king, and then retreat to the main city of Dehrim."

"Then trouble you." The Spank deputy was polite among the barbarians.

Kant soon received the unknown material brought back by Captain Swah. To be honest, he was full of curiosity about this material.

But what he wanted to do more was to find a way to completely defeat undead soldiers from this little unknown substance.

In this battle against the undead soldiers, as long as anyone masters the way to defeat the undead soldiers in one fell swoop, then this person will also get the best opportunity in this battle. Kant hopes that he is the one who has obtained the opportunity. People.

As long as this opportunity is obtained, his desire to create an empire will also be realized in the near future.

He had a knee-long talk with Kaikuya, the chief of the management mage.

Kaikua has not yet discovered the secret of this unknown substance, but he can accurately tell Kant: "As long as the magic mirror is found, then the study of this unknown substance will have a huge breakthrough!"

"Exploring the magic mirror?" Kant asked.

"Exploring the magic mirror requires many raw materials to make. Although simple gray wolf hair, discovered grass, and Xunshan mine are common raw materials, there are some rare materials, such as snow mountain oil, and lava color frame, magic Dragon crystals are difficult to find, so it is not a major task that can be completed overnight."

Kaikua explained to Kant patiently.

While Kaikua and Kant were talking, Bandak also came in a hurry.

Bandak knelt on one knee and respectfully said to Kant: "Dear Lord Lord, the Elven King begs you."

"It's getting more and more interesting!" Kant left the workshop and came to his palace.

The elven king seemed very angry, and once he saw Kant, it was even more difficult to contain his resentment.

"Mr. Kant, I always thought you were a respectable lord, but this time you made such a request, which really makes us very difficult!"

The elven king stood up, his hands more abundant than his language.

"Mr. Elven King, you can refuse our request, but you must know that an excellent Swadia sergeant is a valuable baby. I only want one-tenth of your territory, which is not too much! "

The Elven King was even more angry, he said: "Mr. Kant, as far as I know, you sent troops to the Jackal City State to help them before. The condition you proposed at the time was only 20 tons of crystal mine. How did you get to our side? , The remuneration has increased so much? Are you more willing to ally with the barbarians?"

Kant smiled~www.novelmtl.com~The speed at which the Elven King got the news was really fast.

"Mr. Elven King, the two sides have completely different forms. Can't you see it? Although the Jackal City State was attacked by the undead soldiers, they still have the power to fight back, but your territory is very different. You Now that the battle is over, the main attacking areas of the undead soldiers are also distributed in your field. You know, I sent an excellent Swadia sergeant, but I was in danger of annihilation of the whole army. If you don’t follow us Cooperation, then more than one tenth of the territory is lost. Do you still have to doubt this?"

The Elven King didn't expect Kant to be so convincing, he couldn't say a word, but he was helpless that the other side was saying exactly that. Now he is facing such a dilemma that no one can solve it.

The Elven King sighed and continued: "Mr. Kant, is there really no room left?"

Kant shook his head: "This is already the best condition I can give."

The elven king gritted his teeth slightly and said, "OK! One tenth of the territory, I will give you, but you must send an army of at least a thousand men to support us!"

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