Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 633: .1 rapport negotiation

Kant had already organized his own language before seeing the Elven King, so this was also expected.

He smiled towards the elven king and said, "Thank you elder king, thank you for your understanding. I will definitely send the most outstanding Swadia sergeant in Drechem! They got excellent evolution in equipment a few days ago. , I believe you can resist the attack of the undead soldiers, you have no doubt about this!"

"Oh, no, no, no." The Elven King was obviously not very satisfied with Kant's words. He immediately stood up and announced to Kant with a heavy tone: "Lord Kant, I hope you can send Virginia The Cavaliers are coming. What we lack even more is the forward troops who are charged!"

"Your Elven King!" Kant's expression became very serious: "Do you want my soldiers to take the lead? Then you can sit in the back to take advantage of the fisherman? Isn't it kind of unkind to do so?"

Kant looked ahead, and the Virginia Knight was the most sharp and core power of the Drechem city-state. If more than a thousand Virginia Knights were sent out, this would lead to the attack line of the Drechem city-state It became very weak, which was not a good sign for Drechheim's surrounding terrain.

He knows how to weigh the balance. Although he is anxious to complete the system tasks, it is obviously stupid to sacrifice so many sharp troops to complete the tasks. No one will agree to such a sale!

"Lord Kant, I don't mean this?" The elven king may have seen Kant's face gradually becoming gloomy, and he explained to Kant in a panic: "If you are willing to send these thousand Vaegir knights, we The elf colony can even give up 15% of the territory, you need to know, how many more Virginia Knights can you train for the extra 5% of the territory? I think, such a sale you will Is the biggest winner!"

The Elven King must be very good at negotiating, and it is more prestigious than the elven messenger who came last time.

But what does Kant think?

He didn't feel how beautiful the world was for such conditions, but he began to weigh up what was the purpose of the Elven King?

A small territory is also a part of a country that cannot be separated, but the spirit of the elven king seems to be able to give up as much as he wants at any time!

"Your Elven King, please allow me to think about two hours. You can visit the back garden of our palace. I will have a deeper meeting with my minister!"

Kant beckoned to the left and right to lead the elven king away.

The Elven King stood up and bowed respectfully to Kant: "Dear Lord Kant, although you can have a deep discussion, please try to give me a timely reply within an hour, after all, the Elf Colony is still there Battered by war!"

His respectful and sincere attitude almost made Kant forget that he was the leader of a city-state.

What exactly is his purpose? Kant wanted to know, at least he now knew that it would definitely not be a simple troop to attack the undead soldiers.

Has the elven colony made other transactions with other city-states?

It stands to reason that the lizardmen city-state should be the primary choice for elf colonies.

Kant had a headache like never before, but he still couldn't understand what the elf colony meant.

In the center of the imperial palace is a ten-meter-long conference table, enough to accommodate hundreds of ministers to speak here.

Dreichem is a democratic city-state, and Kant is very willing to absorb the speeches of the wise men, so in addition to the ministers appearing in front of the conference table, many wandering wise men are also absorbed by Kant.

After listening to Kant's story, those people were deeply immersed in thought. What is it that the Elf King would exchange such a huge price for a thousand cavalry?

The leader of Spence nodded to Kant that he wanted to speak.

"Please answer my question, Commander Spank!" Kant smiled at him.

Commander Spank bowed politely and cleared his throat before continuing: "Lord Kant, I think this may be a strategy to tune the tigers away from the elven colony. They want to transfer the elite troops from the city of Drechem. Maybe they United other city-states want to attack Dreichem!"

Kant nodded to Spencer. What Spencer said was not unreasonable. He once again thought of this idea before, but he was rejected by him!

"Master Spencer, there is indeed such a possibility!"

Kant first appreciated Spunk’s thoughts, but he continued: “But the elf colony has long been overwhelmed. I don’t think he has any reason to want to unite with other city-states to capture us. They also want ours. Thousands of heavy cavalry can continue their lives. If this is the case, we can withdraw the heavy cavalry. In this way, the elven colony will be destroyed by undead soldiers within three days. Do you think I am right?"

Kant said patiently that Commander nodded. He drank the wine in front of him and then said to Kant: "The leader is right, I think it is too simple!"

Another white-hued city-state old man said: "Lord Kant, I think the elf colony may want to merge with our Dreichem. For the country's territory, it is not so important for them. I believe that if After winning the battle, the Elven King will surely look for you to merge with the Elf Colony~www.novelmtl.com~ You know, after all, the Elf Colony is a colony after all, he has not been liberated, so the merger with Dreichem is the most An effective method, as for the Elven King, I am afraid that I just want a certain official and half duty!"

The old man's words caused Kant to think. He did not think about such a possibility, but in a sense, this possibility also exists.

So whether to send troops or not? Kant wavered, he signaled everyone to vote.

A total of 132 people came to the meeting, and 83 people agreed to send troops to the elven colony, occupying the majority.

Kant believes in the choices made by the ministers, and this is exactly the choice he made.

Although the Thousand-Virginian Cavalry is huge, it does not make Drechem fall into a passive situation in an instant. Even if there is any conflict in the future, Drechem is enough to support the return of this powerful cavalry.

Kant has made his own decision. He meets with the elven king in the back garden.

The elf king is observing the goldfish in the fish pond, which is not an ordinary goldfish.

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