Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 631: .Dekhrim's support

The werewolf king opened Kant's letter to him.

Kant's letter is very concise. His condition is that the jackal city-state must deliver 20 tons of crystal mines, and 20 tons of crystal mines. Kant must solve the harassment of the undead in the north.

Twenty tons of crystal mine, which is the amount that the jackal city-state can only reach in two years.

At this time, the Jackal King was so irritable that he was obviously not cold about the conditions like Kant, or even angry.

At this critical moment, they even wanted to catch some oil and water on them.

The deputy Spank suddenly entered the palace. He knelt on his knees and said respectfully to the werewolf king: "Dear werewolf king, the west gate of the city state was attacked by undead soldiers last night. At present I have sent craftsmen to repair, but If the undead continue to come to harass in these days, I don’t think it will take a few days, and Simon will not attack himself, Wang, how should we implement it?"

The Werewolf King is already a headache, but Spunk’s notice has made his troubles even more. The arrival of the undead soldiers is much faster than he expected. What should I do?

He looked back at the letter again. This was Kant’s letter. His proverbs came true. What is the character of the Lord Lord of Dehreim, why can he see at a glance that their city-state is in jeopardy?

The werewolf king was silent for a moment before he said to Spunk below: "You go to Dehreim, and lead a hundred warriors, transport 20 tons of crystal mines, and set off immediately, without delay!"

The Spank deputy was very obedient. He even retreated silently without any doubt.

Two days later, outside the city gate under Dehrim's main city, a group of ores transported by a hundred jackals were docked.

The deputy Spank shouted to the soldiers on the city gate: "All the twenty tons of ore that your lord needs have been shipped. Our jackals are a group of people who believe in credit. I hope you can also honor the credit and take your troops tomorrow. Jackal city-state, if you lose your faith, our king is bound to lead us to capture Dekhrim!"

The threat of the deputy was very calm. At the city gate was Bestur, the light cavalry leader nodded slightly, and then shouted: "We know that Dehrim is also a country that believes in credit. Please go back and report. Your king, we will surely abide by our agreement and will lead the soldiers to help you solve your troubles from tomorrow."

Bestur was not qualified to agree to their words, but Kant had given him such rights last night, so he would answer that way.

"I hope you can really obey!" After the deputy said this, he led the hundred jackals back.

Kangda is in the weapons manufacturing camp.

He looked at the crystal deposit of 20 tons in the large warehouse, and was already relaxed and happy. Unexpectedly, the lord of the Jackal would have so generously agreed to his request.

The craftsmen of Degrym are all elite craftsmen. They are a group of young craftsmen composed of a small number of Masters of Enfas.

As long as all the 20 tons of crystal mines are planted on Swadia's shield, then the shield's defense ability can reach a terrifying value.

This value is enough for him to deal with the undead.

Early the next morning, Kant ordered Captain Swa to lead Swadia Sergeant to the Jackal City. After all, he did not want to become a hostile camp with the Jackal City, so he said he should keep his promise.

Soon, Captain Swah led Swadia Sergeant to the Jackal City.

Although the jackal city-state is superior in terrain and rich in ore all the year round, the people are not rich. This is quite different from De Krem, which is commanded by Kant.

The deputy Spank was responsible for receiving Captain Swah.

They talked about the tactics for a moment together, and soon set up the formation.

The Spartan sergeants of this thousand are all elite sergeants. Each of them has a strength of one enemy, but the people they deal with are not ordinary soldiers, but magic resistance and defensive capabilities. The undead soldiers, this will inevitably attract the attention of Captain Swah.

In the evening, the undead soldiers moved forward from the north, and at a distance of one mile from Simon, Sva led Swadia Sergeant to take the initiative to attack.

For the undead soldiers, the night vision is the best for them, but it is the worst for Swadia Sergeant, so if the sky is slightly brighter, you should take the initiative to attack.

These undead soldiers obviously did not expect that Swadia Sergeant would unite with the Jackal City.

Since Kant has just strengthened the power of the shield, the undead soldiers are clearly not their opponents.

The undead soldiers are not good at attacking, so the shield completely blocked their offensive, and a thousand Swadia sergeants were placed in a 3-4-5 formation, just like a huge iron triangle.

The Jackal soldiers are mainly in the center of the Iron Triangle. Whenever there is a chance, they will jump out of it and harvest the lives of the undead.

Most of the undead are unintelligent dead creatures, so they will not control those dead companions, but attack one after another with one brain.

Undeads can appear continuously, but they must leave as soon as daybreak, as long as they survive the daybreak, and destroy the undead and their stronghold dens here~www.novelmtl.com~ then they will not be in a short time Here comes the trouble of the jackal city-state, which is also the ultimate goal of Captain Swah's trip.

The one-night battle finally achieved initial results, and the undead soldiers failed to break into the army, but the corresponding Sergeian Sergeant also paid some price. The one-night war led to the loss of hundreds of Svadia Sergeants and the Jackal soldiers. Two hundred and forty-eight people.

But these costs are obviously worth it. The war is impossible without casualties. For Swadia, this battle is a great victory. They know the weaknesses of the undead soldiers. Bring back Dehrim, even if there are tens of millions of undead soldiers, Dehrim has nothing to fear.

Swah led the remaining 869 sergeant Swadia to the north, because the undead soldiers came from the hills to the north last night. It may be in the hills to the north, as long as you explore it carefully, even if you can't find the nest of the dead soldiers, it will be a great fortune.

A large piece of Koban bamboo grows on the hills. These bamboos have some spots on them, red and white, and some have black spots after mutation. The black spots are poisonous bamboo, and there are remnants of dead soldiers. poison gas.

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