Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 38: 3 folds

(This is the second update, the word of the car code today, the person is out of town, the update tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be a bit sorry brothers)

Lin Fu pinned the calabash scoop behind him, looked at Tao Chun, who was kneeling on the ground and howling loudly, and said, "You are saying something to kill your heart. I, Lin Fu, are loyal to the court, and Governor Yue is the Jianghuai spine, if I have the ability, how can I sit and watch Yuedu get trapped in Xuzhou without troops to rescue?" He shouted to the left and right, "Drag this **** away from my eyes!"

The four guards on the left and right stepped forward, like tigers and wolves, holding Tao Chun and dragging them out.

Tao Chun is also a brave general. It was the first time he broke out of the siege, but there was still a gap to be found. After entering June, Xuzhou was under the surveillance of the refugee army day and night. He broke through hard.

He wailed loudly: "My lord, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Xucheng are waiting for you to send troops, my lord, you can't wait until you die!"

Although he was strong, he held himself up against the guards, and he didn't dare to struggle too hard to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

Lin Fu threw the scoop into the cold water bucket, clapped his hands, and said to Liu Tingzhou angrily, "It's really a joke, God still has the virtue of good life, how can I put the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Xuzhou at the risk of life and death? People? There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the Governor Yue who can't fight back the rogues, so I can't help but bring thousands of people to Xuzhou to die in vain!"

"This, this..." Liu Tingzhou smiled awkwardly.

Liu Tingzhou thought to himself: The last time I hit a nail, Yue Lengqiu sent Tao Chun to break out of the encirclement and come to Huai'an to rescue. If Xuzhou is really broken, the Changhuai Army will be destroyed, and it will not benefit anyone, but Lin Fu's attitude is so firm, he directly sends someone to drag Tao Chun away, and he doesn't know how to persuade him.

"It's a joke, saying that I can't help you?" Lin Fuyu was angry and said angrily, "I only have 5,000 veterans and 6,000 new recruits. If you want to see death, there are still Cheng Bingbu in Jiangning. With 20,000 elite soldiers in hand, is it also impossible to save him? There are also 10,000 elite troops in Luzhou, so why not attack Shouzhou and Haozhou in the north? The siege of Xuzhou? Saying that I won't save me if I see death! It's really mad at me, because I'm so easy to bully!" Having said that, Lin Bie threw off his armor and left, leaving Liu Tingzhou there.

Zhang Yubo was unwell and returned to the city to escape the heat. The only local officials were Liang Wenzhan, the magistrate of Huaian.

Lin Fu lost his temper, and Liu Tingzhou was thrown on the field. He winked at Liang Wenzhan, called him aside and asked, "Do you think the envoy is really annoyed or fake?"

"Master Fu Zun asked whether the envoy really didn't want to save Xuzhou, or did he pretend he didn't want to save Xuzhou?" Liang Wenzhan asked.

Liu Tingzhou stroked his beard and nodded, knowing that Liang Wenzhan was always scheming. He was in Huai'an. He used Xiao Kui'an in the military, and Wen Zhongliang Wenzhan. He originally wanted to use Liang Wenzhan as a pass sentence. Stuffed to Huai'an.

He motioned for Liang Wenzhan to continue.

"Tang Gong and Zhang Xiang are so arguing that even teachers and students can't do it. How can we understand the grievances between the two? It is impossible for Governor Yue to think that he sent General Tao to come over and cry heart-rendingly. It can make Lin Fu move," Liang Wenzhan said, "Yue Du won't shed tears when he sees the coffin, and Shi Zhi won't throw eagles when he sees rabbits..."

"So, the envoy will still send troops in the end?" Liu Tingzhou asked.

Liang Wenzhan nodded and said: "The year before last, the eastern invaders broke into the border and entered the pirates, and the system sent the lone army north to Yannan. Their courage is unparalleled in the world. This time, the rescue of Xuzhou seems to be more dangerous than the time when they entered Yannan from the north. Otherwise, the key is how to save..."

"Capturing Suyu and Suining, or conquering the enemy in front of Shukou, and joining forces with the Shuyang defenders to attack Yancheng, as long as we enter Linyi, the siege of Xuzhou will be solved," Liu Tingzhou said with a beard, "It seems that, The troops in the hands of the controller are indeed a bit insufficient..."

The Jiangdong Zuo Army is still invincible in the field, but there are three to five thousand elites who are not competent for the siege of the city and the fortress.

Although the combat strength of the refugee army is not as good as that of the Jiangdong Zuo army, but there are strongholds to defend, which will greatly make up for the lack of combat strength. If it is Liu Tingzhou, he is not willing to take the elite old soldiers who were born and die with him and attack the city. Stronghold - if it is knocked down, the casualties will be enormous.

"I think the envoy is quite confident and confident," Liang Wenzhan said.

"Oh?" Liu Tingzhou asked in surprise, "How can you tell?"

Liu Tingzhou knew that Liang Wenzhan was a civilian who built the embankment. He had been with Lin Fu a lot in the past half month, but Lin Fu was here, except for the new recruits, and he didn't care about Shukou's defense at all. How could Liang Wenzhan see that Lin Fu was confident?

"These newly recruited pawns, for more than ten days, have not been in training, but have only practiced defensive operations in teams. Lord Fuzun, look at the city wall, the cave and the city gate that were temporarily rammed with soil at the side of the school grounds. Dao and Haogou let the new soldiers practice defensive skills. Sir, what do you think Lin Bie is going to do?" Liang Wenzhan sold off and asked Liu Tingzhou.

"The envoy of Zhizhi intends to replace the 5,000 elites in the Shukou camp with these 6,000 new soldiers?" Liu Tingzhou's mind turned quickly, but he said worriedly, "These 6,000 soldiers have only been recruited for half a month. Are you going to guard Shukou?"

"Fu Zun, don't forget that when the Zhizhi envoy went north to the King of Qin, he recruited 3,000 new people and dared to fight with the captive cavalry when he arrived in Jinan. When it comes to the ability to govern the army, the world can compare with the Zhizhi envoy. , not at all." Liang Wenzhan couldn't see through Lin Bie's military system, after all, he couldn't get in touch with the details of the military, and standing on the sidelines, how could he see the truth?

Speaking of the speed of forming an army, it is not the only case of Jiangdong Zuojun.

When the Liang family was dormant in Qinyang, Guan Yunbo and Liang Chengyi led five or six thousand elites, but when Liang Xi and Liang Chengchong were ordered to attack the Tianpao rebels in the west, they also first recruited more than ten thousand brave men from the local area, and when they were equipped, they pulled out to attack the camp. Pull out the village.

The truth is no different. After Chentangyi's fiasco, Liang's father and son were forced to surrender military power, but there were also a large number of generals and old soldiers who followed Qinyang to disarm and return to the fields.

Based on these generals and veterans, the Liang family's army was expanded to more than 10,000 people, and it was natural to pull them out to fight.

The fact that Liang's father and son can achieve this level is due to the accumulation of contacts of several generations of Liang's generals.

Although Lieutenant Generals also have a tradition of learning the art of war and tactics, they are mainly limited to the inheritance of divisions, which is far less rapid, effective and regular than the batch training of Lin Fujian's war training school!

Hearing what Liang Wenzhan said, Liu Tingzhou felt relieved to watch the play, knowing that Yue Lengqiu must have the means to persuade Lin Fu, or to change the conditions for Lin Fu to send troops to relieve the siege of Xuzhou.

Of course, these conditions must be a big loss to Zhang, Yue Erli, Gu and Lin. Yue Lengqiu must have instructed Tao Chun not to show these cards easily - this is what Liang Wenzhan said, Yue Lengqiu is not seen. The coffin does not shed tears.

Although Lin Fu is young, he can climb to such a high position and have such a reputation. Naturally, he is not a simple person. He can't see through Yue Lengqiu's tricks. If he drags it out, he can make Tao Chun agree to Yue Lengqiu. The benefits of coming down are all spit out - this is what Liang Wenzhan said, Lin Bie does not see rabbits and do not throw eagles.

Well, everyone is pretending, and Liu Tingzhou will also go back to Huai'an City, Xuzhou will not be destroyed for a while, let's see how Tao Chun fights with Lin Fu?

Liu Tingzhou secretly said that Yue Lengqiu came over in person, and that Tao Chun, a military general, could compare to Lin Fu in a scheming way? The key is that Yue Lengqiu and Tao Chun have no cards to use.

Liu Tingzhou was dazed by the sun, so he went back to the city to eat melons to relieve the heat. When it was about to get dark, the gate official reported to Tao Chun to see him.

Liu Tingzhou also wanted to prompt Lin Fu to send troops to relieve the siege of Xuzhou as soon as possible, and summoned Tao Chun to come in.

"Master Liu, these are the three secret books that Governor Yue asked me to keep even if I die. I want Master Liu to read them before deciding which ones to present to Beijing!" Tao Chun took out three copies of Yue Lengqiu from his arms and found them in Xuzhou. The memorabilia written in here.

Liu Tingzhou was puzzled, what conditions did Yue Lengqiu want to answer to Lin Fu, and what did he want me to do?

When I opened the first secret book, it turned out to be a guilty book.

Yue Lengqiu took Xiao Taoyuan's betrayal, ineffective in suppressing rogues, ineffective in supervising the transportation of grain and other responsibilities on himself, and please resign as the governor of Jianghuai.

Liu Tingzhou thought that Yue Lengqiu was still very determined, knowing that Lin Fu would not let him continue to ride on his head, and the condition he offered was to resign as governor of Jianghuai.

Since Yue Lengqiu took all the guilt for these things and handed over the book, Zhang Xie couldn't protect him, so there was no possibility of repentance.

This condition is not unattractive, but Yue Lengqiu's removal from the seat of Jiangdong Governor does not mean that Lin Fu and Gu Wuchen can benefit from it. Thinking of this book, Lin Fu would not be tempted, and he easily agreed to send troops.

Liu Tingzhou opened the second book again, and it turned out that he suggested that the court should set up a minister of Jiang Fang, the same as the governor, and recommended Gu Wuchen to serve as him.

The governor of Jianghuai has too much authority, and Yue Lengqiu submitted a confession. Even if he recommends Gu Wuchen to replace him, it is unlikely that the court will pass.

It is more practical to recommend Gu Wuchen as the Minister of Jiang Fang or the Governor of Jiang Fang.

For the imperial court, this move can also avoid concentrating the authority of the Jiangdong County too much in the hands of the governor of Jianghuai. In fact, it does not greatly increase the authority of Gu Wuchen.

Gu Wuchen took another step forward logically, and could officially break away from Cheng Yuqian's restraint, surpassing Wang Xueshan, Wang Tian, ​​Yu Xinyuan and others, and becoming a super local officer of the same level as the Governor of Jianghuai and the Minister of Military Affairs of Jiangning.

For the court, it seems to be quite good to form a power structure in the southeast where King Ning, the long history of King Ning's mansion, the governor of Jianghuai, the minister of military affairs of Jiangning, and the minister of defense of Jiangmen are mutually restrained.

Liu Tingzhou felt that the second book was quite enough~www.wuxiamtl.com~ reached out to get the third book, and wondered: Does Yue Lengqiu still think that the first two books can't move Lin Bie's heart?

After pondering a little, I thought maybe, after all, Yue Lengqiu, the second book, did not have the right to decide, but only suggested that the Minister of Jiang Fang should be appointed, and he was not allowed to be in the imperial court.

Liu Tingzhou opened the third book, and at first glance, he almost threw it away.

In the presence of Tao Chun, Liu Tingzhou was inconvenient to scold Yue Lengqiu for harming Huai'an. He only said: "After the disaster has been quelled, most areas in Huaidong will be restored to peace. Where is the need for permanent envoys? This memorial of Yue Du is absolutely impossible!"

Yue Lengqiu's third book actually suggested that the imperial court should set up the Huaidong system and set up envoys, take Huai'an as the governing place, and recommend Lin Fu to be appointed.

As a local military chief, the governor has the power to control the civil officials of the prefecture and county during the war.

This time, if the calamity was not too severe and difficult to control, Jiang Ning would not have resorted to expedient measures, and assigned Lin Fu to guard Huai in the name of Jingkou's envoy.

Generally speaking, the authority of the control envoy is not comparable to that of the admiral, but the bad is bad, and a bad example has been set in the Cao family.

Cao Hongfan took advantage of the extravagant rebellion to coerce the imperial court into agreeing that the son of the Cao family would take up his father's post.

As soon as this case was opened, Yue Lengqiu suggested setting up Huaidong's system to set up an envoy. Lin Fu would follow the example of Cao's family in the future, designate a successor, and petition the court for approval. The court could not even use this as an excuse to use troops directly against Lin Fu.

With Lin Fu's method, Huaidong made a common sense official, and with Huai'an as the place of governance, he was able to turn Huai'an Mansion into his Lin Fu's private domain!

In the matter of the bravery of the six thousand refugees, Liu Tingzhou was fooled, and he was very wary of Lin Bie, and felt that Yue Lengqiu's third book was only asking himself to escape and save his life, and to harm Huai'an. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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