Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 39: Green Willow Garden

Yue Lengqiu actually used Huai'an as an envoy to send troops from Huai'an to relieve the siege of Xuzhou. Go to the inn.

Liu Tingzhou's grievance was hard to dispel, and he thought to himself: Yue Lengqiu's book was handed over, Lin Fu solved the siege of Xuzhou and then made extraordinary achievements, and the matter of Huai'an system and envoy was a certainty. If the court does not allow it, it will not be so easy to ask Lin Fu to send troops in the future.

Thinking of this, Liu Tingzhou was secretly hurt: Has the imperial power declined, has it reached this point? To celebrate the reign of Emperor Yu, which civil servant and military general would dare to be so domineering? During the Delong years, Emperor Wei was also long.

When the former Jingbei Hou Suhu wanted to rebel, Hao Zongcheng entered the barracks alone and seized his military power.

When it comes to the domineering of civil servants and military generals, it probably started with the case of Jingbei Hou Suhu. The Liang family, the She family, and the Cao family have all become powerful officials.

It was windy at night, and the moonlight was just right. Liu Tingzhou put two small dishes in the pavilion in the private garden, burned incense to drive the text, and called his concubine to accompany him to drink and enjoy the cool, and Liang Wenzhan came to visit.

Liu Tingzhou asked his concubine to wait on the side with a wine jug, and told Liang Wenzhan about Yue Lengqiu's three stories, and he was still angry: "Tell me, Yue Du wants to harm Huai'an in order to get away... In the future, the imperial power will be rejuvenated. If you want to cut the military power of the generals, Huaidong will be uneasy, and it will be a big disaster."

Liang Wenzhan smiled and said, "Master Fu Zun, you have misunderstood Governor Yue..."

"Ah?" Liu Tingzhou was surprised.

"If Governor Yue really wants Lord Lin to be the envoy, why does Tao Chun need to show the book to the Fu Zun first? Just exchange it for Lord Lin to send troops," Liang Wenzhan said with a smile, "Duke Yue knew that Tao Chun came to Huai'an, and it was not enough. So to persuade Lord Lin, this is asking Fu Zun to help Tao Chun!"

"Ah!" Liu Tingzhou patted his forehead, suddenly realized, and laughed to himself, "This old man is really confused, really confused."

Liu Tingzhou stood up and instructed the family waiting outside the garden, "Quickly send someone to the post house to invite General Tao to come over..." Then he said to Liang Wenzhan, "You also stay here and help me make plans!"

Liang Wenzhan said: "The governor of Yue will not let the third party know about such secrets. If Lord Fu Zun can persuade Lord Lin to send troops, the secret book will naturally be destroyed without leaving any traces... The county government still has something to do, I will rush it. to deal with.”

Liu Tingzhou thought about it, nodded, and said, "That's fine, Tao Chun's side, I'll think about it for him..."

Liang Wenzhan took the sedan chair out of the palace's back house and instructed the sedan chairman to go to the county government.

The official office is the former residence of the government office. Liang Wenzhan and Liu Tingzhou are both officials in different places, and their children all live in the back residence of the government office. The sedan chair arrived at Zhouqiao, and the county office was just south of the bridge. Liang Wenzhan raised a silk curtain with excellent ventilation and asked the family who led the way: "Xiao Xiaowei is on duty at the South Gate tonight?"

"Yes." The family asked.

"Then go to the east gate. I remember that there is something to be done in Beitan. I have to rush out of the city. You first rush to the east gate to prepare a carriage, and don't make any noise." Liang Wenzhan said, he put down the curtain and remained calm. sitting in the sedan chair.


As soon as Lin Bie fell asleep in the Beitan Xingyuan, Sun Jingtang personally came over to communicate with Liang Wenzhan, the magistrate of Huaian County, to ask for an interview.

The tent was leaking air everywhere, except for more mosquitoes, there was nothing wrong in the scorching heat.

Lin Fu got up and asked Sun Jingtang, "What can Liang Wenzhan do in the middle of the night?"

Sun Jingtang had the most contact with Liang Wenzhan in building the embankment to house the new soldier Dingkou.

In the middle of the night, Liang Wenzhan went to Sun Jingtang first, and Sun Jingtang came to pass the message in person. Lin Bie scratched his forehead and couldn't think of what could happen to Liang Wenzhan.

Sun Jingtang said: "I didn't say it, but he was a light-hearted and obedient, and his deeds were quite mysterious..."

Lin Bie rubbed his face to make himself look more refreshed. If he didn't sleep for a while when it was cool, it would be too hot to fall asleep after dawn. Since Liang Wenzhan had a secret announcement, he couldn't ignore it or change his official robe. Wearing a thin coat, he said, "Let him come in..."

Liang Wenzhan came in with Sun Jingtang.

Lin Bie didn't want to disturb the retinue at night, so he asked Liang Wenzhan to sit down, pick up the herbal tea pot and share tea with Sun Jingtang. .

Liang Wenzhan saw that Lin Fu was so polite, and only when Lin Fu had seen his intentions, he did not go around and directly told Yue Lengqiu's three secret books.

"Huaidong makes envoys!" Lin Fudao was also quite surprised. He didn't expect Yue Lengqiu to make such a serious investment, so he bowed to Liang Wenzhan and said, "Someone Lin will not forget the love tonight. There are many eyes and ears in the camp. It's not convenient for me to send them off, and it's not safe at night, so I'll ask Jingtang to send Wenzhan back to the city on my behalf..."

In Huai'an, apart from Qin Chengzu acting as Lin Fu in Mukou Yingzhai, Sun Jingtang was the most important figure in Huai'an from Chongzhou. Lin Fu asked Sun Jingtang to personally **** him back to the city, and Liang Wenzhan knew that his trip was worthwhile. Retire...  

When Sun Jingtang sent Liang Wenzhan to leave, Lin Fu called up the horse Pomonkey and said, "Send me to the Green Willow Garden..."

Ma Pohou smiled and said self-righteously: "I just said, it's such a hot day, it's hard to sleep alone, why should the adults follow us bachelors in the camp? When the adults come to the camp during the day, the soldiers will know the adults. I have worked hard during the training, and no one will be slack. You guys work hard during the day, sleep on the bed at night, and you won’t wake up from ant bites until dawn. It’s time for you to handle official business at night. I've gone to Green Willow Garden... The soldiers will only be considerate of the adults, and they feel sorry for the adults."

"Bullshit," Lin Bie raised his foot to kick the horse and the monkey, the commander of the capital, and he scolded with a smile, "I will find you a succulent woman tomorrow, I see that you still have nonsense to talk about. …”

Ma Pohou's wife died of dystocia for two years. Ma Pohou was in the army, and his two sons were taken care of by his mother, and he did not care about continuing the marriage.

Ma Pohou laughed and said, "You can't think about it, little one." Before Lin Fuzhen was about to kick, he rushed out and ordered Qi's guards.

The Green Willow Garden is not far from the Xingyuan camp. It is a private garden for salt merchants. During the Huaisi War, the salt merchants had long since fled into the city, and there were only three or five old servants guarding the garden.

Lin Bie led the personal guard battalion to the left and right, and enlisted the garden for military use. In fact, Song Jia, She Mingyue and Xiaoman, who came to Huai'an in secret, lived in it.

Yue Lengqiu's three secret books are no trivial matter. Liu Tingzhou is bound to plan behind Tao Chun's behalf. Lin Fu rushed to the Green Willow Garden at night, just to hear Song Jia's opinion on this matter.


When the day broke, she heard the horse team coming into the garden, Song Jia refused to wake up, the female guard on duty at night was reporting outside the door, and she opened her sleepy eyes, yawned, and complained, "I will not let you. People are sleeping, what's the point?"

"The lord is waiting for the young lady in the front hall. She said that the young lady can't sleep, so let's put the young lady over there..." The female guard replied.

Song Jia did not move these female guards, only Xiaoman Nanzi could look at these female guards, got up and washed a little, then went to the front hall to see Lin Bie, yawning, and couldn't help complaining: "My concubine He's just a prisoner in Chongzhou, but he doesn't have the duty to wait for orders at night... Besides, Tao Chun only howled today, what can happen now?"

"You're lunch at night..." Lin Fu said with a smile.

"How can there be such nourishment in the hall at night?" Xiaoman also yawned and came in. He slept late, and was woken up when he was asleep. He was inactive, very thirsty, and poured tea, seeing that there was nothing to do with her here, Then he went back to the room to sleep, and said to Lin Fu, "Tell me when you leave, and don't see anyone for half a month."

Song Jia smiled and secretly thought that this little girl hadn't been brought into the room, but she was a concubine.

After the servants were sent back, Lin Fu told Song Jia about Liang Wenzhan's night visit to Xingyuan.

"This Liang Wenzhan knows the current affairs," Song Jia sighed softly and said, "But it is also in vain that Liu Tingzhou trusts him so much and trusts him in secret. He turned around and sold Liu Tingzhou clean."

Lin Fu didn't say anything. From the point of view of moral role, Liang Wenzhan should be regarded as a virtuous person and a villain, but if he wants to do great things, he should use a gentleman as well as a villain.

Lin Fu can tolerate Song Xiaobo, who has no talent and no virtue, to continue to hang out in the Hecheng Sidu prison.

Besides, the available people in this world, how many of them are unyielding and unyielding gentlemen?

Song Jia also smiled, Lin Fu was able to let Liang Wenzhan, the magistrate of Huai'an, tell the secret of the night, which also shows that Lin Fu's foundation has been established. Song Jia frowned slightly, thinking about Yue Lengqiu's three books.

It was not yet bright, and candles were lit in the hall. Song Jia was wearing a light shirt and wearing only a red tube top, showing her plump **** like snow, which was attractive.

The waiters were all outside, so Lin Fu and Song Jia sat opposite the case.

Song Jiasi ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ She liked to put her hands on a few cases and leaned over her chest. The tube top showed a lot of tenderness, which made Lin Fu uneasy.

"I'm afraid Yue Lengqiu used this Huaidong system to scare Liu Tingzhou," Song Jia said thoughtfully, "I think it's Yue Lengqiu's cunning old intention, I'm afraid he doesn't want to take out any of the three chips... "Looking up, Lin Bie was distracted by the sight of her chest, and sat up straight with anger, pulling Qingshang together.

Lin Fu pretended to be distracted, his pupil light scattered in the empty space, and then he slowly retracted it and said, "Whether Liu Tingzhou will scare him is a question - even Yue Lengqiu is as cunning as a fox, he would not have expected Liu Tingzhou to do so. Tell Liang Wenzhan the matter, and Liang Wenzhan came over to tip off..."

"In short, it's fine," Song Jia said. "Even if Liang Wenzhan's tip-off was unexpected by Yue Lengqiu, I suspect that he has something else behind him, but it's just that things haven't gotten to that point, and I can't see where his backer is. …”

"Let Tao Chun take out Yue Lengqiu's three folds, and it doesn't matter if he still has something to do - that's the problem in the future, and the problem needs to be solved one by one. You can't expect it to be done overnight..." Lin Fu said, "Liu An'er's disaster is still very peaceful. Let Yue Lengqiu escape, it's no big deal. Donglu is uncharacteristically, and the siege of Datong has not been released to this day, which is worrying..."

"In the past, the Donghu people only wanted to grab a handful and leave, but they saw that the situation in the Central Plains was so chaotic, and the imperial court was weak and weak, so it's normal to have a wait-and-see attitude," Song Jia said, "For you, Yue Leng Although Qiu is hated, you have to save him, but you have to be careful to save him, and you will in turn pierce his poisonous scorpion tail. But you are not a good person, and he probably won't put all his thoughts on it. On you." My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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