Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 37: New Guardsmen

At the beginning of June, Zhang Yubo raised more than 6,000 sons from a good family who had lost his land from Xusi's displaced households and handed them over to Lin Fu.

In addition to the 60,000 taels of settling silver directly distributed to Jianyong, Lin Fu also contributed another 60,000 taels of silver for the construction of dams and fields in Beitan.

Liu Tingzhou was only the head of the family and settled in the vicinity of Huai'an. After these 6,000 strong and brave soldiers became elite soldiers, Lin Fu couldn't take them back to Chongzhou.

Six thousand Jianyong arrived, and Lin Fu directly incorporated these people into the personal guard camp.

With Zhao Hu as the brigade commander, Zhang Jiheng, Yao Mazi, Ma Pohou, Chen Enze and others were recruited from the Fengli Camp as the battalion commanders, and the two hundred elite soldiers from the original Guards Battalion brought to Huaian were dispersed. The war training academy dispatched more than 100 alternate military attachés, thinking that the flag head, the **** chief, and the sentry general, the military attache system of the ten battalions of personal guards was perfected in almost one day.

Lin Fu was not in a hurry to dispatch the tenth battalion guards to cross Huai to assist in the defense of Shukou, and directly dispatched the tenth battalion guards to assist Zhang Yubo and Liang Wenzhan in relocating the family members of the guard camp in Pubei Beach, Qingjiang.

In other places, the displaced households were recruited as soldiers, or they were coerced and forced to join the army, and they were generous with money to settle down.

These are far from enough, and this is also the key factor that has always been unusable in recruiting refugees for the army.

Ding Zhuang of Xisha Island dared to act and was willing to die for Lin Fu, because they knew that the family was safe in the back and would not suffer from displacement.

If they are timid on the battlefield, not only will they be unable to lift their heads, but also their family members will be unable to lift their heads; it is even more impossible to be a fugitive.

If you want the soldiers to fight bravely, there is no other way, as long as they are at ease and have no time to fight, and they don't need to worry about it.

This also happens to be the most important consideration for logistics and internal affairs capabilities, and it will not work without a solid foundation.

Lin Fu is not in a hurry to train the ten battalions of personal guards, nor is he in a hurry to transfer them across the Huai River to assist in the defense of Shukou, but to settle their families first, so that they can solve their worries with their own hands or with their own eyes. , and finally made them into warriors who dared to fight and were forbidden by orders.

After the Yunyan River dredging project was over, the supervisor Ge Siyu did not go back to Jiangning, but secretly transferred Lin Fu to Huai'an to be responsible for the construction of the embankment on the north beach of Qingjiang Pu.

The terrain on the north bank of Qingjiangpu is quite complex, and the difficulty of building embankments lies in choosing the embankment site.

If the embankment is built too far from the water, a lot of wasteland resources will be wasted, and there will not be enough grain fields; if it is too close to the water, when the water level rises in summer and autumn, it may be flooded too deeply and become a dangerous embankment.

There is no reinforced concrete to build a strong embankment in the world. Under the current conditions, two or three thousand people have to build a ten or even dozens of miles long embankment in a short period of time. Only dredging mud to build the embankment.

The mud embankment is naturally not strong, and the location of the embankment should not be careless. Otherwise, the water pressure will continue to rise and the embankment will be washed away, which will cost thousands of lives.

Usually, the mere determination of the embankment site has to be out of the question for several months.

Even if Lin Fu has the knowledge of a thousand years later, there is no good plan that can be effective in a short time for him to choose the embankment site.

However, the wisdom of the people of the time will not allow future generations to peep.

From the second day of June to the sixth day of June, it rained continuously for several days in Huai'an, and the water level in Puli of the Qingjiang River rose sharply.

In the afternoon of the sixth day of the sixth day of the first lunar year, Kassayu borrowed a big boat from the water camp, took advantage of the heavy rain to travel on the water, and poured thousands of bags of wheat bran into the river to float away.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, the rain continued, and Kasyu continued to send a large boat on the water to dump the wheat bran into the river.

On the eighth day of the first lunar day, the weather was fine, and Ge Siyu scuttled several sand and gravel ships at the opening where the Huai River entered Qingjiangpu, reducing the amount of water flowing into Qingjiangpu from the Huaihe River. The water level of Qingjiangpu continued to drop from the eighth day of the lunar day.

At that time, the wheat bran dumped in the Qingjiang Puli formed a tortuous dividing line on the deserted beach. Ge Siyu pointed to this dividing line and said to Zhang Yubo, Liang Wenzhan and others, "Just build a line along this line. The embankment, the wasteland behind the embankment is cultivated and cultivated..."

Lin Fu was very emotional. If the court used Ge Siyu to repair the embankment of the Yellow River, why would there be a riot of 300,000 people who built the embankment on the Yellow River?

After Ge Siyu became a craftsman, he was able to participate in Kexing's entry into the Ministry of Industry as an official, which was already a big face for Ge Futian, an old worker from the Jiangning Ministry of Industry. Under the current system, not to mention the Minister of Industry, even the official positions of Langzhong and Yuanwailang, Ge Siyu will not have any hope in this life.

The Shukou camp was controlled by Qin Chengzu to fight against Chen Hansan in the north; Lin Fu would not stay in Huai'an City.

Lin Fu set up the rudimentary Xingyuan camp on the embankment construction site on the north beach of Qingjiang Pubei, and personally directed the embankment construction, as if he was no longer the military commander in the Huaidong area.

In addition to the personal guards of the tenth battalion, Sun Jingtang also led more than 2,000 auxiliary soldiers from the four battalions to assist in the construction of the embankment, set up simple tents, and resettled the army's subordinate dingkou.

In fact, Zhang Yubo and Liang Wenzhan dispatched no more than a hundred people from Huai'an City. In the end, all of these hundreds of people were sent to Lin Fu to be responsible for purchasing grain from Huai'an counties for the construction of embankments. The construction of the embankment and the resettlement of the family were all taken over by Sun Jingtang, Ge Siyu and other Chongzhou departments.

It was sunny for ten consecutive days from the eighth day of the first lunar month in Huai'an. Although it made Huai'an extremely hot, it did not delay the construction of embankments and training.

The Guard Battalion spent half a day participating in the embankment construction and half a day training.

Although the war training and embankment work were extremely difficult, but for these tenants who lost their land before, and then the displaced households, they could see their families, young and old, settle down, clothe their bodies, food to wrap their stomachs, sheds to keep out the wind and rain, The embankment is built to have fields that can be cultivated, and will not suffer from displacement. Seeing the generals, military officers, and officials of the system work tirelessly and sweat like rain running between the construction site and the humble school grounds, what complaints can these newly recruited soldiers have?

On the 16th, Yue Lengqiu sent another messenger from Xuzhou to Huai'an, and Liu Tingzhou took the messenger to meet Lin Fu in the sweltering heat of the Qingjiang River.

Seeing the scene of building the embankment and training in Beitan, Liu Tingzhou felt regretful.

Only half a month had passed, and Liu Tingzhou knew that he had taken the role of Lin Fu, but it was done, could he still have the ability to forcibly disband the 6,000 refugees Zhuangyong?

In fact, on the eighth day of the sixth lunar month, the six thousand refugees who had been training in the city for only seven or eight days marched out of the city neatly, and Liu Tingzhou knew that Lin Fu had fallen for him.

In his opinion, Lin Fu may not be able to say that his strategy is unparalleled in the world, but his ability to manage the army is enough to be called unparalleled in the world.

Liu Tingzhou has not seen anyone who can pull the six thousand newly recruited refugees out of the city neatly in seven or eight days. I am afraid that it will be no problem to use them to fight with the ordinary refugee army. More than enough.

It used to be said that Lin Fu raised 3,000 people bravely to the north and went to the north to capture the four victories in Yannan.

In three or two months, he became a strong army, and others could not, but Lin Fu was as easy as the palm of his hand.

Liu Tingzhou did not see the trick.

With the power of one person, it is not enough to want to pull 6,000 Ding Zhuang, most of whom are illiterate, out of the city neatly in seven or eight days.

However, it was not Lin Bie who successfully operated these 6,000 newly recruited Min Yong as an army in seven or eight days, but a complete command system composed of more than 300 qualified military attaches and veterans.

The guards who guard Lin Fu's daily travels were originally selected from the elite.

The banner leader of the fifteenth pawn, and the chief of the sixty pawns, if it takes seven or eight days, he cannot let his new recruits walk out of the neat queue with weapons and armor, even if these new recruits are They are illiterate and illiterate, and they can all go home and carry their children.

The command system of the current battle is mainly based on banners and lights, supplemented by messengers.

Lin Fu didn't pay much attention to the formation, but in the army, he strengthened the command function of the commander level at the sentry level, and strengthened the communication command of the battalion-to-sentry messengers to make up for the lack of flags and lights.

In order for an army to move, under normal circumstances, as long as the grass-roots military attaches above the level of the flag leader and the **** commander can understand the rather complicated command system of flag drums and lights, they can ensure that the team is not chaotic and can be drawn into the battlefield.

If ordinary soldiers can understand the flag-guiding communication system, this army is afraid that it will not be able to do it after three or five years of training.

The previous war training literacy class, the next war training school, and the junior class taught students, the first thing to learn is flag and drum, lights, communication and command, the real simple literacy, battle formation fighting and simple tactical learning should be ranked behind this. .

This is also because Lin Fu chose some content from the later non-commissioned officer system to adapt to the current world and changed it.

Even if the wars in the later period are reduced, there is no need to maintain so many troops, ordinary soldiers can be disarmed and return to the field, but qualified non-commissioned officers must be reserved and further strengthened.

When the war is tense, you can use these non-commissioned officers as the basis to expand the army, supplement soldiers, and train them, and you can pull out a strong army in a short period of time.

Before King Qin, the 3,000 soldiers and horses that Lin Fu had assembled in Jiangning to recruit soldiers and horses to go north were just a childish form of this idea of ​​governing the army. With Jiyun Wuwei and Changshan Island elites as the backbone of the grass-roots military attachés, and then mainly people who have undergone preliminary rotation training, mixed with recruiting heroes, a field elite will be obtained in a short period of time.

At this time, Lin Fu had already established a firm foothold in Chongzhou, and this move was naturally accomplished.

If there is no ready-made military attache command system directly implanted~www.wuxiamtl.com~ It takes three to five months to select qualified flag leaders, commanders, sentries, and battalion commanders from the 6,000 people. The things that can be done, even have to be tempered by countless cruel and **** battles, in order to finally grow into a majestic and powerful army.

The ten battalions of personal guards are all selected from the brave and strong in the Xusi area, and the proportion of martial arts practitioners is also large. After training for a while, they can be pulled out to suppress bandits and weak enemies. After getting used to the **** battlefield, they will It is comparable to a capable soldier in the refugee army.

Lin Fu was wearing green armor that was hot from the sun, and the inner lining was soaked with sweat over and over again. He was covered in sweat. He was standing on the embankment scooping cold water. He saw Liu Tingzhou coming in a carriage with a canopy shade. In the school grounds, watching the martial arts training situation, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and said to Zhao Hu next to him, "What is he doing out of the city at this time?"

Zhang Yubo, who has always been able to share weal and woe with the people, couldn't bear this horrible weather, so he went back to the city to escape the summer heat.

Of course, Zhao Hu couldn't have guessed that Yue Lengqiu had sent a messenger from Xuzhou to Huai'an again.

When the Liu Tingzhou horse team approached, Lin Fu saw Tao Chun's face sitting next to Liu Tingzhou, and then he knew what was going on. Tao Chun didn't come to change into clean clothes this time. After breaking through the siege, he dressed as an old farmer. It's no wonder that Lin Fu didn't see it at first. He thought that Tao Chun had sneaked back to Xuzhou after breaking out from Xuzhou to rescue last time. He is really loyal to Yue Lengqiu.

The carriage stopped in front of Lin Fu, and without waiting for Liu Tingzhou to speak, Tao Chun threw himself on the ground when he got off the carriage, and shouted loudly: "Lord Lin please think of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Xuzhou, and send troops! Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians, some men and some. Women, old and young, as well as babies who have just given birth to breastfeeding, are all hanging by a thread, hoping that Master Wang will help us! Master Lin refuses to send troops, and Tao Chun will die here on his knees!" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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