Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 39: The special envoy arrives

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

Chun went to bed late, Yue'er woke up, listening to the sound of the rain outside, she felt that her bones were weak and weak, and she leaned over. Seeing Lin Bie sleeping soundly, she reached out and gently stroked the stubble under his chin. In the past, he kissed him lightly on the cheek, and when he saw Lin Bie's body move, he lay down and closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Lin Bie opened his eyes, his muscles and bones were relaxed, and he saw that Yue'er was still sleeping sweetly, the thin quilt slipped down a little, revealing a small piece of snowy skin under his neck, which was very dazzling and charming in the morning light. Lin Bie raised his arm, and the thin quilt slid down again, revealing the pair of round, delicate objects, a little red on the top, and a slightly shallow halo mark, all so delicate...

Yue'er closed her eyes and could feel Lin Bing's scorching eyes staring at her chest. She couldn't help being ashamed. She pretended to be lazy when she was just waking up. She pulled up the thin quilt and covered it under her neck. The beautiful face with picturesque eyebrows and beautiful skin like the moon and autumn was exposed outside, opened her beautiful eyes, and looked at Lin Bie: "What time is it..."

"Never mind..." Lin Fu turned to his side, put his hand into the quilt, and pressed it on her chest. He couldn't hold the plump and delicate jade/peak, so he concentrated on the cherry.

Yue'er couldn't bear the teasing, and there seemed to be juice seeping out from the place where her legs crossed, and she said straightly, "It's time to get up, don't miss the business..." Seeing Lin Bie's hands slide down against his waist again, the palms of his hands The cocoon slipped across the satin-like skin, making my heart feel crisp and numb, and I still wanted to be favored, but I couldn't take it any longer, so I could only change my mouth and beg for mercy, "Yue'er can't stand it, why don't you put Xiaoman in. In the room, let her serve you?"

"Bah, bah, bah..." Xiaoman was bringing in hot water to wait on Lin Fu and Liu Yue'er to get up. Hearing Liu Yue'er say this, his pretty face flushed and spit softly, "I heard the mosquitoes for a long time. Calling is not enough, I just came in to serve you, and I have to listen to such dirty words.” Seeing Yue’er with her hands buried in her face, her neck turning red as if she had been drinking, she put the water on the table and said, “I put the water here, I won't serve you..." Without giving Lin Bie a chance to entangle her, she turned around and walked out first.

When Xiaoman came in at this time, it must have been an announcement from the front house, and Lin Fu didn't dare to be greedy, so he sat up to look for the clothes at the foot of the bed.

Liu Yue'er endured the softness of her body and put on a shirt to get up. Lin Fu said, "Sleep a little longer..."

"There's no reason why you get up and I'm still asleep?" Liu Yue'er said, "I'll wait for you to scrub your body, the matter in the front house may not be so urgent..." Wet the sweat towel to scrub Lin Fu's body, just Her clothes were draped slantingly, revealing a large piece of white skin, which made her blood boil, making the meat peg under Lin Bie stand upright, and it couldn't soften no matter what, and Yue'er also endured shame and went to scrub There, the soft hand could not hold the more and more firm as an iron pestle.

Seeing Yueer squatting and washing there seriously, her bright red mouth was facing the meat pestle, and the aroma of Rulan was spitting out, Lin Bie's heart swayed, and she felt that Yueer's red lips were extra attractive. He copied the back of her head and pressed it down, wanting to press it.

Yue'er was puzzled and looked up at Lin Bing, her eyes full of doubts.

"Open your mouth and swallow that!" Lin Bie said.

"Ah!" Yue'er blushed, stretched out her hand to hit the meat, and scolded, "Where did you come up with a dirty idea? The concubine won't do it to you." Leaving Lin Bie there, she hugged her shy and unreasonable. She picked up her clothes and went back to the room next to her to pack up.

Lin Bie was helpless, so he could only dress and wash by himself.


Yue Lengqiu's actions were quick, and Lin Fu delayed until the 19th to send the news back to Jiangning. On the 22nd, Han Zai, the counselor of the Commissioner of Xuanfu Envoy, arrived in Chongzhou in the name of the Special Envoy of Xuanfu and Comfort, representing the Secretary of Xuanfu Envoy. Condolences to Chongzhou disaster.

Yue Lengqiu also understood in his heart that Lin Fu and scattered rank were ranked fifth rank, official sixth rank, received nobility, and held military power. No matter the Chongzhou magistrate who sent someone to serve as the seventh rank, it was not enough to be in this small corner of Chongzhou. The land contends with the forest bondage.

What's more, the official seal of the county can only be appointed temporarily at the local level, and it is ultimately selected by the bureau of personnel, and the candidate is not fully controlled by the local government.

The position of the senator is a senior civil servant of the Department of Xuanfu and Envoys, and he is listed as a five-ranked official. When a locality suffers disaster, it is not a special case that the Ministry of Proclamation and Compassion dispatches staff to comfort and appease the locality, and temporarily restrain the local military and political power. It is said that it is temporary, but how long this time is, it is controlled by the county secretary. Even if in the future the Ministry of Personnel formally appoints magistrates, county magistrates and other official seal officials, it will be up to the county magistrates to decide whether to cancel the special envoys to comfort and appease them.

From Yue Lengqiu's point of view, only this arrangement can suppress Lin Fu a little and prevent Lin Fu from extending his tentacles to the place.

Han Zai not only represented the Minister of Xuanfu Envoy, but also represented the Governor's Office to inquire about the fact that Ninghai Town was stationed in Chongzhou Water Camp to fear the enemy and avoid war. This can at least resist the Ministry of War's questioning for the water camp in Ninghai Town, and it is also a compromise for Yue Lengqiu to treat Lin Fushen against the water camp in Ninghai Town with caution.

Lin Fu was not interested in going to the ferry to pick up Han Zai, but he rushed Zhao Qinmin, Gu Siyuan and the others to Chongzhou by boat with Han Zai. Even Lin Fu didn't like Zhao Qinmin very much in his heart, but he, the Tang family and the Gu family couldn't have a crack at this time for outsiders to see. After having breakfast, he asked Han Zai to wait at the ferry for a while, before taking Cao Zi'ang, Lin Mengde, Sun Jingtang and others to transfer a battalion of soldiers to go to the ferry to meet him, where he met Wu Meijiu, Li Shuyi, Hu Zhicheng and other Chongzhou County officials. confluence.

Han Zai's official ship arrived first, and he had been waiting for almost half an hour.

Donglu Ferry is on the north side of Junshanzhai. It is the shallow water between Junshan and Chongzhou land. It is also the most important water and land pier on the bank of Chongzhou River. In addition to this, the nearby Zilang Mountain Nanya Pier can park large official ships. .

"Lin has been delayed by an urgent matter, so I'll meet you late, please don't take offense that there are a lot of Lord Han and adults!" Lin Fu changed into a crimson official robe and greeted Han Zaizuo who was talking to Wu Meijiu on the pier. present.

Han Zai is thirty-seven or eight-year-old, with a long white face and a few strands of goatee beard. He also wears a crimson official robe and a blue-black head with hard wings. He is not tall. .

His grandfather, Han Wenxi, served as the vice-chancellor during the Yongzhan period, and was regarded as a famous minister of the generation. Han Zai entered office because of his grace and was left behind by his ancestors. .

When the Chu Party first gained power, many people watched from the sidelines. In the past two years, the Chu Party has established a firm foothold in the center, and most officials have changed their sects and joined the Chu Party. After Tang Gu and Zhang Yue split, the vast majority of officials in the Chu Party stood on the side of Zhang Xie and Yue Lengqiu. In Jiangning, Gu Wuchen was closer to the Dongyang Township Party, and because some of the methods he used in Jiangning were too much. The fierceness made Yue Lengqiu win over a group of people as soon as he came to Jiangdong.

Of course, it is not ruled out that many officials in Jiangning also saw the possibility of the imperial court moving the capital to Jiangning, which made those officials who were speculative to give up their previous positions and prepared to get a piece of the pie.

The day before Han Zai came, Gu Wuchen sent a messenger to send his information to Chongzhou, so that Lin Fu could deal with it calmly.

Han Zai waited for Lin Fu for more than half an hour at the pier. After Zhao Qinmin and their boat arrived at the ferry, he saw Lin Fu's figure. How could he possibly have a lot of adults in his heart? Looking at Lin Fu, watching Lin Fu bring five or six hundred soldiers to greet him, he said with a smile: "Lin Du is busy with military affairs, and this officer is also aware that if I blame you for this trivial matter, It seems that this official is narrow-minded and does not understand the difficulties of his subordinates..."

In Han Zai's words, he treated himself as a subordinate, and Lin Fu didn't mind. Seeing that there were two or three hundred people on the dock who were guards brought by Han Zai, he asked with a smile, "I take the liberty to ask, I don't know that Mr. Han is from the propaganda. How much relief silver did the embassy bring here..."

"Governor Yue and Lord Wang are both concerned about the Chongzhou military disaster. In addition to the 10,000 taels of silver previously allocated by the Hailing House, this time, this officer specially sent 20,000 taels of silver to provide relief money," Han Zai said with his head held high, "This is It’s the first one, and when this official has inspected Chongzhou, we can provide relief silver to the Minister of Xuanfu Envoy according to the situation…”

"Thank goodness," Lin Fu said ecstatically, "the three thousand soldiers of the Jiangdong Zuo Army are still waiting to be fed. Fortunately, Mr. Han, otherwise the three thousand soldiers of the Jiangdong Zuo Army will really be hungry... In addition, these few soldiers in Chongzhou County will be hungry. Tian gave out pensions and rations, and borrowed about 10,000 taels of rice and silver from Jiangdong Zuojun. He was also waiting for Mr. Han to come. Lin Mou dared to ask Mr. Han, where is the silver, Mr. Han, you have come a long way. Come on, it's hard work, we can do it ourselves!"

"Lin Bie, you are so courageous, don't you want to hijack this official?" Han Zai's face was ashen, only then did he understand that Lin Bie brought five or six hundred soldiers here. It turned out that he was not here to greet him, but to steal money.

As soon as Gu Siyuan, Zhao Qinmin, and Zhao Jin and their son got off the boat, they saw Lin Fu and his generals coming to grab Han Zai's money. Han Zai thought that Lin Fu would be able to eat and live at the first level of the official university, but that was a mistake. Lin Fu's situation made it clear that Han Zai would not want to enter Chongzhou if he didn't give him money.

"Mr. Han, what are you talking about? Could it be that you think I'm trying to deceive you?" Lin Fu asked Han Zai with a sideways face, his face turned as cold as ice, and he pointed at Wu Meijiu and said, "Mr. Wu also Here, you can ask Mr. Wu, if Chongzhou County should pay the Jiangdong Zuo Army's salaries and repayments, can it exceed 20,000 taels of silver? Everything has a detailed account to check. If Lin is greedy for a tael of silver, he will be caught Bind Lord Han to the Governor's Mansion to be punished!"

Wu Meijiu is a grassroots man. Whichever side the wind is stronger, the other side will fall. Originally, there was no dispute of interests with him. He didn't want to offend either side, so he hurriedly acted as a peacemaker and said, "Lord Lin and Lord Han, take a break. If you want to get angry, send it to me! Master Lin, Master Han is new here, and you don't know the situation. You always have to wait for Master Han to take a breath, drink a sip of tea, rest your feet, and then talk about the money. "..." He said to Han Zai, "Lord Han, perhaps the humble post did not explain clearly in the submission to the county chief. The East China Sea bandits attacked Chongzhou, and the county warehouse was robbed. Barely survived the difficulties until Master Han came. It was also my fault that Biezhi opened the seaport in front of Master Lin, saying that when the relief money came, he would immediately return the loan, which made Master Lin a little impatient - all of this is a complaint of Biezhi. "

Chongzhou city was destroyed, regardless of civilian casualties, but the defending urban and rural soldiers and officials and yamen were all destroyed. Lin Fu, Hu Zhicheng, Li Shuyi and others insisted on compensating for these casualties first, otherwise the recruitment of the next township soldiers and yamen will be carried out. Can't go on~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Jiangdong Zuojun is willing to borrow the pension money, but Wu Meijiu didn't insist on saying not to borrow it. All the pension money was only distributed yesterday. .

The standard of pension is 22 taels of silver and 10 shi of rice and grain per person. It is said that the standard of pension is not high, but the poor have a low life, and if they can get this pension, they can be considered dead. In addition, relief is also provided to the damaged people in the city. Of course, this standard is much lower, but no matter what, the people have only seen the government scraping money. When have they seen the government sincerely provide relief to the people? Naturally, I am grateful for the benefits Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun brought to Chongzhou County.

Wu Meijiu was a little overwhelmed at first, but when Li Shuyi brought the detailed account to him, he realized that the county treasury had accumulated a deficit of nearly 30,000 taels of silver.

Speaking of which, the city of Chongzhou was destroyed, and most of the casualties were concentrated in the city. The villages were not affected much, so the aftermath work went quite smoothly, mainly including by-election of officials, compensation for casualties, and rebuilding of the city.

It was only at this time that Wu Meijiu realized that Lin Bie's methods were old-fashioned. Before Han Zai came over, he rushed to finish the by-election and pension in the past few days, leaving a large deficit waiting for Han Zai to fill in, but he still followed. Lin Bie sat on a boat... Could it be that Han Zai would believe that he was coerced before?

Speaking of which, Wu Meijiu never expected that Yue Lengqiu would arrange for a special envoy to suppress Lin Fu, otherwise he would not listen to Lin Fu's control over the past few days. .

Han Zai's face is ugly and tight, officials are very useful, and he has money and soldiers in his hand. Easily give all the money to Lin Fu? My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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