Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 40: silver

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

In the end, Wu Meijiu said all the good things, and Han Zai agreed to immediately pay Jiangdong Zuo Army 10,000 taels of silver. Lin Fucai changed his smile and let Han Zai and the accompanying guards set foot on the land of Chongzhou at the intersection in front of the pier.

Han Zai naturally didn't have the excitement and triumph of stepping on the land of Chongzhou for the first time. His face was ashen and his expression was gloomy. When he looked at Lin Fu, he seemed to be swallowing him alive. He did not expect that Lin Fu would meet. Being so arrogant, Lin Bujie almost gave Lin Bujie all his belongings.

"The conditions in the county are poor, the new city has not yet been built, and the county government also borrowed the Shanmen Temple, so naturally there is no way to prepare a special travel yard for Mr. Han. There is a Jingshe other courtyard at the Donglu Mountain Gate, which is quite quiet, and is stationed with the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Adjacent, not to be disturbed by Xiao Xiao, I originally wanted to place Master Han there, but I didn't expect Master Han to have a lot of entourage, and now it seems that the yard is a bit cramped..." Wu Meijiu said that the temporary residence for Han Zai was arranged by Li Shuyi. He didn't think too much at the time. When he saw Han Zai's first arrival, Lin Fu and him were like water and fire, and he felt that it was very inappropriate to arrange Han Zai's residence next to the Jiangdong Zuo Army camp.

"You can arrange a place!" Han Zai snorted coldly, but he didn't know what to say. Although he brought two or three hundred people, he still had nothing to do with the arrangement of the place where he left Chongzhou County. He tried his best to comfort himself, thinking that Lin Fu and Wu Meijiu were tossing so much that they were going to drive themselves out of Chongzhou. They must be calm, and they must not let Lin Fu and Wu Meijiu's trickery succeed...

Xiao Baiming, who came to the ferry to meet him, said, "Just in the north of Shanbei, my family's Captain Xiao has a private garden. It is a little small, and it can barely accommodate a hundred or two hundred people. If Mr. Han doesn't dislike it, you can stay there temporarily. As for the guards, Junshanzhai can also draw three to five hundred people out to take care of Mr. Han's daily life..."

"Then I'll trouble the Supervisor Xiao..." Han Zai's expression softened a little.

Wu Meijiu secretly complained, thinking that Han Zai probably mistakenly thought that he had deliberately arranged him in a residence where Jiangdong Zuojun could easily monitor him, and looking at his eyes, he probably wanted to strip him and Lin Bie together.

Lin Fu saw that Xiao Baiming and Han Zai were very close, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He wants to announce the truth of the Chongzhou boy case to the world, so that Chen Enze, Hu Qiaozhong, Hu Qiaoguan and others will be reunited with their families. Go to Yue Lengqiu's side.

Lin Fuchao, Zhao Qinmin, Gu Siyuan, and others smiled and said, "Mr. Zhao and Shaojun have had a hard journey. I think Lord Han doesn't need me to pick up the wind and dust for him. There is wine in the mountain gate, so I will reward Mr. Zhao and Shaojun..." Lin Mengde, Cao Zi'ang, Sun Jingtang and others also saluted Zhao Qinmin, Gu Siyuan and others.

Zhao Qinmin and Gu Siyuan returned the salute to Lin Mengde, Cao Zi'ang, Sun Jingtang and others one by one. He could also guess what Lin Bie was thinking. Jiangdong Zuo Army Yannan Qin Wang had four battles and four victories, killing and defeating several times stronger enemies, and his reputation was world-famous. Although there were six battalions in Ninghai Town, they would not be seen by Lin Fu. They went to take refuge in the extravagant family and the East China Sea bandits.

Seeing Lin Bie so unceremoniously giving Han Zai a disgrace at the ferry, Zhao Qinmin knew that Lin Bie was a real force, and he was no longer as cautious as he was at Hekou. But then again, when Lin Bie was at the estuary, he couldn't be said to be cautious. Which of Wang Xueshan, Fan Ding, and Qu Wuyang didn't pay attention to him for a while and broke it into his hands? Han Zai thought that he could suppress Lin Fu by coming here, but he really thought of himself too high.


Gu Siyuan wanted to take the road from Chongzhou to Qingzhou.

Although it takes only three days and three nights to travel by land from Chongzhou, 500 miles in a hurry, change horses without changing people, and get to Qingzhou at the fastest speed, but Gu Wuchen asked Gu Siyuan to bring 100 squires to Qingzhou, not Gu Siyuan and Zhao Jin and the two went there alone. With so many people, those who wanted to stay in the field all rushed to Qingzhou by land, and the stations along the way did not provide so many horses to replace horsepower. It would take ten days and eight days to arrive at Qingzhou.

Tang Haoxin is old and has limited energy. At this time, there are not many available and trustworthy people in Shandong. If Zhang Xie's plan could not be followed and Tang Haoxin's body would be dragged down by heavy political affairs, he had to send Gu Siyuan and others to Qingzhou as soon as possible. The sea route was the best and fastest option.

At this time, it was late April, and the southeast monsoon began to prevail. It took only two days to go to Jiaozhou Bay by boat, and then ride to Qingzhou by land. It only took more than four days before and after.

The southeast monsoon is favorable for northbound travel, and the Heishuiyang route in the sea east of Changshan Island is also favorable for northbound travel. At this time, there is no fast sailing southward.

In addition to the four Qianshi ships remaining in Jinhai to participate in the transportation of grain and **** in the Bohai Sea, Lin Fu has no plans to send ships north in the near future; however, in order to protect the rare situation in Qingzhou, Lin Fu still sent out two Qianshi ships. In the afternoon, I sent Gu Siyuan, Zhao Jin, and more than a hundred hus to the north; the two thousand stone ships, Lin Fu, were also used to strengthen the sea power on the Jinhai side.

After Gu Siyuan left, Zhao Qinmin didn't have to rush back to Jiangning.

It is undeniable that Yue Lengqiu, after all, has the name of the governor of Jianghuai and holds a heavy army. Many officials in Jiangning fall to Yue Lengqiu, and Gu Wuchen cannot but say that he is at an absolute disadvantage. How to get back some initiative, what to do in this article, Zhao Qinmin still has many things to discuss with Lin Fu.

Besides, the marriage between Lin Jingzhong and Sun Wenpei was on the 23rd - on the surface, the Sun family was a convicted and exiled criminal. The marriage between Lin Jingzhong and Sun Wenpei in Chongzhou was actually a public announcement that the Sun family and Xihe would be fully integrated into the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Among the forces - Zhao Qinmin came here on behalf of Gu Wuchen, why did he have to drink this glass of wedding wine and go back to Jiangning.

Lin Fu didn't need to cover up at this time. Except for the Zen courtyard where Shejia's sister-in-law was imprisoned on the top of Zilang Mountain, there was no other place to hide Gu Wuchen and Zhao Qinmin. He generously let Zhao Qinmin see the power he had in Chongzhou.


Even if he took out two thousand stone boats to go north, Lin Bie still had three five thousand stone warships, seven thousand stone warships, eight sea loach boats, and a large number of private ships brought by the Sun family to Lin Biao in Chongzhou.

The Sun family and Xihehui lived by water transportation, and there were water ships specially allocated by the government to transport food grains. However, the Sun family and the Xihe Society depend on water for a living. In addition to buying land and building houses in Jiangning for the congregation to live in, one of the things they focus on most is buying ships and developing their power on the water.

It has been passed down through four generations for nearly a hundred years, and the Sun family and the Xihe Association have also accumulated hundreds of private boats, and even some members of the congregation are boat households who live on the water as their homes.

Before Yue Lengqiu sent people to seize the properties of the Xihe Club and the Sun family, nearly a hundred private ships were transferred to the Jiyun Club in time and escaped the seizure by the government. The nearly 100 ships that were transferred out were mostly wooden ships with a capacity of one or two hundred stone or even smaller, but their hulls were solid and their shape was conducive to traveling quickly on the water.

The river gangs are not in harmony, and there are many pirates and pirates in the rivers and lakes. These ships were originally a weapon that the Sun family and Xihe would rely on to compete on the water and protect themselves. It is very easy to transform into the direction of warships.

I also have to say that Concubine Zhao has a womanly demeanor, she is decisive and capable in her work, not dragging its feet, she is decisive, and knows what to choose.

Lin Bie didn't even need to buy more ships, and by modifying the existing ships, it was enough to build a navy that was comparable in size to the water camp of Ninghai Town.


A strong water battalion must have strong logistical support. Before the formal establishment of a water battalion, it is necessary to have the ability to repair large ships and build docks for small and medium-sized warships.

Xihehui lives on water and boats, and has a large number of boats. In addition to the connoisseurs who walk on boats and water, of course, there are also a considerable number of craftsmen who are skilled in shipbuilding.

When Zhao Qinmin saw that there were as many as 300 or 400 sail-weaving women organized by Lin Fu on Xisha Island, he understood a little why Lin Fu would not hesitate to march into Shandong to help the Xihe Association.

What the Xihe Club has are not only those mud feet who can only walk on boats and water, but a river gang that has been passed down for nearly a hundred years, in fact, it has long been involved in all aspects of the shipping industry.

Lin Fu can even set up a shipyard by recruiting people from the Xihe Society. Although the scale is far from being comparable to that of the Longjiang Shipyard affiliated to the Jiangning Ministry of Industry, it is quite complete.

While preparing for the wedding of Lin Jingzhong and Sun Wenpei, Lin Fu also further clarified that Sun Jingxuan's responsibility in Chongzhou is to build a shipyard and dock.


Zhao Qinmin is curious now how much money Lin Bie holds in his hands.

At dusk, Zhao Qinmin followed Lin Bing up to the tower of the surrounding building on the east bank of the Xiaoman River in Guanyin Beach and looked into the distance.

Xisha Island is far from being renovated, and the main work in the early stage is to resettle the refugees. Apart from the three surrounding buildings on Guanyin Beach and the 40 or 50 surrounding houses that radiate into the island along the Xiaoman River, there are not many fields reclaimed on the island. In the southeast, there are large mulberry orchards.

"The so-called three-year mulberry branch can be used as an old stick, a ten-year mulberry branch can be used as a horse whip, and a fifteen-year dry branch can be used as a bow material. There are many people in Pingjiang Prefecture who grow mulberry and silkworms to weave cotton, but they always count It takes a long time to see the effect," Zhao Qinmin said lightly, rubbing his beard under his chin, "Xisha Island, it seems that a few years ago, it was a bottomless pit to eat money!"

In fact, Zhao Qinmin is not very familiar with planting mulberries and raising silkworms. The mulberry garden does not need to be fully grown to be profitable. As long as the leaves are harvested without damaging the trees, silkworms can be raised. In addition, Lin Bie planted mulberry orchards on Xisha Island, not mainly for mulberry cultivation and silkworm breeding and silk weaving.

Weaving needs to flourish, because weaving can accommodate a large number of surplus women's labor force, and cloth and rice are the two major necessities of life, but Lin Bie will not develop the silk weaving industry, which will consume a lot of manpower and occupy a lot of fertile fields, and will not weave gorgeously. Jin forging to meet the luxury needs of upper-class celebrities.

What Lin Bie wants to develop on Xisha Island is also cotton and linen weaving. If possible, he will even suppress the mulberry silk weaving industry. In addition to the necessities of cotton and linen, the fertile and limited fields should be organized to produce food.

The situation of Xisha Island is special, the land is barren on the one hand, and more importantly, the natural disasters are serious.

"There is no way. Planting trees and grasses is necessary for sand-fixing, wind-proof and sea-tidal protection!" Lin Fu knew that Zhao Qinmin had digressed on this topic and wanted to know how long his financial resources could last. In fact, it is very difficult. We must give them some confidence here. Lin Fie pointed to the southeastern part of Xisha Island and explained to Zhao Qinmin, "I asked a lot of old people and compared the county annals. The main direction. So now we focus our efforts on rushing in before the summer monsoon and rainy season, and plant more mulberry seedlings and shrubs in the southeast. I’m not afraid of your jokes. grows more lush..."

"There are about 32,000 or 3,000 people on the island now," Lin Fu explained the details to Zhao Qinmin. "The cultivated land is less than 10,000 mu. After rushing to plant wheat, there will be a harvest in more than a month. Seven or eight thousand stone grains are better than nothing. After summer, we may be able to grow nearly ten thousand mu of rice, but for the time being, we cannot explain the problem of self-sufficiency in grain.

"More than 30,000 people," Zhao Qinmin knew that Lin Bie had trapped a lot of people on Xisha Island, but he didn't expect so many. When the refugees were resettled on the island, only 2,000 households and 7,000 people were counted here, so all parties lost their vigilance and let Linfu control Xisha Island. Chongzhou County even agreed to fully entrust the reclamation of Xisha Island to wasteland. For Jiyun Club, only 3,000 taels of silver are drawn in tax every year. Zhao Qinmin calculated in his heart, deducting the Xihe congregation and their families who moved in this time, Lin Fu moved his hands and feet, but actually only counted less than one-third of the small mouths. Said, "Even if it is the most difficult, let's not say that you have to transport 10,000 stone grains of rice to the island every month! It's really not easy for you."

"It's almost a little more than this number, it's not easy!" Lin Bie nodded, "I don't hide from you, the battles in Yannan have been captured quite a lot, and there are almost two extra horses sold and seized materials that are converted into silver. 156,000 to 60,000 taels. In fact, the Jiangdong Zuo Army has been in charge of the casualties from Jiangning's hasty army to the present, and it has been seven months, and the accumulated support is 2.56 million taels. If it hadn't been able to support the war with war, Jiangdong Zuo Army I can't afford it personally. There must be a surplus, which is the 60,000 taels of silver that the adults asked for me from the Jiangning Ministry of Industry at the beginning, and the 50,000 taels of reward money allocated by the imperial court, plus other odds and ends. From the proceeds, I now have about 140,000 taels of silver in my hand. Almost all the money I accumulated before has been invested in this island and Jiyun Club."

It was impossible for Lin Bie to reveal all the details to Zhao Qinmin. At least he kept the 200,000 taels of silver from the private transaction with Hao Zongcheng. There is also Lin Fu to the Jiangdong Left Army soldiers who sacrificed or made military merits, mainly in the form of allocation of fields to provide pensions or rewards. Allocating the nearly 10,000 mu of newly cultivated land on the island would save nearly 60,000 taels of silver. Lin Fu actually had 400,000 taels of silver on hand.

"The thieves and monks in Guangjiao Temple are all fat heads and big ears." Zhao Qinmin said meaningfully.

"This time I killed Guangjiao Temple, and I got some, but I have lent it to Chongzhou County after changing the name. I'm going to use this to blackmail Han Zai. I can't help but set him up..." Lin Fu said, "If I can If you get the money smoothly, you can almost accumulate 200,000 taels of silver."

"Haha," Zhao Qinmin said with a light smile, "Han Zai can't stop you from doing what you want in Chongzhou."

Lin Fu also smiled slightly and said: "The investment in Xisha Island is too big, and it is indeed a bottomless pit, but there is no way, this is the foundation, and it must be done well. But the most difficult time has passed, UU reading www. One advantage of uukanshu.com now is that the main soldiers and auxiliary soldiers receive salaries, which can almost support the expenses of the family on the island, so there is no need for additional relief..."

Zhao Qinmin was stunned, and he supported his family with wages, which meant that each household had to draw a small number to be the main soldier or auxiliary soldier. There were 32,000 or 3,000 people on the island, which also meant that Lin Fu wanted to maintain the actual strength of the Jiangdong Zuo Army. Around seven or eight thousand people.

In this way, Lin Fu does not need to provide additional relief to the refugees in Xisha Island, but how much financial resources does it take to support a military force of seven or eight thousand people?

When Li Zhuo was leading the army in Dongmin, he mainly drew salaries from Jiangning and other governments; Zhao Qinmin had been Wang Xueshan's staff for many years, and Zhao Qinmin knew how much it took to maintain an elite army.

Lin Fu said that Zhao Qinmin was not surprised that Jiangdong Zuo Army spent 2.56 million taels of silver in the six or seven months from rushing the army to compensating for casualties.

As far as the entire Dayue Dynasty is concerned, Lin Fu spent 2.56 million taels of silver to achieve such a brilliant victory, which is definitely the most expensive battle. You must know that the entire East Fujian war, the southeastern counties consumed more than 20 million taels of grain and salaries, and this did not count the destruction of the war on the local area.

Donglu broke into the border and entered the pirates, and the losses were even more incalculable. Just breaking the embankment and destroying the river channel of Pingyuanfu would cause direct losses of more than ten million taels of silver...

If Lin Fu used the standard of the army to provide food and pay: the main soldiers would provide one stone of food, eight coins of silver each month, two sets of shoes and clothing, and the weapons and armor would be rotated every five years. The average annual consumption of ordinary soldiers would also be twenty-five For more than two taels of silver, eight thousand taels per year is two hundred thousand taels of silver. In addition, a large amount of camping and combat equipment, mules, horses, carriages, construction and other expenses must be added. To maintain the level of combat power of the Jiangdong Left Army, it cannot be beaten without 300,000 taels of silver a year.

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