Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 38: Housework

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

East of Jiangning City, South of Zangjin Bridge.

After taking down a large house on the east side and opening the courtyard, Gu Mansion was twice as big as when Gu Wuchen first came to Jiangning. At this time, in the Gu Mansion, the candles were shining brightly, the lights were bright, and there were strict guards inside and outside the courtyard.

During the **** battle of Jiyang, Gu Wuchen, who was assigned by Gu Wuchen to serve as a guard, suffered great casualties. Gu Wuchen recruited squires from the people who had experienced the **** battle of Jiyang. This made the guards of Gu's house reborn and more loyal to the Gu family. . Although they were supported by the salaries of the envoys, these three or four hundred people were almost the private soldiers of the Gu family.

It was raining lightly, the stone streets were slippery, and the sound of horses’ hooves and ruts came from far to near, and the lanterns raised in front of the house only illuminated the nearby rain. In addition to the guards on duty, the concierge in the hall heard the sound of horses' hooves in a hurry, and also stepped out and looked out, not knowing who rushed to Gu's house at this time.

The carriage stopped in front of the dismounting stone. Seeing that Zhao Qinmin was getting out of the carriage, the guard and the porter respectfully called out, "Master Zhao, are you old?"

Zhao Qinmin nodded slightly and asked the concierge, "Is the lord in the house?"

"Here." The porter replied.

This concierge is the younger generation of the Gu family and is Gu Wuchen's distant nephew. He is quite clever in handling things and knows how to behave in the world, so Gu Wuchen uses him to look after the door.

The concierge looks cheap, but in fact, the status of the concierge in the private residence of the official mansion has always been equal to half the housekeeper. The concierge has to go through the arrival and delivery of the house, and even the gifts at the entrance have to be counted by the concierge. There is a lot of attention to the reception, who will be closed to the door, and guarding the door has never been a trivial matter.

Looking at the back of Zhao Qinmin entering the hanging flower hall, a new guy stuck his head out from the hall and said to the doorman, "Five masters, Mr. Zhao didn't give you a single glance, why are you still so respectful to him? How many people in this house are closer to adults than you?"

"If you talk nonsense again, I will pull out your tongue," the fifth concierge patted the boy's head with his hand, and said, "Don't look down on Mr. Zhao as a commoner, let me tell you one thing, you Don't go out and chew your tongue. I personally heard the adults tell Mr. Zhao in the hanging flower hall, if Mr. Zhao wants to, I will recommend him to go out to serve as a magistrate and then be promoted and reused. Mr. Zhao rejected it on the spot--Your Excellency to Zhao How much does Mr. pay attention to, when adults still see people wrong? You must know that our uncle was even worse in the past, and even made fun of others and called him a pig herd. Tell me, who has the prestige of our uncle now? "

"Why is our family not our family, as if the fifth master has a daughter?" The young man replied sharply.

"You bastard, just be the fifth master for entertainment," the fifth master of the concierge slapped the young man's head again, "Hey, Lin Fu is not the uncle of the Gu family, and I am not a member of the Gu family?"


Zhao Qinmin was also used to going through the door in Gu's residence. Knowing that Gu Wuchen was in the back garden, he didn't need to notify him, so he walked over directly. Seeing that Gu Siyuan and Gu Junxun were both in the pavilion in the back garden, they stood by Gu Wuchen's side and spoke, only to restrain themselves in the drizzle outside the pavilion and shout, "Sir..."

"Oh, here you are. Come into the pavilion, what are you doing standing in the rain?" Gu Wuchen greeted Zhao Qinmin to enter the pavilion.

Gu Junxun leaned back and gave Zhao Qinmin a salute: "Mr. Zhao..."

"Qinmin is here to congratulate Miss Xi." Zhao Qinmin bowed in return, not busy talking about other things, and asked Gu Wuchen with a smile, "I heard that the seventh lady has come to propose marriage. Miss and the governor have exchanged Geng Tie? , Miss and Lin Dujian can help you a little..."

"..." A blush appeared on Gu Junxun's face, and he turned back and said to his father, "Daughter went over to talk to Sister Yingxiu first." After walking out of the garden, he looked back to see Zhao Qinmin chatting and laughing with his father and brother, as if they were all interested in this marriage. Very satisfied, I couldn't help letting out a sigh. There shouldn't be any dissatisfaction, and I didn't immediately go to my cousin Gu Yingxiu, looking at an elm tree on the side of the road.

"Xun Niang..."

Gu Junxun looked back, not knowing when her cousin Gu Yingxiu and her mother were standing behind him, she was startled and whispered, "Ah, mother, sister Yingxiu, when did you stand behind me? scare me."

"You're distracted. I called you first, but you didn't respond—what are you thinking?" Gu Yingxiu asked.

"I think she is crazy with joy. She is always distracted by what she does today. I don't know if she can marry and look like a mistress." Gu Shi blamed with a smile.

"Aren't you thinking about anything?" Gu Junxun smiled softly at Gu Yingxiu, but shook her head and did not admit that she was thinking about other things. She didn't know what to say, and she didn't want to say anything in front of her mother. Mother gave birth to her, raised her, she shouldn't hate her, but she couldn't help but want to avoid and hide from her mother...

I don’t know when it started, all my thoughts were on one person. I went to Hekou last autumn to listen to my cousin talking about the marriage. I was really happy I had never felt before, but the indifference and taboos that followed in the house, I just thought about it. Makes people feel cold.

After changing the Geng Tie and combining the Eight Characters, this marriage is considered a one-off for the Eight Characters. Seeing her mother's face suddenly changed, Gu Junxun thought to herself that this marriage might just be a marriage between the Lin family, the Tang family, and the Gu family. Maybe that person didn't even know that someone was hanging on to him day and night.

Seeing her daughter's silence, Mrs Gu said, "Did you, Sister Yingxiu, come to the city to stay tonight, so she will stay in your yard, you two sisters, have a good talk..." If so, then go to the other courtyard to do other things.

"Xunniang is no longer a little girl," Gu Yingxiu stood there looking at Gu Junxun, smiled and asked, "Are you a little unhappy?"

Gu Junxun was still prone to shyness, lowered his head slightly, and said, "I should be happy, but I can't tell what's blocking my heart..." Ouer gathered up the courage and asked, "You said he would like me before letting you propose marriage. of?"

The little girl really cares about this, Gu Yingxiu sighed slightly and said with a smile: "Of course, this is a good thing, don't think about it too much, your parents are also for your own good, who doesn't want to be at home My daughter is married to a good family and enjoys glory and wealth? That boy Lin Fu, he has long been interested in you. If it weren't for this, how could he be so cheeky to beg me to make this happen? But ah, the world of men is vast. Very, we women put our minds on one person, but never think that they can put their minds on you alone..." She didn't know that if she and Lin Fu were known to Xunniang, there would be trouble. If something goes wrong, we can only take a step by step.

"I won't be jealous with Yue'er, Xiaoman and the others..." Gu Junxun blushed and said in a voice like a mosquito.

Gu Yingxiu couldn't help laughing. Xunniang was still a little girl. Seeing her like this, I just hope that nothing will happen to this marriage.


"The superintendent is in Chongzhou. It seems that there is no need to be so antagonistic to Ninghai Town?" Zhao Qinmin said, he came in a hurry, mainly because of the fact that Xiao Taoyuan of Ninghai Town sent someone to the Governor's Office to complain. Zhenshuiying was a little too impatient. Now that Lin Fu and Gu Wuchen are quasi-weng son-in-law, Gu Wuchen's mind is not so easy to figure out, he said cautiously, "The relationship between Captain Xiao and our side has always been good, this time it is Totally messed up!"

"Look at this," Gu Wuchen picked up an open private letter on the desk and handed it to Zhao Qinmin, "After you have read it, this matter must not be leaked!"

Zhao Qinmin took the letter, but it was a private letter from Lin Fu to Gu Wuchen. Gu Wuchen was able to show him the private letter brought by Lin Bie, indicating that he still trusted him. Zhao Qinmin felt a little relieved and opened the letter. . He put the letter back on the desk and said, "This Xiao Taoyuan is really daring, I've seen it wrong..." He took advantage of the letter to carefully observe Gu Wuchen, thinking to himself: Lin Fu has dragged on until this time. , even after he took full control of Chongzhou, he told Gu Wuchen about the Chongzhou boy case. Speaking of which, he didn't have much trust in Gu Wuchen. What would Gu Wuchen think?

When Taihu Lake raided Xisha Island last year, the garrison of Ninghai Zhenshui Camp in Chongzhou was dead. Zhao Qinmin thought that Lin Fu and Xiao Taoyuan had formed a grudge at that time, but he did not expect the Chongzhou boy case to have such twists and turns. At this time, to prevent Xiao Taoyuan from jumping over the wall to vote for the East China Sea bandits, the Chongzhou boy case cannot be announced to the world, but it is impossible for Lin Fu and Xiao Taoyuan to compromise, so he will stop talking about it.

Gu Wuchen didn't look at the letter again, and said to Zhao Qinmin: "You take the time to go to Chongzhou and ask Lin Fu what he needs help here. There are some things that are not clear in the letter. Chongzhou, take a boat from Chongzhou to Qingzhou, his grandfather's side is even more short of manpower, I plan to let Siyuan go to Qingzhou to exercise..."

"This is a good thing, the young master should have been on his own for a long time," Zhao Qinmin said. He knew that Gu Wuchen still had high hopes for his son, and said, "My boy is not expected to study, please agree to let him follow. Qingzhou, it would be nice to have someone close to take care of the young master..." In Jiangdong, Gu Wuchen was suppressed by Yue Lengqiu, and he had to be careful everywhere and every step, and dared not let Gu Siyuan go out to stand alone. Coming out to compete with Tang Haoxin, the ambassador of Xuanfu, Gu Siyuan had a chance to exercise on his own.

In troubled times and troubled times, the most important thing is to be in power, to be in charge of affairs, and to be in control of the military~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Where else can you follow the rules to take the imperial examinations and enter the Hanlin to get qualifications?

"Your family's Zhao Jin is a talented person. It's better to let him and Si Yuan go to Qingzhou." Gu Wuchen nodded, agreeing to let Zhao Qinmin's son Zhao Jin go to Qingzhou with him, and then said, "Qingzhou is too short of manpower, so there must be someone capable of For the time being, Si Yuan does not have the ability to take the lead - do you think Zhang Yubo is suitable, or Chen/Yuanliang?"

Zhang Yubo joined the army from the Zuo Sikou of Jiangning Prefecture, and Chen/Yuanliang was the magistrate of Moling. Because Jiangning is the southern capital of the Dayue Dynasty, the official rank of the subordinate officials and the Zhengyin officials are several ranks higher than those of ordinary prefectures and counties. The official seal of Jiangning Prefecture is a third-grade prefect, far from being comparable to that of an ordinary prefect. Zhang Yubo and Chen/Yuanliang are also six-rank civil officials.

He was transferred to Qingzhou to assist Tang Haoxin, not to mention that he would also be promoted to the fifth rank. Maybe after the next year, he would have to be promoted to the fourth rank by the imperial censor of the capital and be the deputy envoy of the inspector or deputy envoy of Xuanfu. It is definitely Qingyun Avenue.

Zhang Yubo and Chen/Yuanliang were both jinshi backgrounds, and their qualifications were barely enough. It was suitable for anyone to go to Qingzhou.

Zhang Yubo was too upright and walked too close to Lin Fu. Zhao Qinmin didn't like it.

Zhao Qinmin thought to himself: Zhang Yubo's Zuo Si Kou Shiquan is also mainly concentrated in the Dongcheng area, and Liu Xilin has already served as the Dongcheng captain, and Zhang Yubo was transferred to Shandong, which has the least impact on this area; Chen/Yuanliang, as the magistrate of Moling, can directly take care of Hekou. , it should be said that he can't leave. Gu Wuchen took out Zhang Yubo and Chen/Yuanliang at the same time for himself to compare, maybe he also hoped that Chen/Yuanliang would go to Qingzhou.

"My subordinates think that Master Chen is suitable," Zhao Qinmin said. "Master Chen has been standing alone in Moling County for a long time. Going to Qingzhou will definitely help the boss to open up the situation quickly..."

"I don't know if it can be done or not. After all, this matter has to go through the Ministry of Personnel." Gu Wuchen said. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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