Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 20: brave and fearless

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

South of Changyi County.

After the night fell, the rain continued, and the flags wetted by the rain were attached to the club head in a ball, and there was no sign of spirit. Surrounded by the guards, Lin Tie climbed up to a high ground on the Jiaolai River, wiped the sweat from his forehead, raised the rain scorpion to cover the eaves, and stared at the vast night ahead. In the deadly silent night, there is no longer any vitality, and the depression is suppressed in my heart, which makes people very uncomfortable.

"The rain won't stop for a while, do you want to find a village to rest?" Sun Wenbing followed with one foot and one foot. It was worthy of his breath, reflecting the thin face of La Huang who had not recovered from his injury.

"No, Qingzhou has already made remarks that are not good for our army. At this time, we must be more cautious in words and deeds, and don't easily enter the village," Lin Fu shook his head and said, "I ordered to go down, camp on the spot, and put up a canopy first. Take shelter from the rain for injuries, and continue on your way when the rain dries up.”

Standing on the high ground, they couldn't see anything. Lin Fu and Sun Wenbing rushed back with a deep and shallow foot. They built a shelter on the river bank, and dozens of torches illuminated the left and right sides. There were six or seven fast ships parked near the river bank. paddle boat.

Jinhai, Jiyun 1, Jiyun 2 and other large ships can only be parked at the mouth of the Jiaolai River, and only a few fast-oared warships can enter the Jiaolai River. In order to accommodate as many armoured soldiers as possible and facilitate surface engagement, this kind of fast oar boat does not have shelters on board. Generally speaking, it only uses short-range engagements, which is not conducive to long-distance movement and projection of troops, but Lin Bing entered at this time. The Jiaolai River only collected these few ships, and most of the Jiangdong Left Army soldiers who followed him along the Jiaolai River to the south to sweep away the rebels could only move along the river.


After successfully disarming the 3,000 Qingzhou army stationed outside Yingkou, Lin Fu led the army to coerce the 3,000 Qingzhou army directly to Changyi for rectification.

The Qingzhou Army who stayed behind in Qingzhou was mainly based on the army of the former government, and most of them were local children. Chen Debiao entered Qingzhou City under the protection of two battalions of Jiangdong Zuo Army. Except for the four or five hundred recruited Qingzhou Army to escape from the city, the rest of the Qingzhou Army They all quietly accepted the takeover of the Admiral's House.

The Jiangdong Left Army's limited forces could only focus on stabilizing the situation in Changyi, Shouguang, Qingzhou and other cities, without paying any attention to the countryside. At this time, there were almost 4,000 broken soldiers running rampant in the countryside of Qingzhou Prefecture.

On the 24th, Zhang Jinxian led 500 soldiers from Yangxin Township to enter Changyi and took office as the Qingzhou Prefecture Commander.

According to the law of Dayue, the soldiers of the prefecture, county and township, and the army were subject to the control of the prefectural government, forming a power structure in which the prefectural government was restricted by the prefecture. In fact, often because of the complicated local situation, too much restraint does not make use of local affairs, and it is necessary to strengthen the power of the chief officials such as the prefect, so that the prefect can also serve as a supervisor of military preparations or as an inspector of military preparations to hold military and political power.

Liu Yefei, as an inspector, an educated youth state army, and a military superintendent, even if he is not as powerful as a governor, is far more powerful than a minister of the same level and an admiral who does not actually have military power.

Qingzhou military chaos, Liu Yefei has actually been on the air, Tang Haoxin forced the Shandong Xuanfu envoy to temporarily transfer Zhang Jinxian to the Qingzhou government to pass the sentence. In fact, Zhang Jinxian is to replace Liu Yefei and hold the Qingzhou government's military and political power .

Yangxin was originally a small county, and it was in an insignificant position in Shandong. Zhang Jinxian was also an insignificant figure in the officialdom of the Dayue Dynasty, and was not attracted by various factions. If it weren't for the glorious victory of Yangxin's defense battle, the leaders of the Western Qin Party and the Chu Party in Beijing would not even know that there are such figures as Zhang Jinxian and Cheng Weiyuan in Shandong.

The Yangxin Guard Battle was not only the most brilliant victory of the Jiangdong Left Army, but also made Zhang Jinxian, Cheng Weiyuan and other local officials emerge and become famous. It's just that Beijing is panicking about the shortage of food, and the progress of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Personnel will inevitably be slow, and the newly formed Shandong County Division, everything is a mess, and the promotion and rewards for Zhang Jinxian, Cheng Weiyuan and others have not yet been decided.

However, the Qingzhou army was in chaos, and Liu Yefei couldn't be blamed. Tang Haoxin urged the Shandong Xuanfu envoy and the admiral to urgently transfer Zhang Jinxian to be the Qingzhou government's general judge to control the Qingzhou army and temporarily act as the Qingzhou government. No one can blame.

On the night of the 22nd, Tang Haoxin, Chen Debiao, and Ge Zufang jointly prepared to write a memorial. In fact, Chen Debiao and Ge Zufang jointly wrote it, and Tang Haoxin prepared to write it. It recorded the rebellion of the Qingzhou army, participated in Liu Yefei, recruited surrender, accepted rebels, restrained the army, and led the army. For the chaos, the playbook 800 li stepped up to enter Beijing.

Although Beijing was unable to form a resolution on the Qingzhou army mutiny in a short period of time, but to prevent the situation in Shandong from deteriorating, the reply to the decree sent back expeditedly by 800 miles on the 24th also recognized Tang Haoxin and others' actions against the Qingzhou army. Mutiny matters from the right to dispose of.

On the 24th, an edict was issued, first appointing Tang Haoxin as the ambassador of Xuanfu, and the title of Prince Shaobao to patrol Shandong County on behalf of the emperor, to control the affairs of Sifu County, Jinhai and Qingzhou, and to know the affairs of Qingzhou Prefecture. Zhang Jinxian was appointed to serve as the general judge of Qingzhou Prefecture and the military affairs of Qingzhou's military preparation department of Shandong County, and Du Juefu was appointed as the counselor of the minister of Xuanfu and Qingzhou Caoyun. Chen Debiao and Ge Zufang were both officials in their original positions and made meritorious deeds, while Liu Yefei was dismissed for investigation.


Lin Fu walked into the shed, took a bowl of hot **** soup handed to him by Sun Wenwan, took off the rain scorpion, and didn't mind the rain seeping through his armor, and read the official letter from Changyi while surrounding the fire.

Although it was already the end of March, the clothes and armor were soaked, and it was still very cold. After baking it on the bonfire, white steam appeared after a while, and people felt comfortable. Lin Bie put down the official letter in his hand and asked Liu Zhenzhi to give it to the generals. They burned several fires, watching Sun Wenbing not recovering from his illness, and asked him to pay attention to rest.

The successful suppression of the Qingzhou army mutiny can be said to be a great victory for Tang Haoxin.

In this situation, no matter how reluctant Zhang Xie was, he could only abandon his **** to protect the car in Beijing, making the rift between him and Tang Haoxin less glaring.

Tang Haoxin, with the title of Prince Shaobao on behalf of the emperor, toured Shandong County. Although he did not have the official title of governor, it was not far behind.

Tang Haoxin also controlled the events in Jinhai and Qingzhou. This is probably because Zhang Xie understood that under the current situation, he could not be allowed to intervene in the sea-cao affairs that were created to solve the grain shortage in Gyeonggi. All these matters are attributed to Tang Haoxin's name.

Lin Bing stared at the bonfire in a trance. The fire was blown by the wind and detected that the sparks fell on his robe. Sun Wenwan saw clearly next to him, and hurriedly slapped the sparks off his robes.

"Ah!" Only at this time did Lin Fu notice that the official robe had burned a few holes, moved the stump back, and looked up to see Sun Wenwan's beautiful face as white as jade, illuminated by the firelight, even though she was wearing a scholar's shirt, she also looked handsome Moving, he asked with a smile, "The Qingzhou army mutiny is almost suppressed now. Do you think this is more pros or cons?"

"How can a little girl have the right to arbitrarily discuss political affairs?" Sun Wenwan saw that Lin Fu's smile was somewhat bitter, and did not dare to speak rashly in front of him, and said in a low voice, "Take off your robe, and I will help you with these The holes are embroidered to fill up..."

"Could it be that you must be forgiven and innocent before you dare to speak?" Lin Bie laughed, kicking Sun Wenwan from a tree stump beside him, and asked her to sit down. He could only keep a lot of things in his heart. If Sun Wenwan was strict, it would be fine to chat with her. Thinking this way, he especially thought of Xiaoman and Liu Yueer. If they were around, they could at least sleep peacefully every night. Sleep.

Sun Wenwan had to pretend to be a boy in the army, and she was cautious in front of Lin Bie, but the boy's posture was not good, showing a lot of daughter's posture. Next, he looked at Lin Bing who was staring at the firelight, and whispered: "I said nonsense, suppressing the Qingzhou army mutiny, there are many harms!"

"Oh!" Lin Fu glanced at Sun Wenwan unexpectedly. After suppressing the mutiny of the Qingzhou Army, Cao Zi'ang, Lin Mengde and others were quite excited. She didn't expect her to think so and said, "You say it."

"The Chu Party in the DPRK has evolved into the dispute between Tang Gu and Zhang Yue, and it is for a disadvantage - of course, Zhang and Yue are aggressive and do not fight back fiercely, but to the extent of the Qingzhou army mutiny, it is a little too much." Sun Wenwan He didn't dare to talk nonsense, and looked at Lin Bie's face carefully while talking.

Lin Bie remained calm, staring at the bonfire.

Even if some people can't figure it out at first, at this time most of them can know that the Qingzhou army mutiny was behind Tang Haoxin's manipulation. After all, they also captured many Qingzhou rebels in the end, and they will know the details after a little interrogation. Although the culprit will be pushed on Liu Yefei's head, Lin Fu and others are well aware that Sun Wenwan has stayed by Lin Fu's side to take care of them these days, and it's easy to know these things.

"Zhang Xie was forced to give up the car to protect the commander, and entrusted Tang Shaobao with all the power in Shandong. How could he not know that Zhang Xie was trying to retreat?" Sun Wenwan said again.

"Alas!" Lin Bie let out a long sigh, stood up with his arms up, and didn't let Sun Wenwan say any more.

Although Tang Haoxin's methods are old-fashioned, they are still limited to party struggles, too limited to struggle for power and power. Taking full control of Shandong County's military and political power seems to be a great victory in the party struggle after provoking the Qingzhou Army mutiny, but at this time Shandong County was A rotten mess.

Zhang Xie used his retreat as an advance, and smashed Shandong's rotten mess into Tang Haoxin's hands to see his good show.

In addition to opening a temporary waterway in the middle of the Shandong Peninsula, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com Shandong County still has several very urgent tasks to do: First, strengthen the Dengzhou boat division to cooperate with Li Zhuo's plan for peacekeeping; third The road layout concept, one is to block the rupture of the Yellow River and restore the canal road in Jinan Prefecture and Pingyuan Prefecture. Wanzhen Army is completely disabled and needs to be rebuilt...

Every thing requires a lot of resources. If there are so many things, if one cannot be done well, the situation in Shandong cannot be considered stable.

Zhang Xie controls the Ministry of Household and most of the financial resources of the Dayue Dynasty. If Shandong County is controlled by Zhang Xie’s people, Zhang Xie will naturally give a strong inclination to Shandong County in the allocation of financial resources of Dayue Dynasty. It is possible to do it. But at this time, Zhang Xie gave Tang Haoxin all the mess in Shandong County, and then Shandong County would only become a victim of the party struggle between Tang Gu and Zhang Yue.

Shandong is a strategic hub connecting Jianghuai, the hinterland of the Central Plains and Yanji. If the situation in Shandong is unstable, if Shandong is completely a victim of the party and government, what will the Central Plains use to resist the eastern captives, Li Zhuo's five-year ambition Why do it?

Lin Fu made various arrangements, and even gave in to Liu Yefei. He did not mean to completely overthrow Liu Yefei at once. He just wanted to strive for a situation that was most beneficial to the Jiangdong Zuo Army in an unfavorable situation. He did not want the situation in Shandong County to change. The child has deteriorated beyond control.

As long as the situation in Shandong can be temporarily stabilized, Lin Fu can rest assured to return to Jiangdong to attack the Shejia, and there will be enough time to attack the Shejia, but the Qingzhou army mutiny and Tang Haoxin directly beat Liu Yefei to the point where no **** is left. Disrupt his original idea.

One needs to be brave and fearless, but Tang Haoxin can only be regarded as a traitor. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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