Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 21: submit

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

Although the Qingzhou mutiny did not lead to major chaos, after all, four or five thousand rebels fled to the countryside, causing disaster. Lin Fu went from Yingkou to Changyi, and then led the army to move south along the Jiaolai River. Many villages along the way were attacked by the rebels. looting.

Scattered soldiers become rogues. These rogues escape faster than rabbits when they see officers and soldiers coming to suppress them. Without a perfect clearing strategy and enough troops to carry out encirclement and suppression, it is difficult to completely eliminate the scourge.

These are all local responsibilities, Lin Fu is pragmatic, and will not take these responsibilities on Jiangdong Zuojun casually.

What Lin Fu has to do now, in addition to coordinating Tang Haoxin to stabilize the situation in the three cities of Qingzhou, Changyi, and Shouguang, is to expel the rebels along the Jiaolai River. Jiaolai River is the most urgent channel to be preserved by all parties.

This burden is actually not light. The Jiaolai River is sandwiched between Yishan and Kunyu Mountains, which is convenient for rioters and bandits to attack and hide, and Lin Fu can use too few troops. It was not until the end of March that Lin Fu gathered the main force of the Jiangdong Left Army and entered the southern border of Changyi County. He focused on eliminating the bandit villages in Yishan and Kunyu Mountain on both sides of the Jiaolai River that could directly threaten the safety of Jiaolai River water transportation.

Since a large number of watercrafts do not have the conditions to circumnavigate the waters at the eastern end of the Shandong Peninsula, ensuring the smooth flow of the Jiaolai River is an expedient measure to maintain uninterrupted waterway transportation.

On March 28, Xu Jianshen, the censor of the right deputy capital, left Beijing with a decree and arrived in Qingzhou to inquire about the mutiny of the Changyi River Gang and Shouguang Qingzhou soldiers.

The Ducha Yuan set up the left and right censors, the second grade, and the status was slightly higher than that of the six Shangshu; the left and right deputy censors were set up, the third grade; Usually, the fourth-grade Yudu Censor is the title of the county chief. For example, Gu Wuchen is appointed as the governor of Jiangdong County and the Youdu Yushi title is added. Qiu and Li Zhuo were both given the title of Youdu Censor.

Xu Jianshen took the title of the right vice-captain of the imperial censor and the inspector of Shandong Province, and his position was directly above Ge Zufang, the envoy of Shandong Xuanfu, and Chen Debiao, the admiral of Shandong. In addition to facilitating the review of the two major mutiny cases in Changyi and Shouguang, Tang Haoxin's intention to limit his power in Shandong Also obvious.

One day after Xu Jianshen arrived in Qingzhou, Xiao Xuanchou, the chief inspector of Jiangdong County, also arrived in Qingzhou to participate in the trial of the Changyi mutiny on behalf of Jiangdong County.

After the Changyi mutiny, a total of more than 4,000 Hegang congregations were captured. After Liu Yefei was implicated and suppressed by the Qingzhou army mutiny, most of the Hegang congregations were released, or stayed in Changyi or returned along the Jiaolai River, but Sun Jingxuan, Sun Wenhui and other more than 400 people were detained in the Qingzhou Prefecture Prison as the first criminal of the Changyi mutiny case.

At the beginning, Liu Yefei was identified as the culprit in the mutiny of more than 400 Changyi who had been brought to Qingzhou for strict custody, and nearly 80% of them were children of the Xihe Society. Zhang, Yue, Liu Yefei and others used the Mutiny in Changyi to attack the Xihe Society that was close to the Jiangdong Zuo Army. The intentions of the power are obvious.

Lin Fu has not yet had time to enter Qingzhou City, but both Sun Wenbing and Sun Wenwan have met with Sun Jingxuan and Sun Wenyao, who are imprisoned in the Qingzhou House Prison. Sun Wenyao was crippled in one leg, and Sun Jingxuan was severely punished, but his life was not in danger.

Lin Fu did not go to Qingzhou to participate in the trial of the Changyi mutiny case, and they left with them tossing about many things, waiting for the people in Qingzhou to make a preliminary conclusion, and then talk about the next step.

In fact, it is difficult for the Xihehui to be cleansed.

It is a fact that the mutiny in Changyi resulted in the death and injury of more than a dozen officials and transport soldiers. Besides, Liu Yefei had so deliberately targeted the Xihe Society before, and he had also collected a lot of evidence that the Xihe Society had hidden weapons and set up leaders of various sizes.

The world is in chaos, the rivers and lakes are banditry, and the rivers and rivers are running away. How can they not prepare their own armed guards? There are more than 2,000 congregations in the Xihe Association. How can they manage effectively without a leader? If these things are not opened up, everyone turns one eye and closes one eye as normal, but once these things are opened up, it is still somewhat unclear.


Tarbao Mountain belongs to Changyi County in terms of regional division, but it is geographically closer to Gaomi County in the south. Changyi Mutiny is just north of Kanjia Town at the foot of Tarbao Mountain, and it is only sixty or seventy miles away from Jiaozhou Bay. road.

Lin Fu looked at the beach head in the north of Kanjia Town, the wind was blowing, and the armor on his body rattled.

After Liu Yefei suppressed the mutiny in Changyi, he left a battalion of Qingzhou troops stationed in Kanjiazhai. Although after stabilizing the situation in Qingzhou, Zhou Pu led the cavalry battalion directly into Kanjiazhai to disarm the Qingzhou army, but the news of the Qingzhou army mutiny spread first. The Qingzhou army stationed here ransacked Kanjia Town before Zhou Pu led a cavalry battalion, and set fire to hundreds of grain-carrying boats that were blocked on the beach of Kanjia Town. Recalcitrant.

After Lin Shu led the two battalions of Jia soldiers and Zhou Pu's cavalry, they removed the group of rebels occupying the Tarbao Mountain. However, the loss of hundreds of boats and tens of thousands of stone grains was irreversible. lost heavily.

Sun Wenbing was wearing armor and clumsily climbed onto a boat that didn't look particularly badly damaged. The side of the boat was also painted with the logo of the West River Society. The roof of the cabin had been burned down. He reached into the cabin and grabbed a handful. The millet in my hand was burnt and blackened, and it was drenched again.

The children of the Xihe Society who were released from Changyi and traveled southward along with Sun Wenbing also climbed onto the burnt boat. They were full of grief, anger and heartache.

Lin Fu sighed and said to Zhang Jinxian by his side: "Let's stay here temporarily, the water will rise, and there is no problem with the passage of a hundred stone boats from Kanjiazhai to Jiaozhou Bay. There will be no major problems in the river channel, the key is to solve the problem of water transportation from Kanjiazhai to Changyi County.”

At this time, the scout galloped back to report: "Sun Jingtang led the more than 400 members of the Xihe Association to rest for a while ten miles away, and then come to meet later..."

Lin Fu waved to Sun Wenbing and said, "Let's go meet your father!"

"How is this possible?" Sun Wenbing refused in fear, "My father's crime has not been cleared, so he will tell the villain about it."

"What does he do? I know that Xihe will be wronged," Lin Fu said, and then said to Zhang Jinxian, "Please wait here for a while, Lord Zhang..."

"I'll also go with you to move hands and feet." Zhang Jinxian said with a smile.

Right and wrong, Zhang Jinxian is clear in his heart, the situation of the DPRK-China party competition is severe, and even to the point where no party is established and no faction exists, he must choose a party to join him.

The Jiangdong Left Army's four victories in four battles and the achievements of King Qin's first feat may be a dazzling light to others, but to Yangxin officials and the public, the experience is deep in the bones. At least Zhang Jinxian has never met someone more worthy of trust and support than Lin Fu in his life. Before, he was limited to his duties and wanted to stay in Yangxin; now he has the opportunity to work with Lin Fu. Although the situation in front of him is very difficult, his mind is excited.

Lin Fu smiled and invited Zhang Jinxian to walk side by side with him to meet the Xihe congregation led by Sun Jingxuan to join up north.


This time, the Xihe Society used more than 1,800 congregations.

After entering Jiaozhou Bay, in order to cooperate with the government to transport the grains along the Jiaolai River to Laizhou Bay on the north bank, Sun Jingxuan asked Sun Jingtang to lead nearly 400 congregations to stay in Jimo to guard more than 100 medium and large boats that were inconvenient to enter Jiaolai. They sent all the more than 220 boats of the Xihe Association with a capacity of about 100 stones and 1,400 congregations to the north, accounting for about one-third of the total number of boats and the total number of Hegang congregations going north.

This is also the main excuse for Liu Yefei to identify the Sun family and the Xihe Society as the masterminds of the mutiny in Changyi.

Originally, according to the apportionment ratio of the Zhuhe Gang, the Xihe Association only needed to send less than one-fifth of the boats and the congregation. Sun Jingxuan wanted to be more dedicated and active. After all, Jinhai Caoyun was secretly presided over by the Lin family, but unexpectedly, it became Liu Yefei's unwarranted and ulterior motives.

About half of the more than 70 congregations of the He Gang who were innocently arrested and beheaded for inquiries after the river beach in Kanjia Town was blocked. After the mutiny in Changyi, most of the more than 1,400 children of the Xihe Society who traveled north to Kanjia Town were arrested, except for a few who escaped. Rio boats and grain left in Jiaozhou Bay were also detained by local officials.

When Lin Fu and his troops invaded Shandong, Sun Jingxuan and others who were imprisoned in Jimo had not yet had time to transfer to Qingzhou for trial, and the persecution they received was not serious.

However, among the more than 400 first offenders who were transferred to Qingzhou, there were nearly 300 of Sun Jingxuan, Sun Wenyao and the leaders of the Xihe Society, and only 121 of the other 21 river gangs were designated as the Changyi Mutiny case. first offender.

The nearly 4,000 He Gang congregations detained in Changyi County were released, including about 1,110 ordinary congregations of the Xihe Society.

The other Hegang congregations stayed in Changyi and waited for the matter to be resolved before returning in batches, or being brought back by the various Hegangs. Sun Wenbing directly took more than a thousand children of the Xihe Society and went south to Kanjia Town with Lin Fu.

Sun Jingxuan and more than 400 Xihe congregations who were arrested in Jimo were also released after the Qingzhou army mutiny and suppressed. Lin Fu led his army south from Changyi and sent a notice to Sun Jingtang, asking him to lead the more than 400 people who stayed in Jimo. The congregation came to the town of Kanjia to meet.

Until the case is settled, the Xihe Association's ships and grains in Jiaozhou Bay will be detained by local officials.


Sun Jingtang and others were arrested in Jimo County for more than ten days~www.wuxiamtl.com~ also suffered a lot. Many privately brought goods were searched by the prison guards, and many people's clothes were stripped. Walk. Although the people were released, the boats were detained by the local officials, and the people sent by Lin Fu to respond were in a hurry and had no preparations. Sun Jingxuan and others came north, dressed in rags, like an army of beggars. Many people were staggered and injured. Sick.

Sun Jingtang rested for a while ten miles away, hoping to make everyone's mental outlook look better when he saw Lin Bie, but he really couldn't look better.

Sun Jingtang himself was leaning on a tree stalk and limping when he walked. Lin Fu sent a support person to bring a small number of horses, but they were all left for the more seriously injured congregation to ride.

Sun Wenbing is also a boy who doesn't cry easily. Seeing his father like this, he couldn't help but burst into tears. He walked over to kowtow to Sun Jingtang: "My child is incompetent and hurt my father..." Sun Wenwan also burst into tears and went to kowtow to her uncle. Say hello.

"What **** are you talking about?" Sun Jingtang stabbed his son with a tree scorpion. Now is not the time to talk about family life. He limped to Lin Fu, and fell to his knees, regardless of Zhang Jinxian and other officials. He kowtowed and said, "My lord's kindness and righteousness, Sun Jingtang can't repay. The Xihe Society has fallen to pieces and no longer exists, and the Sun family has only a few sinners. De!"

"What does this look like! I, Jingzhong and Wen Bing are brothers and sisters, how can I accept this gift from you?" Lin Fujing knelt down and hugged Sun Jingtang's arm, lifting Sun Jingtang from the ground. It's enough if he means it. At this time, he will be stupid enough to extrapolate the Sun Family and the Xihe Society? In terms of seniority, he really couldn't receive such a big gift from Sun Jingtang. Only when he was openly independent could he speak of such honor. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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