Lord of the House

Vol 6 Chapter 19: Troubled

(The first one, ask for a red ticket)

Lin Fu got the letter talisman sent by Chen Debiao's confidant, Chen Debiao, from Shandong. He didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Fortunately, with the authorization of Chen Debiao, the Jiangdong Left Army in Qingzhou and even in Shandong County will have no sequelae. Sadly, Chen Debiao, Liu Yefei and others did not think about controlling the situation and continued to deteriorate.

Although the Qingzhou army was mutiny, but there was no major chaos, Liu Yefei should be able to stop the situation from further deterioration. This not only means that ordinary soldiers of the Qingzhou Army can reduce casualties, but also means that Shouguang urban and rural civilians suffer less losses.

As soon as Jiangdong Zuojun made a move, the rumor of liquidation was completely confirmed, and Lin Fu's explanation was useless; it naturally caused a more violent rebound from the Qingzhou army. They may not dare to attack the Jiangdong Left Army in turn, but they will form defeated and chaotic troops, and flow from the other three city gates to Shouguang, Changyi, Qingzhou, Linzi and other places, with endless troubles.

"What should I do?" Du Juefu, the magistrate of Shouguang County, had not experienced the military affairs of the Donglu invaders. At this time, the chaos in the city blocked the streets of the city. Only by sending agile people over the house to deliver the letter can he contact Chen Debiao and others. It was useless for Chen Debiao and others to contact them. They were trapped in the county office and had no soldiers in their hands. They could only count on Lin Fu and Jiangdong Zuojun to play the role of Ding Hai Shen Zhen.

Only 600 soldiers from the first battalion of Jiangdong Zuo Army followed Lin Bie to Shouguang. Seeing that the Qingzhou Army in the city was in chaos, there were more than 4,000 soldiers. Du Juefu always felt that Lin Bie had not enough soldiers. Ying, watching Lin Bie's face sinking like water, he didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't know how confident he was, so he was very uneasy.

Sun Wenwan did not expect that the Jiangdong Zuo Army's entry into Shouguang City would directly prompt the Qingzhou army in the city to mutiny.

Lin Fu can vaguely guess what: causing the Qingzhou army to mutiny, at least it can completely defeat Liu Yefei, neither Zhang Xie nor Yue Lengqiu can take the responsibility of the Qingzhou army mutiny for Liu Yefei. The heavy blow, but the consequences for the local are also very terrible, thousands of collapsed soldiers will be difficult to clean up.

Now is not the time to think about it, since Chen Debiao, Liu Yefei and others gave up their efforts to control the deterioration of the situation, Lin Fu couldn't be so irresponsible.

"You draft the military order for me," Lin Fu instructed Lin Mengde beside him, "After Zhou Pu and Zhou Tong led the second and third battalions, they immediately changed their direction to the south of Shouguang, and did everything possible to block Shouguang from Qingzhou. In the passage between, don't let the defeated troops flee south, and monitor Qingzhou City. If there is any change in the city, you should not hesitate to make a siege situation to prevent the situation in Qingzhou from further deteriorating... Zhao Qingshan led the fifth battalion to force the Qingzhou Army in Yingkou. , form a confrontational situation, and do not take the initiative to attack until further orders are received!"

At present, the Qingzhou army is mainly divided into three groups. In addition to the more than 4,000 troops here, there are still more than 3,000 troops in Qingzhou City, and there are still more than 3,000 troops in Yingkou Town, 30 miles north of Shouguang City. Right now, it's just the Qingzhou army mutiny here, and the situation is difficult to control. Lin Fu must try his best to keep Qingzhou and Yingkou from causing chaos. If the rumors of liquidation are only spread in the city, Qingzhou and Yingkou can maintain stability for at least a period of time. Now it is necessary to relieve Chen Debiao and others from the county government as soon as possible, and only Chen Debiao and others can control Qingzhou without a fight. , The situation in Yingkou, it is impossible to change others.

When the soldiers were dispatched to gallop out of the city for a while, seeing no signs of the chaos in the city stopping, General Lin Fu squatted there and called with Ao Canghai, who was studying the terrain, and said, "Tang Shaobao can hold on for a while, first defeat Feng Feng. To block the rioting troops from the county government, I only keep the reserve troops of the Liangdu team. When you attack, be careful not to spread your troops. If the chaotic troops do not surrender, you can drive them out of the city. Fraudulent..."

After everything was instructed, Lin Fu, Lin Mengde, Sun Wenbing, Sun Wenwan, Du Juefu and other officials of Shouguang County retreated to the Beicheng Gate Tower.

Although the Qingzhou Army was in chaos, it was not that there was no command and dispatch at all. Although they were not under Liu Yefei's control, there were several powerful defeated troops who surrendered to Liu Yefei. After they were recruited and surrendered, they also formed the main faction within the Qingzhou Army, and their leaders naturally acted as the main generals of Qingzhou.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army had only entered the city with more than 600 people. The mutiny generals of the Qingzhou Army were not willing to escape from the city. They gathered together to discuss expelling the Jiangdong Zuo Army from the city or destroying it directly. First occupy Shouguang City, and then contact The people from Yingkou and Qingzhou joined together. In this way, an intermediate force that blocks the east and west flanks of Shandong can be formed, and then the Shandong Peninsula can be seized. If you retreat, you can defend Yishan and Taishan. It is better to be the emperor or the king of the mountain than to worry about being liquidated all day long.

In the short period of time when the first battalion of the Jiangdong Left Army was defending the North City, although the city was in more and more chaos, shops and mansions were smashed and looted, and some rioters began to set fire in the city, burning the twilight and the night to bright. It was like a day, but the mutiny Qingzhou army generals also organized thousands of people in front of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, ready to attack the Jiangdong Zuo Army that had already entered the city.

Du Juefu was sweating in his palms. He was standing at the north city gate. He had already seen a group of rioters smashing the door of his Du family's house. He didn't know how long he could last. , It really can't make people too confident, but Lin Fu and Lin Fu are very calm, which makes him feel better.

Lin Fu has nothing to worry about defeating the chaos in the city. Without an effective organization, no matter how many people there are, it will only increase the level of chaos in the scene. Don't look at the mutinous Qingzhou army generals who can organize thousands of people, but as long as this group of people is defeated, the chaos in the city will not pose any threat.

Lin Fu could see that the mutiny Qingzhou army generals were eager to control Shouguang City and drive them out of the city. After all, the senior Qingzhou army generals knew that there were almost 2,560 elites in the Jiangdong Zuo Army in Shandong, and the nearest cavalry camp was here. It is more than thirty miles away. If the Jiangdong Left Army cavalry rushes to help here, they cannot control the whole city in time to defend the city, and they will no longer have the opportunity to occupy Shouguang.

Ao Canghai also saw this. He made the first soldiers in the front row to retreat a little bit, and lured the chaotic troops to attack. He was only under the cover of a high shield, and used a bow and crossbow to fight back. He retreated to less than fifty paces from the north gate, even Some of the soldiers retreated to the gate of the city before Ao Canghai ordered a counterattack.

The high shield was removed, and the stabbing gunner and the mo swordsman were the core, the gunner was on his side, and the card holder and the bowman replaced the single-knife tiger shield to cover the two wings. The stabbing spear, which is more than ten feet long, stabs the current enemy. The bamboo shoots are very dense, unfolding like an umbrella, and the enemy's sword is constantly slashed. If the enemy wants to attack near, they will be slashed and slashed by the Mo Dao, or the defensive formation of the chaotic soldiers will be smashed with long lances. With a knife and shield following the cover, it is very refreshing to kill the current enemy.

The narrow streets and alleys are not conducive to the formation of infantry, and the new formation rule of five soldiers has played a huge advantage. At first, the scale of the attack of the capital team was maintained. After testing that the pressure of the rebels was not large, they directly attacked and cut the rebels with the 15th soldier flag team as a unit. .

The troops hiding in the houses on both sides also rushed out together, and more archers climbed up the wall and shot to help. Du Juefu stood at the top of the city with Lin Bie and watched the mutinous Qingzhou soldiers from attacking to being overwhelmed by the counterattack. It took about a stick of incense, and there were almost no casualties in the Jiangdong Zuo army. After that, these rebels only hated their parents for giving them two less legs. Apart from escaping for their lives, they could not think of organizing to resist Jiangdong Zuo. Army offensive.

Watching the chaotic soldiers clinging and crying under the attack of the Jiangdong Zuo Army, they have no resistance at all. Who would dare to say that King Lin Feqin's four battles and four victories were a fluke? No wonder Lin Fu dared to enter Shouguang City with five or six hundred guards. He was not afraid of what Liu Yefei could do to him with four thousand Qingzhou troops!

No wonder Zhang Jinxian and Cheng Weiyuan of Yangxin respected Lin Bie so much. He really couldn't imagine how majestic the battle of Yangxin was. Du Juefu thought to himself that he had already seen that the enemy soldiers besieging his house had already been defeated. In one breath, I thought about other things.

Lin Fuze ordered Ao Canghai to immediately send people to **** Chen Debiao, Liu Yefei, Ge Zufang and others who were trapped in the county government office to the gate of Beicheng, and then go to drive out the rebels in Dongcheng and help Tang Haoxin get out of trouble.

Chen Debiao, Liu Yefei, Ge Zufang and more than a dozen officials from the Shandong County Department rushed to the North City Gate Tower to meet with more than 200 guards. At this time, the Jiangdong Zuo Army had already controlled the situation in the city.

After all, Shouguang City is too small. The east-west, north-south main streets are no more than 400 paces long. Since the mutiny did not take much time, most of the houses in the city were not broken by the rebels. The chaos of the soldiers was full of thoughts to escape from the city, making it possible for the Jiangdong Zuo Army to control the whole city in a short time.

Chen Debiao and the others went up to the city gate for a while, and Tang Haoxin was also escorted by the soldiers to join them. At this time, he no longer had a good face towards Chen Debiao, Liu Yefei, Ge Zufang and the others, twisted his white beard and scolded: "This chaos Let's see how your Shandong County Secretary explains it to the court! How do you deal with this mess right now?"

"It's all up to Tang Shaobao!" Chen Debiao is a bachelor. He has already handed over the letter to Lin Fu to authorize him to use troops against Qingzhou. At this time, it is not bad to further attack Liu Yefei.

Tang Haoxin was the second-ranking prince, Shaobao, and his rank was higher than that of the chief officers of Shandong County. In times of crisis, he could control local military and political affairs from his authority—of course, this also required the cooperation of local officials.

"All...all...all rely on...Tang Shaobao...make the decision." Ge Zufang couldn't help shivering when she spoke. When they came over, several rebels hid in a private house and wanted to kidnap them out of the city. Although the rioters were killed on the spot, Ge Zufang was frightened again, and she has not recovered yet.

Liu Yefei looked sad, he didn't speak, and he had no room to speak.

The Qingzhou army mutiny, Liu Yefei's guards, his personal entourage, and the two officers who accompanied him to Shouguang by the Shandong police officer were also detained under the pretext of being suspected of being an accomplice of the rebels. This was an order issued by Chen Debiao. Since the mutiny has occurred, everything is naturally based on the opinions of Admiral Chen Debiao. Before the court came to a further conclusion, even if Liu Yefei was not immediately reduced to a prisoner, he was completely elevated.

With Chen Debiao and Ge Zufang expressing their opinions, Tang Haoxin was no longer polite, asked Lin Fu's military deployment, and discussed with Lin Fu: "Can the Jiangdong Left Army borrow a battalion of troops for Lord Chen to stabilize the situation in Qingzhou. …”

Everyone knows that Qingzhou cannot be chaotic. If Qingzhou is in chaos, the situation will be very difficult to clean up, not to mention Sun Jingxuan, Sun Jingtang, Sun Wenyao and other first mutineers in Changyi were returned to Qingzhou Prison.

Lin Fu said: "Beyond Qingzhou City, there are two battalions of Jiangdong Zuo Army soldiers that can be borrowed by the Admiral. My department, Lin Mengde, will rush to Qingzhou with my order with the Admiral..." Zhou Pu and Zhou Tongzai Qingzhou might not be able to deal with an old official like Chen Debiao, so let Lin Mengde follow suit.

Tang Haoxin stared at Liu Yefei, and said in a cold voice, "Don't say that the old man didn't give you a chance, there are still three thousand Qingzhou soldiers waiting to be appeased in Yingkou. It's impossible to protect..."

Liu Yefei's face was ashen, and it was unknown whether the three thousand Qingzhou soldiers in Yingkou were in chaos. But Liu Yefei had no other choice, at least to save his life first, and said calmly, "It's all on Tang Shaobao's orders..."

"Are you sure you can hold down the three thousand Qingzhou without changing?" Tang Haoxin asked Lin Fu, "If you are not sure, protecting the Jiangdong Zuo Army is the most important thing!"

"I'll take the three hundred soldiers away," Lin Fu said. It was a great blessing to be able to comfort the three thousand Qingzhou troops in Yingkou smoothly. The most important thing at the moment is to solve the chaos in Shandong as soon as possible and restore the smooth flow of food routes. "Leave the three hundred soldiers in Shouguang just in case."

Tang Haoxin nodded and said to Ge Zufang: "I hope that the Minister of Xuanfu Envoy can temporarily appoint Du Jue to serve as the county magistrate and the Minister of Xuanfu Envoy to serve as a councilor, and to be in charge of the transportation of grain from Jimo to Changyi, and immediately organize manpower to clear the congested river. , both land and water, to do everything possible to transport the grain gathered in Jimo to Changyi to board the ship. And to transfer Zhang Jinxian, the magistrate of Yangxin County, to temporarily serve as a judge on behalf of the Qingzhou government to assist Mr. Liu in handling the affairs of the Qingzhou government... The person who has been sent to Qingzhou to be guarded The chief offender of the mutiny in Changyi is temporarily held in a large prison until the court's decision. The minor accomplices detained in Changyi should be released immediately, so that they have the opportunity to help Cao with their crimes and meritorious service. I hope you can follow me to Changyi - now In this situation, everything must not interfere with the urgent affairs of water transportation, and you are clear in your heart."

Ge Zufang also extravagantly hoped to keep the official position, and all should not.

Lin Bie was silent. Judging from Tang Haoxin's so many deployments in such a short period of time, he knew that Tang Hao's confidence was clear about everything. That's fine. It was already a taboo for him to lead troops to invade Shandong. Since the overall situation is settled, there is no need to interfere in Shandong's political affairs. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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