Inside the Demonic Formation Engraving Office of Tiandao Overlord Academy

“Aqua! Don’t you have no friends outside? Who will write to you?”

Hele, a colleague of the flower elf goddess Aqua and the heavenly deity of the water elf clan, asked curiously.

Aqua shook her head:”I don’t know! Could this be a peace letter from that old pervert? Or an assassination letter?”

He Le chuckled, and her long hair followed her smile, and the waves of anger flowed like a tide:”You! Don’t be suspicious! In our college, since the letter can be delivered to your hands, it must have been reviewed by Heaven and there will be no danger!”


Akuya then picked up the letter.

This made He Le couldn’t help but say:”You are really cautious!”

“That’s not the case! I’m currently taking care of myself and waiting to give birth to my man’s baby! Otherwise, I wouldn’t be crazy about taking on tasks just to save up enough vacation time! Aqua said triumphantly.

Hele rolled his eyes and couldn’t help complaining:”What’s so good about that kid!” It makes you so obsessed!”


At this time,

Aqua tore open the letter and took out a copy of the letter.

Opening it,

Aqua frowned:”The peat is sick! I’m already hiding in the academy. When did I ruin your plans? Isn’t this”897″ just looking for trouble?”

The letter was sent by Zeus.

There was only one sentence on it:”Aqua! Don’t look for trouble to hinder our plans! Otherwise, he will be killed without mercy!”

“Let me see! He

Le rolled his eyes after looking at it, and couldn’t help but guess:”Could this guy be an enemy of Zeus, using your name to disturb Zeus’s good deeds?” This guy can do it too! They were all put in solitary confinement, and they were so dishonest! You deserve it, I say!”

“ignore him! Let’s get on with our work!”

Aqua raised her hand and tapped it gently.

The letter burned.


The other side.

Su Wen had just returned to the Lord’s Castle.

Han Li excitedly presented a masterless god to Su Wen, and then said with a smile on his face:”Your Majesty! Our Shadow Guards, in cooperation with Jun Wu’s nine people, carried out nearly ten million sneak attacks and assassinations in the past two days. , finally destroyed all the Sixth Summoning Legion of Asgard around our territory!”

“This time our troops wiped out a total of 13.01 million enemies, including 5 million from the demigod army! The rest are all subordinate retinue corps!”

He almost shouted.

This was the first major victory under his guidance.

Originally, he just wanted to test his skills.

Who knew.

When he was making plans, he caught a front-line fighter opportunity.

He took this opportunity to push the boat forward.

He actually got such a result. Huge achievement.

At the end of the battle, the people of the Sixth Summoning Legion almost collapsed.

“Um? You only have 9 demigods? How to achieve such great lethality? The opponent is an army of 5 million demigods!”

Su Wen’s eyes widened after hearing this, and he couldn’t help but ask.

Han Li then told the detailed battle situation.

It turned out that they couldn’t defeat the 5 million demigod legion.

However, the Sixth Summoning Legion because After conducting a thorough investigation in the past two days, I believe that the Shadow Guards are just like this, without demigods.

Therefore, they divided their troops early and built about 1 million strongholds in different areas around Su Wen’s territory.

The day before yesterday,

Jun. Wu Cong saw the strategic stronghold map of the Sixth Summoning Legion from the god’s camp of the Demon Legion.

This led to this attack.

“Although we have 9 demigods, each of us can die 69 times a day! 9 people is 621 times!”

Han Li solemnly stated his death assault plan:”I asked the nine Junwu people to use this talent to carry powerful forbidden curse scrolls and break into the enemy’s stronghold!”

“Carry out the assassination first, detonate the scroll after being discovered, and seek the maximum assassination result until death!”

“This will make the enemy think they are dead”

“When they led the team to charge in for the second time, the enemy was completely unprepared!”

“We won the victory easily and assassinated their demigod!”

“It is by relying on this tactic that I repeatedly let the Shadow Guards raid enemy strongholds!”

“Originally I thought this would scare them away!”

“Who knew that such a result would be achieved!”

“The main reason is that Junwu and the others prioritize killing the various commanders of this army!”

“At the end of the battle, they had no one to lead them, and their morale was shattered. Our people’s continuous assassinations and teleportation completely broke their fighting spirit, and they were finally defeated!”

He told the story of this battle.

Su Wen’s heart sank when he heard it.

He didn’t expect that this victory was achieved with the help of 9 Jun Wu people, who died 1863 times in the past three days. This was a huge victory.

He was both happy and a little heavy.


Su Wen looked at his panel.

He saw that the number of attribute points on the panel had reached 1307W2031 points.

Because the Death Maze was being rearranged in the past two days, the territory It does not include any summoning formations.

Therefore, only 13,600 attribute points were received per day in these two days.

In addition, the revenue from the Shadow Guards’ destruction of the Asgardian Protoss’s Sixth Summoning Legion was received.


Su Wen looked at Han Li and said.

At this time, everyone else also entered the hall of the lord’s castle one after another.

Butler Mike followed Su Wen’s instructions and led everyone to the conference hall.

Waiting for Su Wen and Han Li to enter the conference hall At that time, everyone stood up one after another

“Meet my lord!”

A neat and loud voice sounded.

Everyone was filled with happiness, especially Wang Dahai.

On his shoulder sat a 20-centimeter rabbit.

The rabbit was wearing an elegant robe.

It also saluted Su Wen.

Everyone else couldn’t help but look at Wang Dahai, with envy in their eyes.

After everyone sat down,

Su Wen first announced to everyone:”The Shadow Guards have been……”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He announced the performance of the Shadow Guards.


He once again took out a god-level fantasy beast egg and the corresponding hatching materials:”The Shadow Guards are unparalleled in their bravery. They helped our Lingxiao Palace to eliminate the demigod army sent by the enemy Asgard Protoss. This battle is a great achievement. Unparalleled! A special reward for the Shadow Guards Commander, Han Li, is a divine beast egg!”

“in addition!”

“This time, the Shadow Guard Army will promote 500 sergeants with excellent combat performance to level 101 demigod sergeants. I will personally increase the rewards for them later!” As soon as this reward came out, even Wang Dahai opened his eyes in shock.

Liu Wen looked at Han Li in disbelief.

He didn’t expect that Han Li would unknowingly set up this trap.

Such a great military achievement.

This made him extremely greedy.

Ye Jinpeng’s eyes were burning, but he kept shaking his head in his heart. He couldn’t help asking:”Your Majesty! We are just getting started here! Lord Hanli has already achieved such huge military success, all because of your blessing! I…I…I don’t accept it!”

He is indeed unconvinced0..

Han Li’s Shadow Guards are all legions blessed by Su Wen.[]

The Shadow Guards can have such merit.

The biggest credit should go to Su Wen.

Now Su Wen gave the credit to Han Li.

This dissatisfied him.

Zhang Xiaohua and other girls heard Ye Jinpeng’s remarks.

They couldn’t help but sigh.

This guy really dares to say it!

Han �� was about to speak after hearing this.

Su Wen stood up, looked at Ye Jinpeng and said:”The clan comes from you, not me. I only played a catalytic role. As for what achievements you can make with these catalyzed fruits, it all depends on the individual.” ability!”

“Ye Jinpeng!”

“If your territory is planned and constructed well enough”

“You don’t need to lead troops into battle, I will reward you!”

“Don’t be jealous that others can go out and lead troops to fight, but you can only sit at home and watch!”

“The construction of the home is equally important as the confrontation outside!”

“To be honest, if Liu Wen hadn’t already built Qilin City outside, if he had built such a large Qilin City here, I would have given him a reward!”


“For Xu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xiaohua, if the profits from the catch, spiritual fields, and medicinal fields are good and the sales volume is high, they will also receive the same rewards!”

“I treat everyone’s merits equally. I will not reduce my investment and rewards for you just because you are an auxiliary lord, nor will I deliberately deduct military merits to prevent your success just because you are a war lord!”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ye Jinpeng:”Ye Jinpeng! Do you have the ability to control a 100,000-strong Dragon Knight Legion, dominated by 9 demigod-level subordinates, to destroy an elite enemy army with 5 million demigods and nearly 8 million followers?”

“sorry! His Majesty! I was wrong! I really can’t do it!”

Ye Jinpeng shrank his neck and apologized quickly.

Then he solemnly said to Han Li:”Brother Han! Sorry! It’s all my judgment of a gentleman’s heart with a villain’s heart! I will correct this problem, please don’t be angry with me!”

Looking at Ye Jinpeng who apologized so smoothly.

Han Li responded strangely:”If Lord Ye has any suggestions, please feel free to mention them, and I will correct them based on the best!”

Immediately afterwards, he turned to Su Wen and knelt down on one knee, sincerely bowed and said:”Your Majesty! Although Han Li has this ability, it mainly comes from your gift! Please rest assured that Hanli will definitely……”

As he spoke, he once again swore the great oath of heaven. and changed the title.

Wang Dahai, who was watching this, was in a daze.

There was indeed a sea of turmoil in his heart:”Damn it! Why is this routine so familiar?”

“Isn’t this my fucking routine?”

“Damn leaf dog!”

“Haven’t you always had a arrogant temper?”

“Why did you steal my job!”

“You’re not good at this job!”

“A little rough!”

“If Grandpa Wang comes, he will definitely push things along so that Han Li won’t have this expression!”



He stared at Ye Jinpeng unkindly and couldn’t help but muttered:”It’s dangerous now! I have to be serious about this field dog job from now on! Don’t really get robbed!”

Ye Jinpeng winked at Wang Dahai proudly. Blinking, he seemed to say:”This is very easy! I must have used it well!”

At this time.

Su Wen ignored the two people’s little actions.

He looked at everyone and then ordered:”Everyone! Now your type building complex promotion card can be used!……”

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