There are a total of 8 lords in Suwen territory.

Among them, the level 30 building complex promotion cards of Wang Dahai and He Yufei have been used up.

Now there are only rewards given by level 40.

Liu Wen had already used up the two promotion card opportunities at level 30 and level 40 before he came. so.

Now only Ye Jinpeng, Wenying, Zhang Xiaohua, Xu Xiaoxiao and Han Li are not using them.

Ye Jinpeng and Wenying were useless because they were only at level ten when they came.

Zhang Xiaohua and the others did not use it.

It’s because they chose the all-auxiliary professional lord.

The academy prohibits them from selling this permission or using it during their studies.

Just for that.

After they become vassal lords of other lords.

Can provide greater value to the Lord.


Promotion cards are also the main value of all vassal lords to the main lord. at the moment.

The 7 of them have a total of 12 cards.

Su Wen needs to upgrade three types of defense towers.

Among them, the highest level of the near-magic-proof turret has reached level 14, and the lowest level is 12.

The magic crossbow tower has a maximum level of 12, and the elemental curse tower has a maximum level of 12.

Su Wen plans to use these 12 cards on average.

Just do what comes to mind.

He arranged for 7 people to use promotion cards on three types of defense towers in sequence.

With their use.

The death maze area in Su Wen’s territory and the defense tower outside Lingxiao Palace lit up one after another.

He came outside first.

He looked at the close-range magic-proof turret.

Today, the territory has a total of more than 1 billion and 300,000 near-magic-proof turrets.

Among them, nearly 300,000 near-magic-proof turrets have been upgraded to level 18, and 1 billion near-magic-proof turrets have been upgraded to level 16.

【Building: Near anti-magic turret】

【Grade: 18 (MAX)】

【Attack power: 1W2000】

【Defense: 6000】

【Ruggedness: 16W】

【Maximum attack distance: 200 kilometers]

03 [Close-defense magic cannon: Equipped with a close-defense main gun driven by magic crystals. It can fire 600,000 magic bullets per minute, each with 2 times the attack power..

Equipped with 4 secondary guns powered by magic crystals, each secondary gun can fire 500,000 magic bullets per minute.

Equipped with a small missile launcher. Fires 1,000 rounds per minute, 2x attack power, 2x range damage, coverage range 5 kilometers】

【Armor-piercing: Every magic bullet fired is an armor-piercing bullet! Armor penetration value +8000】

【Flame: Each magic bullet fired is engraved with a flame inscription. After hitting the target, it will cause 5000 points of continuous fire damage per second to the target for 320 seconds.】

【Light-pulling bullets: Positioning marking bullets. The marked target will automatically attract surrounding bullets and shoot towards the target until the target dies. Every time 6 bullets are fired, a laser bullet is fired, causing 4000 points of physical damage to the target.】

【Shooting holes: The tower has 5,000 shooting holes, each shooting hole can fire 1W magic bullets per minute】

【Freezing Bullet: Every time 10 bullets are fired, one freezing bullet is fired, causing a freezing effect on the target, which lasts for 40 minutes. The target’s defense power is -8000, and it continues to withstand 2500 points of ice element damage per second, and the duration is 0 seconds.】

【Thunder Explosion Missile: Causes a covering strike to targets within 5 kilometers. Targets in the area will continue to suffer 5,000 points of lightning damage every second, lasting 200 seconds. The attacked target has a 100% chance of entering a paralyzed state, and the paralysis lasts 10 seconds. Every ordinary missile is accompanied by a thunderstorm missile.】

【Description: This is a magical close-range defense gun that integrates offense and defense. It uses the preliminary integration technology of mechanical technology and magic technology!】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station】

“Um! The attack power is greatly increased, and the attack range is extended to 200 kilometers! good!”

Su Wen’s eyes lit up when he saw this.

The close-range anti-magic turrets guarding the Lingxiao Palace outside are indeed very strong.

Even now, he can’t escape from so many turrets.

If the front is made of hard steel, he will be He was killed in an instant.

Then, he entered the death maze in the territory.

【Building: Near anti-magic turret】

【Grade: 16 (MAX)】

【Attack power: 8000】

【Defense: 4000】

【Ruggedness: 8W】

【Maximum attack distance: 120 kilometers】

【Close-range defense cannon: Equipped with a close-range defense main cannon powered by magic crystals. It can fire 400,000 magic bullets per minute.

Equipped with 4 secondary guns powered by magic crystals, each secondary gun can fire 300,000 magic bullets per minute.

Equipped with a small missile launcher, firing 1,000 rounds per minute, 2x range damage, covering a range of 3 kilometers】

【Armor-piercing: Every magic bullet fired is an armor-piercing bullet! Armor breaking value +6000】

【Flame: Each magic bullet fired is engraved with a flame inscription. After hitting the target, it will cause 3000 points of continuous fire damage per second to the target for 160 seconds.】

【Light-pulling bullets: Positioning marking bullets. The marked target will automatically attract surrounding bullets and shoot towards the target until the target dies. Every time 8 bullets are fired, a light-pulling bullet is fired, causing 2000 points of physical damage to the target.】

【Shooting holes: The tower has 3,000 shooting holes, each shooting hole can fire 6,000 magic bullets per minute】

【Freezing Bullet: Every time 25 bullets are fired, a freezing bullet is fired, causing a freezing effect on the target, lasting for 20 minutes, the target’s defense power is -6000, and it continues to withstand 1500 points of ice element damage per second, lasting 100 seconds.】

【Thunder Explosion Missile: Causes a covering strike to targets within 3 kilometers. Targets in the area will continue to suffer 3000 points of lightning damage every second, lasting 100 seconds. The attacked target has an 80% chance of entering a paralyzed state, and the paralysis lasts 8 seconds. Every 2 rounds of ordinary missiles are accompanied by 1 thunderstorm missile】

【Description: This is a magical close-range defense gun that integrates offense and defense. It uses the preliminary integration technology of mechanical technology and magic technology!】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station】

“There is a huge difference between the 16th level and the 18th level. It is just right to put it inside for the death maze!”

Su Wen looked at the 16th-level near-magic-proof turret in front of him with satisfaction in his eyes.

Although it was 2 levels different from the 18th-level near-magic-proof turret outside, the attack power was several times worse.

But the 16th-level near-magic-proof turret in the Death Maze There are a lot of turrets. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

One billion level 16 near-magic-proof turrets are far more lethal than hundreds of thousands of level 18 near-magic-proof turrets.

At the same time.

Su Wen looked at the magic crossbow tower again.

The three defense towers were roughly the same in appearance.

The only difference was the external shooting hole and the main turret on the top of the tower.

The top of the magic crossbow tower was equipped with a large magic crossbow.

From a distance, it looks like the slender mouth of a Zerg monster.

There are a total of 800 million magic crossbow towers in the Death Maze. After using the promotion card, the current level is 16th level.

【Building: Demonic Arrow Tower】

【Grade: 16 (MAX)】

【Attack power: 5000】

【Defense: 8000】

【Ruggedness: 5W】

【Attack distance: 20 kilometers】[]

【Magic Crossbow: Equipped with a continuous magic crossbow driven by magic crystal, it can fire a magic crossbow with 2000 magic attack power and basic physical damage. It fires 160 rounds per minute and has an armor-breaking effect.】

【Fire: Each arrow fired is a flame arrow. After being hit, it will continue 1200 points of fire damage every second for 50 seconds.】

【Armor-piercing: Every arrow fired is an armor-piercing arrow! Armor breaking value +2000!】

【Frozen Arrow: Every time 50 normal arrows are fired, one frozen arrow will be fired. The arrow will be frozen for 15 seconds and put into a sluggish state for 20 seconds.】

【Split Arrow: For every 10 normal arrows fired, one split arrow is fired. Split arrows can be split into 1,000 arrows. Each arrow has an attack power of 2,500 points and covers an area of 10 meters.】

【Stun Arrow: For every 20 normal arrows fired, a stun arrow is fired. The target suffers 1000 attack points and is stunned for 5 seconds.】

【Description: Can automatically fire 5W ordinary arrows every minute. Can respond to air strikes, altitude 5000 meters】

“Um? The main reason is that the attached arrows are very effective. While it fires 50,000 ordinary arrows per minute, it can also fire 1,000 frozen arrows, 5,000 splitting arrows and 2,500 stun arrows per minute!”

Su Wen looked at the Magic Crossbow Arrow Tower and fell into deep thought.

It is suitable for medium and short range defense.

With the help of these auxiliary arrows with armor-breaking function.

In conjunction with the auxiliary attacks of the First Assault Army and the other two turrets.

It is simply A sure kill.

Then, he looked at the Elemental Forbidden Spell Tower.

There are a total of 500 million Elemental Forbidden Spell Towers in the Death Maze, all of which have been promoted to level 16.

【Building: Elemental Forbidden Tower】

【Grade: 16 (MAX)】

【Attack power: 7000】

【Defense: 2500】

【Ruggedness: 5W】

【Attack distance: 20 kilometers】

【Fireball: Causes an additional 6000 points of fire elemental damage to the enemy, and causes an explosion effect, covering a 1 kilometer surrounding area, and causing 5000 points of fire elemental damage to enemies in the area.

Ignite the enemy, causing 2000 fire damage per second to targets in the area for 360 seconds. Attack frequency: 50 rounds per minute】

【Freeze: Causes 5000 points of ice element damage to a single enemy within attack range and freezes the enemy for 7 seconds. Attack frequency: 25 rounds per minute】

��Wind Blade Technique: Causes 7500 points of fragmentation damage to enemies within 5 kilometers of the attack range, and causes a bleeding effect, causing the enemy to receive 2500 points of wind element damage every second for 320 seconds. 5 times per minute】

【Binding: Launched on all enemies within 10 kilometers, using summoned vines to bind the enemy in place, restricting the enemy’s movement, and continuously causing 1000 points of needle penetration damage to the enemy every second for 10 seconds. Magic duration 1 minute】

【Poisonous Cloud: Release a poisonous cloud covering the attack range, continuously causing 5000 points of poisonous damage to enemies within the range every second, and causing a blinding effect on the enemy, causing the enemy to lose vision and perception for 320 seconds. The poisonous cloud lasts for 30 minutes. Released every 10 minutes】

【Forbidden Curse Samadhi True Fire: Causes 3W points of Samadhi True Fire damage to enemies within the attack range, and continues to cause 9000 points of Samadhi True Fire damage to surviving enemies every second for 360 seconds.

Samadhi True Fire: A flame that cannot be extinguished. When the flame ignites an object, it will release poisonous smoke. The poisonous smoke will blind the enemy’s eyes, causing permanent blindness and respiratory burns to the enemy. In severe cases, it can cause organ failure, disorder of the life circulation system, and death on the spot.

The forbidden curse is released every 40 minutes】

【Description: The Elemental Forbidden Spell Tower can release powerful forbidden spells, but the attack range is relatively short and can easily hurt your own people.】

“Although it has the same range as the Magic Crossbow Tower, its magic attack effect can completely complement the Magic Crossbow Tower!”

Su Wen murmured softly.

Especially the binding technique combined with the poisonous cloud can hinder the enemy and their actions.

Then, use other spells or cooperate with two kinds of defense towers to carry out destructive attacks on the enemy.

You know.

This kind of defense tower is not one.

In this way, even if a demigod-level abyss demon walks out of the summoning gate.

This death maze can still bury the opponent here.

The only problem is.

Want to summon a demigod-level abyss demon ? The abyss demon must be summoned by the same magic circle.

The summoning gate opened by the ordinary magic circle cannot withstand the power of the demigod-level abyss demon.

“good! Now that there are regional facilities to automatically obtain attribute points, the next step is to arrange the corresponding team of magic circles and the guards!”

After Su Wen entered and actually walked around, he left the area with satisfaction.

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