early morning.

Su Wen woke up after only sleeping for 4 hours.

He stretched lazily.

Entered the territory communication channel for the first time.

I saw.

Han Li:”Lord! The abyssal demons have gathered -200 million.”

Han Li:”Lord! The abyssal demon army is mainly composed of great demon elites, including gargoyles, shadow demons, balrogs, giant-eyed demons and other legions.”

“This time they are equipped with Abyss Demonic Dragoons, numbering around 30 million!”

“They are also equipped with the Abyss Gunnery Division Corps!”

“After our investigation, we found that the opponent possesses a very powerful and long-range forbidden curse-level cannon, with a total of 10 million cannons.”

“After our investigation, we found that the opponent is also equipped with slingshots and regular weapons. The main purpose is to restrict the use of our magic circle!”

“After our investigation, we found that the opponent has 10 false gods as generals!”

“In addition, they are also equipped with poison defense arrays, which have successfully cleared some areas where the red poison spread. They have even developed medicines against red poison and used immunity medicines on a large scale for the legion!”

Looking at the information from Han Li,

Su Wen’s eyes lit up.

He was not afraid at all.

On the contrary, he was excited about the ability of the Shadow Guards.

Although the information in it did not seem to be much, the content contained therein was Extraordinarily rich.

They even found out the numerical rank of the opponent’s commander. They also obtained detailed legion data.

Obviously, these things should have been discovered by Jun Wu and the other nine people.


Su Wen looked at Sun Shangxiang. message.

Sun Shangxiang:”Your Majesty! I read Master Han Li’s information. This is a worrying situation for us! Even though our Lord is an invincible protective barrier at the 1st level of God, it cannot deal with regular weapons!”

“If the invincible guardian barrier is abolished, we can only rely on close-range anti-magic turrets for defense!”

“I’m worried that our close-range anti-magic turrets won’t be able to defend against the enemy’s forbidden curse cannons!”

“After careful consideration, I recommend taking the initiative now!”

“According to my observation, the demon army is moving towards our two wings, with the intention of attacking backward!”

“If the four gates are blocked, we will be in great danger!”

She expressed her worries.

Finally, she gave an attack plan.

Su Wen looked at it carefully and shook his head:”Don’t panic yet! The demon army should not attack for the time being! Wait a minute!”


Sun Shangxiang accepted the order directly without any advice.

Su Wen got up and flew to the prison area he had arranged. He came here again.

The arrow tower and elemental tower have been completely completed.

The Xianden army and magic troops stationed here The division army is placing an equal amount of magic crystals on each tower

“From now on! Let’s call this the Death Maze!”

Su Wen looked at the huge project in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

This time, a total of 1 billion turrets, 800 million arrow towers and 500 million elemental towers were built.

Just this one project.

Su Wen consumed a lot of energy. There are 10 trillion tons of materials.

Among them, the consumption of magic crystal mines is as high as 10.

This is equivalent to 1 trillion trillions of magic crystals. Su Wen muttered and looked at the Element Tower.

【Building: Tower of Elements】

【Grade: 0】

【Attack power: 50】

【Defense: 50】

【Description: Launch a fire element magic ball towards the enemy. The magic ball will cause 50 points of elemental magic damage to the enemy and explode. After the explosion, it will continuously cause 10 points of fire damage to enemies within 10 meters around it, and ignite the enemies for 10 seconds. Can respond to air strikes, height 100 meters. 】

After reading.

Su Wen first increased the elemental tower.


A brilliant light flashed.

The elemental tower increased to more than 30 meters.

Its panel has also undergone dramatic changes

【Building: Elemental Forbidden Spell Tower] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Grade: 12 (MAX)】

【Attack power: 3000】

【Defense: 500】

【Ruggedness: 1W】

【Attack distance: 5 kilometers】

【Fireball: Causes an additional 2000 points of fire elemental damage to the enemy, and causes an explosion effect. It causes 1000 points of fire elemental damage to enemies within attack range, ignites the enemy, and continuously causes 500 points of fire damage per second to the target for 120 seconds. Attack frequency: 10 rounds per minute】

【Freeze: Causes 1000 points of ice element damage to a single enemy within attack range and freezes the enemy for 3 seconds. Attack frequency: 5 rounds per minute】

【Wind Blade Technique: Causes 1500 points of fragmentation damage to enemies within 1000 meters of the attack range, and causes a bleeding effect, causing the enemy to continuously receive 500 points of wind element damage every second for 120 seconds. 1 time per minute】

【Poisonous Cloud: Release a poisonous cloud covering the attack range, continuously causing 1000 points of poisonous damage per second to enemies within the range, and causing a blinding effect on the enemy, causing the enemy to lose vision and perception for 120 seconds. The poisonous cloud lasts for 5 minutes. Released every 30 minutes】

【Forbidden Curse Samadhi True Fire: Causes 1W points of Samadhi True Fire damage to enemies within the attack range, and continues to cause 5000 points of Samadhi True Fire damage to surviving enemies every second for 120 seconds.

0 flowers requested

Samadhi True Fire: A flame that cannot be extinguished. When the flame ignites an object, it will release poisonous smoke. The poisonous smoke will blind the enemy’s eyes, causing permanent blindness and respiratory burns to the enemy. In severe cases, it can cause organ failure, disorder of the life circulation system, and death on the spot.

The forbidden curse is released every hour】

【Description: The Elemental Forbidden Spell Tower can release powerful forbidden spells, but the attack range is relatively short and can easily hurt your own people.】

“So strong!”[]

Su Wen couldn’t help but mutter.

He turned his head and glanced at the Demonic Crossbow Tower. only saw

【Building: Demonic Arrow Tower】

【Grade: 12 (MAX)】

【Attack power: 300】

【Defense: 500】

【Ruggedness: 1W】

【Attack distance: 5 kilometers】

【Magic Crossbow: Equipped with a magic weapon powered by magic crystal, it can fire a magic crossbow with 500 magic attack power, firing 10 rounds per minute, with armor breaking】

【Fire: Each arrow fired is a fire arrow. After being hit, it will continue 100 points of fire damage every second for 10 seconds.】

【Armor-piercing: Every arrow fired is an armor-piercing arrow! Armor breaking value +500!】

【Frozen Arrow: Every time 100 arrows are fired, one frozen arrow will be fired. If the arrow hits the target, it will be frozen for 3 seconds and fall into a sluggish state for 5 seconds.】

【Description: Can automatically launch 1W ordinary arrows per minute, attack range: 5000 meters. Can respond to air strikes, altitude 5000 meters. 】

It is also a defense tower.

The advantages and disadvantages of the Demonic Arrow Tower and the Elemental Tower are obvious at a glance. only.

The Magic Crossbow Tower has the benefits of the Magic Crossbow Tower.

Immediately afterwards.

Su Wen increased the attributes of all these buildings.

Despite his speed.

But it still took him two days to complete the manual increase.

It was also when he had just completed the increase in the Death Maze defense tower.

Han Li sent an urgent message:”Lord, I am very happy! Our troops have successfully destroyed the Sixth Summoning Legion of Asgard! And captured a large amount of supplies! I am on my way to the castle. I will report the specific information to you in person.!”

Su Wen’s eyes lit up.

He also needs the help of all the vassal lords.


Su Wen summoned Wenying, Xu Xiaoxiao and others.

Let everyone meet at Su Wen’s lord’s castle in one hour.

Also at the same time.

The flower elf goddess Aqua, who was working hard to complete the formation carving task in the Tiandao Overlord Academy, suddenly received a letter… D…

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