“hiss! Every time you upgrade to a level, the four-dimensional attributes are doubled and multiplied by four! This is even more powerful than the growth rate of phantom beasts like Alasuo and Hongying!”

Su Wen couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

Moreover, the skill level bonus of the ancient war tree is also very large.

This is an extremely powerful violent army.

However, their weaknesses are also very obvious. They are afraid of fire!

Su Wen is around Wenying couldn’t help but exclaimed:”No wonder it costs 10 million lord points to recruit an ancient war tree! At level 12, it is simply too powerful! Stronger than demigods!”

“No wonder it has the title of Jungle Horror Meat Grinder!”

She murmured softly.

Su Wen also increased the attributes of other ancient war trees.

Then, he spread his dragon wings along the road to find other ancient trees that had taken root on both sides of the road. Amplification.

After completion, he returned to the Elf Mother Tree

“I want to go back! You can develop with peace of mind here!”

Su Wen and Wenying waved goodbye.


The light of the teleportation array lit up.

Su Wen returned to the territory.

After returning to the territory, he went to the bonfire.

A total of 2530 flower elf civilians were recruited in the recruitment space.

They will be used After all attributes were increased to level 12, these civilians were sent to the Holy Tribunal for training of the Crusaders.

And these people were handed over to Archbishop Keli for branch faith in the Four Gates and the Holy Light Church in the Deserted Sea.

Complete 180 of these After the arrangement,

Su Wen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After a night’s rest last night,

Su Wen’s attribute points increased again to 3W4831 points.

Most of them came from the prison.

A small part came from gaining attribute points every day from turning 3 to God level.

Looking at the minuscule attribute points,

Su Wen shook his head:”It’s not enough!”

Thinking of this.

He looked towards the opposite side of the prison:”Would you like to expand that side!”

“It just so happens that I now have a 10W legion and a large number of summoning formations in my hand, including some large-scale summoning formations!”

“If the summoning formation is used on a large scale, attribute points can be obtained quickly!”

“Cooperate with the resources sent from the Great Rift of the Abyss!”

“It should be enough for a while!”

Thinking of this, he spread his wings and flew towards the prison.

“Meet my lord!”

When the flower magicians saw Su Wen, they knelt down and saluted excitedly.

Next to them, there was a group of advance troops who were also saluting. Su Wen nodded, and he looked at the close-range magic-proof turret that continued to fire.

Hua Qing, the flower magician in charge here, asked about the situation here.

At this stage, magic groups usually arrange two summoning circles at the same time.

“His Majesty! Now our coordinates are less attractive to demons. They seem to pass on the coordinates here. The speed of summoning demons every time is very slow, and sometimes the demons are summoned before the summoning array reaches its limit. The crystal has been exhausted!”

Hua Qing explained solemnly.

This was entirely due to Su Wen’s continuous summoning of demons. As a result, the number of demons lost there was extremely large.

The coverage area was also very large.

Many demons knew that���The danger of this coordinate.

Few demons dare to step out of the summoning door

“but! Yesterday, a large number of demons suddenly came! There weren’t so many demons this morning!”

Hua Qing said helplessly.

In terms of arranging formations, they have gone to the limit.

But the devil has become smarter.

It just doesn’t take the bait!

This makes her very distressed.

“What about expanding scope and area? Su

Wen looked at Hua Qing and asked.

Hua Qing’s eyelids twitched:”As long as the distance is 5 kilometers, this situation can be avoided!” If we can create a few more locations, the coordinates we used before can be rotated over and used again!”

After what Hua Qing said, the relevant knowledge about the summoning circle also emerged in Su Wen’s mind.

It is exactly what Hua Qing said.

But the coordinates of a location must be forgotten unless all the demons in this summoning area are killed..

Or obtain new summoning coordinates.

Most of the demons summoned through the summoning formation come from the wilderness of the abyss.

They are a group of low-level demons that live in groups.

Their IQs are not high and they basically rely on instinct. Acting.

Especially full of great enthusiasm for exploring the world behind the teleportation gate.

However, even if they are mentally retarded, they have opened the summoning gate tens of thousands of times in succession.

Even in different abyss areas.

Regarding the teleportation coordinates that are often opened here, it is still It will arouse the vigilance of demons.

It will even be passed on by demons.


“Then expand the prison area!”

Su Wen muttered softly.

He flew into the air and looked at the surrounding area.

20,000 kilometers to the east is the Dark Valley.

More than 20,000 kilometers to the west is the Desolate Sea.

This area was originally planned by Su Wen. farming

(acbb) Now there is Xumitian boundary. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This area can be used to build a site specifically for summoning demons or other creatures.

An area of 10,000 kilometers should be enough!

Su Wen couldn’t help but think.

The construction method of the big trap and the small circle obviously does not meet Su Wen’s requirements.

It is best to open several areas at the same time.

There are enough defensive walls and backup firepower around to block the demons.


It is necessary to build a passage with twists and turns in the small circle enclosed by the big circle to block the summoning area and divide the area.

In this case


Su Wen thought of an interesting building.


A maze-shaped defense circle.

It can not only effectively hinder the devil, but also buy time for the troops to react at critical moments.

By the way, it can also be integrated into the tower defense game that Su Wen played in his previous life. The map of[]

If so

“Got it!”

Su Wen quickly constructed a topographic map in his mind.

Then he looked at the ground under his feet.

His thoughts were flashing rapidly.

After hundreds of thousands of calculations, he finally had a plan..

Near noon,

Su Wen started the construction mode of God Vision.

He mobilized a large amount of infrastructure resources and a large number of magic crystals.

Currently, there are three types of defense towers that can be built in the territory.

They are arrow towers, turrets and elemental towers. Among them , the arrow tower is a common building for most lords.

The turret comes from the gunnery profession after Su Wen changed his profession.

The element tower comes from the unique building of He Yufei’s Five Elements family.

The turret will eventually be upgraded to become a close-range magic defense Turret.

The arrow tower will be upgraded to become a magic crossbow tower.

The element tower can be upgraded to become an element forbidden spell tower.

Alternate defense of three towers is Su Wen’s best choice.

Among them, the turret is the main one, the arrow tower is the auxiliary, and the element tower is the trump card. Buildings were built at key locations to turn things around.

That’s it.

Su Wen first built a square, giant city area with a length of 10,000 kilometers in an area 20,000 kilometers east of the castle in his territory.

This area The city wall is composed of 40,000 turrets.

Next to the turrets are 40,000 elemental towers.

Inside the elemental towers are 40,000 arrow towers.

The three types of towers are built next to each other, forming four strips about 30 meters wide and 30 meters high.

A defense tower wall of about 10 meters.

After that, Su Wen started the construction of the maze area.

This area was centered on the prison built previously.

Then 8,000 different summoning points were divided.

An average of four with the prison as the center direction, each direction has 00 summoning points built.

Each summoning point has a large enough space, as well as passages.

There are also alternating arrow towers and elemental towers.

By the time Su Wen finished laying out all this, it was already early in the morning.

around 3 o’clock

“call! It’s finally done!”

Su Wen looked at the clanging sound below and couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief.

This process is really mind-numbing.

Because the construction of real terrain is different from the game simulation construction.

There are grids that can be calculated.

The actual construction is completely With calculation data, everything must be measured and calculated before proceeding.

If it were not for the help of the construction ruler from Heaven,

Su Wen might not be able to succeed in the construction.

At this moment, looking from the air,

I can see that this square area of 10,000 kilometers has changed. It became a huge construction project filled with arrow towers, turrets and elemental towers.

“never mind! It’s too tiring to increase the construction speed one by one. I’ll wait until tomorrow morning to continue the next work!”

Su Wen shook his head and decided to go back to sleep first.

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