There are a total of 4 dormitory buildings for the Crusaders, each with 30 floors.

There are 10 sets of rooms on each floor, each with 3 bedrooms, 1 living room, 2 bathrooms, and 1 kitchen.

Each suite can accommodate up to 12 warriors.

Each building can accommodate 3,600 people, and 4 buildings can accommodate 14,400 people.


These dormitories are simply not full.

Part of it can be used by the priests who live here.

Can be used by Crusaders who have settled in the church. soon.

Su Wen wandered to the main building of the Holy See.

This is a main building connected to the church in the front and the faith hall, scripture collection building, monastery hall and assessment center in the back.

Its corridors are like spider legs, connected to various functional buildings.

The main building of the Holy See can also be entered directly from everywhere.

It has 36 floors in total.

The height reached 100 meters.

It is higher than the dormitory building of the Crusaders. It is as high as a 20-story dormitory building.

This is where the archbishop, bishops and clergy have their offices.

There are offices,”June 47″ conference hall, prayer room, showroom, weapons room, Crusaders conference room, office, etc.

The interior is fully functional.

Su Wen only visited a few floors.


He looked at the monastery panel

【Building: Monastery of Holy Light】

【Grade: 101 (MAX)】

【Core: Holy Light Core】

【Attribute: light】

【Structure: 1 church, 1 mission hall, 1 faith hall, 4 dormitories, 1 assessment center, 1 scripture building, 1 main building, Holy See, 1 training ground】

【Aura Amplification: Soul purification, the souls of all friendly beings in the aura always maintain a positive and courageous state of progress.】

【Halo Amplification: Holy Light Courage. All friendly beings in the Halo gain the courage to fight, the courage to speak out in the face of injustice, the courage to safeguard their own interests, and the courage to safeguard dignity! In combat status, all lives gain +5000 attack power!】

【Aura Amplifier: Divine Glory! All evil spirits, dead souls, and ghosts within the halo will quickly burn to ashes under the sacred light, and will continue to inflict 3000 points of burning damage per second to such lives until they die.】

【Aura Amplification: The grace of the Holy Light on the Earth! All pests within the halo will melt and become nutrients for the earth】

【Halo Amplifier: War Cry! When war comes, the combat effectiveness of all friendly forces in the halo increases by 100 times, and the combat effectiveness of enemy forces decreases by 100 times.】

【Aura Amplification: Good weather! The territory within the halo will have smooth weather and no natural disasters】

【Aura Amplification: Firm Faith! All lives within the halo will believe in the great Majesty Su Wen! Loyalty +100%】

【Aura Amplifier: Holy Chant! All lives in the halo will hear the scriptures praising the great Majesty Su Wen! Pagans with different beliefs will be transformed into followers of His Majesty Su Wen after chanting!】

【Halo Amplification: Church of Holy Light! All believers in Su Wen can find spiritual relief here! Purify the soul +1W!】

【Aura Amplification: Curse Dispelled! The life within the halo will not be cursed. After the cursed life enters the halo, the curse will be eliminated.】

【Halo Amplification: Invasion Suppression! All invasion portals within the Halo will be stagnant for 600 seconds before fully unfolding!】

【Aura Amplification: Faith Recognition! Identify the preachers of foreign sects, warn them, and make a separate orange halo of faith identification mark! Definitely the other party is preaching locally】

【Aura Amplification: My Lord! Become a member of my religion and believe in my Lord, and gain a life span of 1,000 years.】

【Halo Amplification: Holy Light Barrier! The monastery will form its own boundary, and the internal space will no longer occupy the actual territorial space. Internal space 10 kilometers in radius】

【Aura Amplification: Holy Light Protection! Using the power of faith in the faith pool as the source, build a holy light protection formation to defend against enemy attacks. Defense value +10W】

【Aura Amplification: Main Realm Building Gain! For the cave-like territory, the buffing halo effect of the Holy Light Monastery will be applied to the cave-sky buildings on the actual territory outside the cave! As long as they are above the Cave Sky building or within the building area, all friendly forces will receive the aura buff of the Holy Light Monastery!】

【Aura Amplification: Poison Immunity! All lives within the coverage area of the halo are immune to damage caused by poisons at the 3rd God level and below, or poison element forbidden spells.】

【Aura Buff: Chaos Immunity! All lives within the coverage area of the halo are immune to 2nd God Transformation level and any chaotic effects below 2nd Transformation God level.】

【Aura Buff: Faith Mapping! The lord can use this gain to build the Holy Light Church in various parts of the territory. The Holy Light Church has 1 church, 1 office, and 1 Crusader dormitory.

The Church of the Holy Light will be connected to the Monastery of the Holy Light through a teleportation array, and only priests or crusaders can pass through this array.

The Holy Light Church will map all the buff entries of the Holy Light Monastery, and the effective halo buff area is 1,000 kilometers.

The Holy Light Church will be equipped with 1 bishop, 5 missionaries, and 500 Crusaders.】

【Lord of Faith: Su Wen】

【Archbishop: 1/1] Keli

【Cardinal: 12/12】

【Missionary: 120/120】

【Cultist: 240/50W】

【Crusaders: 500/5000 (associated with the Holy Inquisition)】

【Holy Book: Conquering People with Virtue】

【Faith pool: 1 billion】

【Function: preaching, defending religion, consolidating faith】

【Radiation area: circle with diameter 1W kilometers】

【Source: Temple of Light】

【Related buildings: Advanced Workers College (training bishops, priests and other personnel), Holy Tribunal (training the Holy Army)] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station】

“Um? Only the believers and the Judgment Army have undergone great changes! The capacity has increased! The enhanced belief mapping coincides with the law enforcement branch of the Holy Tribunal!”

Immediately 0.

Su Wen immediately went to the teleportation center.

He first came to Liu Wen at the west gate.

At this time, Liu Wen was training the army. When he saw Su Wen coming, he hurriedly greeted him.

“I need a piece of land covering a radius of 2 kilometers in your main city!”

Su Wen said to Liu Wen.

Liu Wen quickly took Su Wen over:”Lord! This is where I used to build a school. Are you satisfied with it?”

“Um! The size is enough!”

Su Wen nodded.

He used the faith mapping function of Holy Light Monastery.


After consuming a certain amount of materials, a church appeared in front of Su Wen and Liu Wen.[]

Su Wen said to Liu Wen:”In the future, the church will manage the faith, and the Holy Tribunal branch will work with your yamen to enforce the law in the territory! You must coordinate well in this regard!”

“Lord, don’t worry! I made arrangements yesterday. The Tribunal Branch has officially taken over the law enforcement power of the Yamen, and all the Yamen’s detectives have also joined the Tribunal Branch! The yamen is now in charge of issues such as household tax and urban planning! Liu

Wen said solemnly.

Su Wen nodded after hearing this.

Soon, the construction of Holy Light Church was completed.

The church can accommodate 5,000 people praying at the same time.

It is equipped with 2 offices and a dormitory building that can accommodate 500 people. After completing the construction here,

Su Wen went to several other places.

When he came to the south gate where Ye Jinpeng was,

Ye Jinpeng stopped Su Wen:”Your Majesty! I have recruited 1,000 civilians here! 200 flying 3.5 dragon knights! Can you help increase it?”

“oh! Call everyone to form an array!”

Su Wen arranged for Ye Jinpeng.


12,000 civilians and dragon knights from the dragon-taming clan were summoned by Ye Jinpeng.

This clan is famous for its dragon-taming clan, so it is also recognized as a dragon knight. A clan.

There is no doubt that the dragon-taming clan looks like humans.

The only difference is that they are all six-fingered creatures with double pupils.

Su Wen looked at the dragon-taming clan.

He looked at the attributes of one of the civilians.

【Name: Long Qiqi】

【Race: Taming dragon】

【Commoner: Farmer】

【Lord: Su Wen】

【From the lord: Ye Jinpeng】

【Grade 1】

【Rank: 0】

【Attributes: Strength 28; Agility 30; Spirit 39; Constitution 30】

【Equipment: none】

【Skills: Farming, Gathering, Dragon Raising, Dragon Language, Lumbering】

【Loyalty: 100%】

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