“They are worthy of being chosen as the Huang-level ethnic group by Heaven! The basic data is great!”

Su Wen couldn’t help but praise after seeing it.

This made Ye Jinpeng couldn’t help but raise his head.

It seemed that Su Wen’s praise was the most valuable recognition in the world.

Su Wen gave Long Qiqi a full boost.


In an instant, a brilliant light bloomed from Long Qiqi’s body.

The next second, this little girl from the dragon-taming clan was already kneeling on the ground in excitement, singing the hymn she had just learned from the Holy Light Church.

Ye Jinpeng saw His eyes widened at this, and he quickly looked at Long Qiqi’s panel.

At this look, he was really blooming.

【Name: Long Qiqi】

【Race: Taming dragon】

【Commoner: Farmer】

【Lord: Su Wen】

【From the lord: Ye Jinpeng】

【Grade 1】

【Rank: 12 (MAX)】

【Attributes: Strength 3148; Agility 3150; Spirit 3159; Constitution 3150】

【Equipment: none】

【Skills: Huang-level farming, Huang-level gathering, Huang-level dragon-raising skills, Huang-level dragon language, Huang-level logging, Huang-level cooking, Huang-level herb identification, Huang-level dragon training, Huang-level feed preparation, and Huang-level dragon medical skills】

【Loyalty: 100%] 01 Wow!

Ye Jinpeng knelt on the ground, kowtowed and said,”Thank you, Lord!”

The dragon-taming clan makes a living by taming dragons.

It’s true!

Most of the farmer’s skills are related to dragons.

What a pity.

This clan domesticates dragons of the same species as the giant dragons.

Rather than the Shenlong clan.

Seeing this, Su Wen nodded repeatedly.

This clan possesses knowledge that other clans cannot master.


Su Wen faced Long Qiqi again.

The restriction that prevented civilians from cultivating was broken. only saw

【Level: 1 (00.00%)】

【Upgrade instructions: Just use skills to gain experience】

“Um? What a unique way to upgrade!”

Su Wen’s eyes widened when he saw this.

Then, he increased all attributes and upgraded the 1,000 farmers of the dragon-taming clan.

After completing the increase of the farmers,

Su Wen looked at the flying dragon knight recruited by Ye Jinpeng.

He Looking at the Dragon Knight’s panel

【Name: Long Wushui】

【Race: Taming dragon】

【Occupation: Dragon Knight】

【Lord: Su Wen】

【From the lord: Ye Jinpeng】

【Level: 109 (00.00%)】

【Rank: 0 (MAX)】

【Attributes: Strength 450; Agility 460; Spirit 552; Constitution 460】

【Equipment: none】

【Skills: Dragon Taming, Dragon Affinity, Dragon Language, Charge, Mountaineering Maneuver, Wing Sweep, Special Move Fire Dash, Special Move Poison Flame Breath】

【Loyalty: 100%】

【Charge: Fly rapidly towards the target, gaining 1x speed, 1x critical hit, 1x armor breaking, and 1x attack power.】

【Mountain Touring Maneuver: Use Mountain Touring Maneuvering to avoid enemy bows or magic attacks. Dexterity +100, Agility +100, Flying Speed +100】

【Wing Sweep: Fly at low altitude and unfold dragon wings, launching a wing-slashing attack on the enemy’s ground camp. The wings are metalized, gaining sharpness +100, critical hit +100, and the body gaining defense enhancement +100.】

【Special skill Flame Dash: The knight and the dragon merge into one, launching a spear attack at the enemy, causing 3000 points of physical damage to the enemy, and additionally receiving 500 points of fire damage every second for 120 seconds.】

【Special skill: Poison Flame Breath: Breathing poisonous flames at the enemy, causing 3000 points of fire damage and 3000 points of poison damage to the enemy, and causing a suffocation effect on the enemy. It lasts for 3 seconds and continuously causes fire and poison damage to the enemy. The enemy takes 500 points of fire damage and 500 points of poison damage every second, lasting 120 seconds.】

“There is displacement and range damage!”

“not bad!”

Su Wen nodded after looking at the panel of the Flying Dragon Knight.

This can be regarded as an elite unit of the dragon-taming clan.

But it is a little behind the more powerful dragon cavalry.

After Su Wen looked at it, he increased all attributes of the Flying Dragon Knight.


After a brilliant brilliance,

Ye Jinpeng almost cried:”It’s too strong! It’s simply too strong! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! I’m so damn…so happy!…Dad!”


Those two words had just come out.

Ye Jinpeng was kicked to the ground by Su Wen.

He continued to increase the power of other knights.

Ye Jinpeng got up from the ground and stared at the panel of the Flying Dragon Knight with a giggle.. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Name: Long Wushui】

【Race: Taming dragon】

【Occupation: Dragon Knight】

【Lord: Su Wen】

【From the lord: Ye Jinpeng】

【Level: 109 (00.00%)】

【Rank: 12 (MAX)】

【Attributes: Strength 3570; Agility 3580; Spirit 3672; Constitution 3580】

【Equipment: none】

【Skills: Yellow Level Dragon Taming, Yellow Level Dragon Clan Affinity, Yellow Level Dragon Language, Yellow Level Charge, Yellow Level Mountain Touring Maneuver, Yellow Level Wing Sweep, Yellow Level Special Move Flame Dash, Yellow Level Special Move Poison Flame Breath】

【Loyalty: 100%】

【Yellow Charge: Fly rapidly towards the target, gaining 5x speed, 5x critical hit, 5x armor breaking, and 5x attack power.】

【Huangjie Mountain Tour Maneuver: Use mountain tour maneuver to avoid enemy bows or magic attacks, dexterity +500, agility +500, flight speed +500】

【Huangjie Wing Sweep: Fly at low altitude and unfold dragon wings, launching a wing-slashing attack on the enemy’s ground camp. The wings are metalized, gaining sharpness +500, critical hit +500, and the body gaining defense enhancement +500.】

【Yellow-level special skill Flame Dash: The knight and the dragon merge into one, launching a spear attack at the enemy, causing 1W points of physical damage to the enemy, and an additional 3000 points of fire damage per second, lasting 300 seconds.】[]

【Yellow-level special skill Poison Flame Breath: Breathing poisonous flames at the enemy, causing 1W points of fire damage and 1W points of poison damage to the enemy, and causing a suffocation effect on the enemy. It lasts for 30 seconds and continuously causes fire and poison damage to the enemy. The enemy suffers 3000 points of fire damage and 3000 points of poison damage every second for 300 seconds. 】

Looking at the panel in front of him.

Ye Jinpeng’s mouth watered.

A full-level 12th-level knight!

Something he never dreamed of doing.

Su Wen helped him realize his dream in the blink of an eye.

It made him feel like he was dreaming.

After completing the increase.

Ye Jinpeng’s flying dragon knights and the farmers of the dragon-taming clan have all bowed to the ground and shouted Su Wen’s name. this moment.

The power of faith in the faith pool is increasing rapidly.

“Ye Jinpeng! Where is your dragon knight’s mount? Do you want to increase it together?”

Su Wen kicked Ye Jinpeng for the last time, looked at the other party who woke up and asked.

Ye Jinpeng’s spirit jumped and he said quickly:”Lord! The mount and the knight are connected by heart and blood. As long as the knight can advance to level 12, the mount will slowly advance to level 12 in the future!”

“This is the special ability of the dragon training clan, and it is also the power of dragon training!”

He explained solemnly.

It turns out that when the dragon-taming clan becomes a knight, they will sign a blood symbiosis contract with the flying dragon.

With the power of this contract, they can cooperate with the dragon-taming clan’s dragon-taming skills.

As long as the knight’s grade is high enough. , the flying dragon will quickly grow to the same level as the knight.

In this process, there is no need to consume advanced treasures.

It only needs to consume a lot of food.

At the same time

, the dragon knight can also establish a strong partnership with the mount in this process. Improve the goodwill of both parties and deepen friendship

“Um! Take good care of yourself here! Remember to go to the drill tower to participate in the drill to improve your ability to lead troops in war!”

Su Wen nodded, and he told Ye Jinpeng a few words.

Then he stepped on the teleportation array and headed to the east gate.

At this time, Han Li was in the Shadow Guard Mansion processing the intelligence system that was constantly being transmitted back from the outside.

Su Wen After coming in, he hurriedly led the people out:”Lord!”

“Are you looking so sad? Is there something that can’t be solved?”

Su Wen looked at Han Li’s appearance and was a little surprised.

Why did he leave for less than half a day?

This guy’s spirit became so bad!

Han Li was stunned and kowtowed quickly and said:” Lord! I am worried!……” ps: Thank you 15987..brother for your monthly ticket! thanks for your support! Thank you everyone!.

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