【Relic: Balance】

【Grade: 1 to God level】

【Elemental Damage: +20x】

【Spirit: +2000】

【Movement speed +20 times】

【Granted skill: Tranquility! When receiving critical damage, there is a 5000% chance to release this skill and use your will to suppress the enemy.

Skill cooldown time is 1 second.

The range of action is 100 meters.

Stuns the target for 60 seconds.

Confusing the target for 60 seconds】


【Balance meaning: to find balance in the turbulent sea of elements】

“Damn it!”

Wang Dahai screamed and stood up quickly.

Then, with solemn etiquette as a scholar of heaven, he kowtowed to Su Wen and thanked him:”Thank you, Lord, for your gift!”

The others saw the same thing after seeing the first-level god-level balance.

They were shocked at first.

Then they stood up and knelt down.

Liu Wen and Han Li thought that Su Wen would put the relic Balance into the reward library and leave it to be rewarded to them later.

Who knew.

Su Wen They actually directly increased the relics.

Each person was given one.

This made them frightened. They were even more convinced in their hearts.

If Wang Dahai hadn’t made a move, they would have knelt down to say thank you.

“Lord! Have you ever thought about adopting an adopted son?”

Ye Jinpeng asked in a low voice after he got up.

There was a burning light in his eyes.

This thought made him almost unable to control himself.


Su Wen glared at Ye Jinpeng and said unceremoniously:”Get out!”

“Lord! I don’t think you are old enough!”

Ye Jinpeng said with a mean look.

This made Wenying and others around him show expressions of disbelief.

This guy used to be very arrogant.

Everyone looked down on him.

Today he actually wants to make Su Wen his godfather..

How is his brain circuit connected?

Su Wen ignored Ye Jinpeng. He looked at Wang Dahai again and said solemnly:”Wang Dahai!”


Wang Dahai jumped up happily and kowtowed excitedly.

Su Wen smiled and took out a god-level fantasy beast egg from the storage ring:”Wang Dahai has contributed to the territory before! Because I have to make arrangements for other lords, my reward for you has been delayed! This time I will award it to you together!”

“This is a god-level fantasy beast egg! There are also corresponding hatching materials! Hope you treat it well!”

With that said,

Su Wen handed another ring containing hatching materials to Wang Dahai.

Wang Dahai was shocked, his feet went weak and he almost fell to the ground.

He stared at Su Wen for more than ten seconds.

Then I burst into tears.


Liu Wen and others at the scene couldn’t help but their eyes widened. They were all stunned.

God-level fantasy beast eggs!

A rare treasure with a price but no market!

This… this makes They were envious and jealous.

A ball of hope arose in their hearts.

People like Wang Dahai can have such rewards.

What about us?

Thinking of this, everyone’s hearts couldn’t help but feel hot.

They all began to think about how to accumulate merit.

“Lord! How can I, the king of the world, be so virtuous that I can obtain this valuable treasure? Please take back your life! This thing is waiting to be rewarded to other lords! I am just an auxiliary lord and have no use for it!”

Wang Dahai said righteously.

This shocked everyone at the scene again.


He Yufei couldn’t help rolling her eyes.

If it was given to her, she would definitely want it.

Everyone else thought the same way.

Su Wen laughed and raised his hand.

He took out another 14th-level magical beast egg.

“rest assured! As long as everyone works together to build a beautiful home, we will be loyal! I have prepared a wealth of reward materials for everyone!”

Su Wen’s eyes fell on everyone.

This made Liu Wen and others almost dumbfounded.

Zhang Xiaohua and Xu Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but look at each other.

Then, they hurriedly kowtowed:” Please rest assured, my lord! We will be loyal to you! If you violate this oath, the sky will thunder and you will die badly!”

“Please rest assured, my lord!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Jinpeng and others also kowtowed to express their loyalty again and declared the oath of heaven.

Only then did Wang Dahai accept the fantasy beast eggs and materials:”That’s it!” Lao Wang, I will accept it! Thank you, lord!”

While speaking, he blinked at Su Wen.


, everyone broke up and went back to their respective places.

Su Wen brought Wang Dahai to the room.

He helped Wang Dahai complete the process of hatching the phantom beast.

Wang Dahai was extremely happy. His smiling mouth never closed:”Old Su! Your reward is really awesome! It’s time to get home!”

“Fat man! Good job!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Su Wen finished increasing Wang Dahai’s power, he gave Wang Dahai a thumbs up:”Don’t just think about mining, but also learn more about Xiangta. study! I’m still waiting for your blacksmith skills to come online!

Wang Dahai chuckled, nodded quickly and said,”Don’t worry!””

After leaving Wang Dahai,

Su Wen came to the door of Holy Light Monastery.

Archbishop Keli of the monastery rushed to the door with a group of people to greet him.

“Meet your great Majesty! You are the sun in our hearts! It is our guiding light! It is our spiritual sustenance!”

Keli knelt down and shouted loudly.

As the monks sang, streaks of light appeared in the Holy Light Monastery.

The holy light gathered on Su Wen’s body.

Su Wen gave people the feeling of coming from the kingdom of heaven. The feeling of a god coming out.

0 Asking for flowers. The main purpose of his coming here is to increase the size of the Holy Light Monastery.

Complete the construction of the territorial faith network project.

The monastery is currently at the 12th level.[]

【Is there a limit-breaking increase in Holy Light Monastery? Consume 1W attribute points!】


Su Wen chose yes without hesitation.


Great changes have taken place in Holy Light Monastery.

Su Wen did not stop.

That’s it.

After consuming 880,000 attribute points,

Holy Light Monastery was promoted to level 100.

【Is there a limit-breaking increase in Holy Light Monastery? Consumes 1 million attribute points!】


Su Wen muttered softly.

He glanced at the remaining attribute points.

“I can still get promoted once…forget it!”

Su Wen shook his head and did not continue.

This time he spent a total of 1.88 million attribute points.

He now has 1.699994 attribute points left.

This value is still rising.

The current Holy Light Monastery has completely changed.

It A layer of barrier is shrouded outside.

The barrier blooms with holy light.

There is a faint light statue of Su Wen projected in the air. The looming statue is extremely attractive to the eyes.

The entire Holy Light Monastery has become a hundred meters long. A tall behemoth.

Directly facing the outside is the church.

Next to the church is the main entrance of the monastery.

The main entrance is in the shape of a triumphal arch, and the stone carvings on both sides of the door are circling dragons.

A double-eaves glazed roof is added to the top, which looks like a Chinese and Western The product of a combination.

Entering the monastery through this door, you can see that the interior is a cave of its own.

From the outside, it looks like it only covers a few hundred meters in length and width.

In fact, the internal space covers an area of about 10 kilometers.

The monastery Temple, faith hall, Crusader dormitory, assessment center, training ground, scripture building and the main building of the Holy See.

Green spaces, gardens, paths, lakes and rockeries.

After Keli and others saw the scene here, one by one. Excited, he kept kowtowing to Su Wen to thank him.

Su Wen stood in the hall of the monastery. He looked at the huge hall that was a full kilometer long and just said a soft word. The magical structure in the hall actually made his voice heard. It spread throughout the hall, so that everyone in every corner could hear it clearly.

“good! Su

Wen was quite satisfied with this. He said to Keli:”After we have children in the future, this can be used as a higher education institution!” Therefore, you should also prepare in advance and learn more various skills!”

“Please obey His Majesty’s Church!”

Keli kowtowed her hands and said solemnly.

Everyone then went to the dormitory of the Crusaders.

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