“Finally mastered the formation!”

Su Wen quickly completed the authentication of the operation permissions in accordance with the permission requirements of the Small Demon Realm Corrosion Formation.

At this moment, he was looking at the formation.

I saw

【Formation: Small Demon Realm Erosion Formation】

【Grade: 2nd God Level】

【Array operation authority: Su Wen】

【Function: Erosion, catharsis of demonic energy, the host gains 120 times attack power, 120 times speed, and temporary control of the demon world. The level of all enemies in the area will be weakened to level 10, and the four-dimensional attributes will be weakened to an average of 5 points. All enemy equipment, weapons, and magic scrolls are disabled】


“One more ban!”

Su Wen smiled with satisfaction.

Then he walked towards the inside of the formation.


When his feet landed inside the formation.


In the big crack in the center of the formation.

A hundred meters long white-eyed black The scaly dragon flew out from inside

“Yo! Yo! Yo! How dare a little kid at level 50 come here to act wild? It seems… huh? Something’s wrong! Are all those losers outside dead?”

“Do you have a powerful magic scroll?”

“do not care!”

“Anyway, so do you……”

The white-eyed demon dragon muttered lazily. suddenly.

It’s frozen in mid-air

“Zero Four Seven””How is this possible?”

Abruptly, it shouted uncontrollably.


Su Wen activated the domain authority of the formation.

The White-Eyed Demonic Dragon became level 10, and its four-dimensional attributes were weakened to 5 points.


The extreme weakness made the White-Eyed Demonic Dragon instantly Fell to the ground


Su Wen raised his hand and fired an ordinary shot at the White-Eyed Demonic Dragon.

In an instant, with the blessing of 120 times attack power and 120 times the speed.

Before the White-Eyed Demonic Dragon could figure out everything, the dust settled.


The head of the white-eyed demon dragon exploded.

The purple blood soaked into the formation.

It was ignited by the formation and transformed into a large amount of demonic energy.

Su Wen walked up to the demon dragon and collected the headless corpse of the demon dragon. He got the storage ring.

Just when he was about to enter the crack to check, he couldn’t help but pause.

Under the broken skull of the White-Eyed Demonic Dragon, there was a brightly lustrous dragon ball hidden there.

The dragon ball was about the size of a human head.

Others The surface is engraved with fine natural textures

【Item: Dragon Ball】

【Grade: God Grade】

【Function: One of the materials for building the world, it can be refined into powerful weapons and storage treasures.】

【Explanation: The dragon beads bred by the Shenlong clan are also called the core of the world by other clans. This dragon ball stores the magic power of the White-Eyed Demonic Dragon. If you want to use it as the core of the world, please purify the god-level demonic energy in the dragon ball.】

“what’s the situation? Is your luck out of luck? Two treasures that build the eternal holy realm were actually opened one after another!”

Su Wen showed a shocked look.

He looked at the dragon ball in his hand, and after a slight induction, he immediately stopped guiding the internal demonic energy.

The aura was like a vast ocean.

If he was not careful, he could be polluted and turned into a monster.

This is terrible. It was not his purpose.

He carefully put the dragon ball into Kelius’s divine ring.

Then, he looked at the 12 skill books and 5 talents in his hand

“call! They are all god-level skills and god-level talents! It’s a pity that they are all resources that can only be used by the Abyss Demon Clan!”

Su Wen exhaled after seeing this.

He deprived the opponent of his skills and talents by forcibly depriving the white-eyed dragon of his talents.

It’s a pity that he has no way to use them.

“It can only be sold to those abyss brokers!”

He muttered and turned around towards the crack leading to the Little Demon Realm.

【Rift: Door to Connectivity】

【Grade: God Grade】

【Function: The only entrance connecting the Little Demon Realm and the Dragon Palace】

【Type: permanent】

【Explanation: Behind it is a small demon world refined by the demon king Cubik. In this world, there are 130 million demon legions sleeping. Any non-abyssal breath entering it will wake them up from their slumber. 】

Looking at the connecting door in front of you.

Suddenly, a heavenly mission popped up in front of Su Wen’s eyes.

【Mission: Close or destroy the connecting door】

【Type: Temporary】

【Choice: 1. Destroy the small demon world erosion formation to close the entrance. Reward: Each participant will receive 100 trillion lord points and a wish card.

2. Enter the Little Demon Realm and destroy the core of the Demon King’s Palace in the Little Demon Realm. You have 10 minutes to escape from the little demon world. Reward: 1000 Ganges Sand Lord Points for each participant, 1 wish card, each four-dimensional attribute increased by 10W】

【Description: This is a death mission. For you at the current level, you will have a narrow escape. There are tens of thousands of demigods in the Connected Gate, as well as a high-grade god sitting there. 】

See here.

Su Wen’s eyes lit up.

He turned his head and looked at the entrance outside the formation.

Then he sent a message to Xu Xiaoxiao through the territory communication channel.

Snap! soon.

Xu Xiaoxiao walked in.

She looked at Su Wen standing in the formation and said with some embarrassment:”Congratulations, my lord, for defeating another powerful enemy!” when she went out just now.

She looks at the ring Su Wen gave her.

This made her extremely regretful.

She didn’t expect that what Su Wen gave her was a Masterless God Order.

This one ring can buy countless rings from her.

This made her want to regret it.

But in this case.

She didn’t have the face to regret it.


She stretched out her hand towards Su Wen and reluctantly handed over the ring that Su Wen gave her.

She thought Su Wen had completed the copy.

I came here specifically to talk to her about what happened before.

This made her feel like crying.

I kept praying in my heart:”Don’t say that I want to talk to him…that topic…please God! God bless me! I still want to lose face!””

“Wait for me here! After seeing my message, he immediately entered the rift!”

Su Wen said solemnly to Xu Xiaoxiao. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to ask, he saw that Su Wen had entered the crack.



She heard a violent explosion coming from the rift.

Since the two worlds have been integrated for more than ninety years, the sounds in the Little Demon Realm in the rift can be transmitted to the Dragon Palace through the world’s membrane wall..

Xu Xiaoxiao looked at the crack in front of her in shock.

She wanted to go in.

But she was worried that Su Wen would scold her for disobeying orders.

This made her tangled.

Just like this 15 minutes later.


Su Wen’s message Sent over.

Xu Xiaoxiao took a look at it[]

He quickly entered the crack.

After one step.

She stood inside the crack door as Su Wen asked.

I saw.

The little demon world is full of demon corpses…… further away.

Groups of huge mushrooms rose into the air.

An abyss god fell to the ground with a roar of pain.

About 2 hours later.

Xu Xiaoxiao was already stunned when she saw a calm figure.

I saw Su Wen quickly picking up the corpses of the Abyss Legion in the small world.

Seeing this, Xu Xiaoxiao hurriedly took action.

With the cooperation of the two.

It took the two of them 1 hour.

Finally, the corpses of the Little Demon Realm and a bunch of trophies were collected.

Only then did Xu Xiaoxiao realize.

Behind the huge palace in the center of the Little Demon World.

There is a closed rift

“There is the passage to the abyss! Now I’m going to destroy the core of the world. You wait for me at the door!”

Su Wen warned Xu Xiaoxiao.

He turned into a golden thread and flew towards the huge palace tens of thousands of kilometers away, about a thousand meters high and about a thousand meters wide.


Half! Hours later,

Xu Xiaoxiao, who had just arrived at the entrance to the rift, heard a huge roar.

She followed the sound and looked around.

She saw that the huge palace in the center of the world was being swallowed up by a black void.

Behind it The cracks disappeared in an instant.

This mass of nothingness was swallowed up very quickly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it was already dead. Xu Xiaoxiao couldn’t tell where was the sky and where was the earth.

And the erosion of the void space brought boundless cold


Xu Xiaoxiao looked worriedly at the sound like lightning in the distance, and shouted loudly:”Run!”

In the blink of an eye, the figure disappeared.

In a blink of an eye,

Xu Xiaoxiao saw Su Wen suddenly jumping into his eyes again.

After repeating the second-level divine instant shadow for more than ten times,

Su Wen was only 1 kilometer away from the exit.

This At that time.

The little demon world was about to be swallowed up by nothingness.

Xu Xiaoxiao was still standing in the same place.

She completely forgot about her own comfort, and her heart was all tied to Su Wen.

She didn’t think about what would happen if she got stuck here..



Just when she called Su Wen again, she was hugged into her arms by an irresistible 4.9 force.

Then, a light and shadow flashed in front of her eyes.

An inexplicable cold air suddenly hit her from behind. , causing her whole body to tremble.

The next second, she was warmed by a ball of hot flames from the freezing state.

When she came back to her senses, she had already been hugged by Su Wen and left the little devil world.

Lifted. In the blink of an eye, he saw that the entrance to the small demon world in the formation was eroded by nothingness.

At this moment,

Xu Xiaoxiao felt that the whole world was upside down.

The air of nothingness wanted to devour the space in front of him, but was stopped by a soft force.


She only heard the sound of a crystal shattering.

The upside-down world calmed down.

Su Wen couldn’t help but sigh as he watched the small devil’s erosion magic circle shattered into scraps of five fifth-level god-level magic crystals. :”such a pity!”

If these five fifth-turn god-level magic crystals are not broken, he has a way to close the small devil’s erosion circle without destroying them.

Even if part of these five fifth-turn god-level magic crystals is used, Each piece can be sold for a sky-high price.

This makes him feel a little distressed.

What a waste of materials!

At this time, the reward from heaven will come.……

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