
[Congratulations on completing the temporary mission to destroy the Connecting Gate]

[Evaluation: SSSSS won without suspense, and the escape was thrilling]

[Basic rewards: 1000 Ganges Sand Lord Points, 1 wish card, and 10W points for each four-dimensional attribute.] 】

[5S evaluation additional reward: 3000 Ganges Sand Lord Points, 1 World Stone. 】

Su Wen looked at the Heavenly Dao Reward, and a scorching light bloomed in his eyes.

The next second.

Two rays of light fell.

One fell into Su Wen's hands, and the other fell into Xu Xiaoxiao's hands.

Su Wen, who was hugging Xu Xiaoxiao, let go of his hand at the same time.

Xu Xiaoxiao still stuck to Su Wen's body by inertia.

When the two looked down at each other.

Xu Xiaoxiao's heart trembled violently, and she hurriedly took a step back.

"Got a reward?"

Su Wen asked generously.

Xu Xiaoxiao nodded, and said with a slightly red cheek: "I got a C-level reward, and the evaluation is to pick up leaks! I only got a reward of 10W points for each of the four-dimensional attributes!"

"Uh...... It seems that in the future, I will have to let you take action too, otherwise you won't be able to get all the basic rewards!"

Su Wen was stunned for a moment, and then muttered thoughtfully.

Xu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a moment, and then looked at his panel, waiting to see that his four-dimensional attribute had indeed increased by 10W.

She looked at Su Wen gratefully: "Thank you!"

She knows.

If there is no invitation from Su Wen.

25 It is impossible for her to receive this reward.

Now she.

Already not weaker than anyone.

This filled her heart with endless confidence.

In the blink of an eye.

She couldn't help but think, "Why is he so good to me......?

Come to think of it.

She secretly looked at Su Wen.

I saw Su Wen's handsome appearance and that warm atmosphere.

She couldn't help but recall the feeling she had just had.

It was a feeling of warmth, happiness and groundedness.

"I want to be embraced like that again!"

Xu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but think about it.

She quickly shook her head.

"Don't think, don't think, don't think!

She lowered her head in embarrassment, constantly hinting to herself.

Su Wen was looking at the wish card at this time.

[Item: Wish Card]

[Grade: Yellow Rank (MAX)]

[Function: Make a wish to heaven, you have a 50% chance to get 1 wish reward]

[Description: You can boldly make any wish to the Heavenly Dao, as long as there is a wish card, you have a 50% chance of getting this wish.] You can only get 1 item or 1 knowledge per wish. 】

[Note: Please do not wish to be unrealistic and out of your grasp.] Otherwise, wishes may not be desserts, but poisons. 】


Su Wen couldn't help but exclaim.

This thing is simply a treasure against the sky.

If you take it to the auction house.

Isn't it going to fetch a sky-high price?

Wish Cards!

This is information that has never been recorded in the Lord of Blue Star's profile.

Even the basic knowledge of the Flower Elves has no record of it.

Su Wen advanced and looked at the World Stone.

[Item: World Stone]

[Grade: God Rank (MAX)]

[Function: One of the basic materials for the gods to build the kingdom of the gods, which can be used to repair the cave world, or to build the inner world and the cave world. 】

[Description: The world fragments produced when the great world of the heavens collided with thousands of small worlds, after the solidification of the long river of time, naturally condensed into a world-class treasure. 】

"It's not the same as the World Stone that was polluted before, but it's all the same thing! This shows that the evolution of the World Stone is not just the way it is explained!"

Su Wen muttered softly.


This time.

He didn't just get the Kunlun Jade Butterfly in excess.

You even got the Core of the Realm, as well as 1 World Stone.

plus the withering annual rings contributed by He Yufei before.

Su Wen at the moment.

A total of 6 materials for refining the Eternal Sacred Realm were obtained.

This made Su Wen extremely excited.

After all.

He has been constructing the Eternal Sacred Realm since he was obtained.

How long has it been?

7 days?


4 hours are less.

He already had such a good harvest.

It's just pretty cool.

Followed by.

Su Wen looked at his attributes panel again.

I saw that the free attribute points were increased from the original 10,726,482 points.

It became 143,977,743 points.

There are indeed a little more than 130 million demon legions in the Little Demon Realm.

This was the first time that Su Wen had exterminated so many legions by himself.


He used almost all of his skills.

In order to destroy the demons quickly and accurately.

This battle.

In addition to these attribute points.

He also obtained 130 million corpse materials of the Demon Elite Legion, as well as the corpse of a 1-grade Abyss Deity, as well as 1 Abyss Legion loaded with a full Divine Ring of equipment, food, grass, siege equipment, magic scrolls, summoning circles and other materials.

Other than that.

He also forcibly stripped his talent through the 3rd Rank of God.

Deprives the Abyss Deity of 37 General Knowledge Skills, 105 Common Skills, 200 Normal Skills, 32 Class Skills, 5 Formation Skills, 12 Support Class Skills, and 7 Talents.

Among them, there are 37 general knowledge skills that can be used by Su Wen. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

All other abilities and talents are group-limited.

Can only be used by the Abyss Demons.


Each of the skills of this deity has reached the god rank.

This is also a big gain for Su Wen.

Just when Su Wen had just finished checking everything.


The rewards of the Heavenly Dao are rewarded again.

[Congratulations on completing the quest for the throne of the dragon king.] 】

[Mission Evaluation: SSSSSS is easily destroyed, and the crisis of the Demon Realm docking the Great World is resolved.] 】

[Basic rewards: 10 trillion lord points, 1 purification card, 1 sea control jade seal]

[6S evaluation bonus rewards: 1 Jing Lord points, 1 god-level flower plant selection card, 10W flower gas condensation crystal. 】

Look at the Heavenly Dao rewards.

Su Wen raised his eyebrows.

This time the reward again appeared something he had never seen before. []

Flower gas condensation.

This made him look at Ning Jing for the first time.

[Item: Flower Gas Condensation]

[Grade: Blue Tier]

【Storage Flower Gas: 1000W】

[Function: A resource unique to the Flower Elves]

[Description: Where there are more than 10W plants of god-level flowers, flower gas condensation crystals can be automatically condensed in the soil. A large amount of flower qi is stored in the condensation crystal, which can improve the cultivation of flower qi after use. 】

"Hmm, where can I get 10W god-level flower plants?"

Su Wen's eyes moved.

As far as he knew.

Nowadays, the flower elves are in a period of decline.

The only deity in the clan is the flower elf goddess Akuya.

Akua gave the back garden of her most precious goddess to Suwen.

There aren't so many god-level flowers and plants in this back garden.

In the heavens and all the worlds.

Where else is there such a place 300?

An area controlled by the Heavenly Dao?

Or is it an area controlled by other gods?

Su Wen shook his head.

In his opinion, the value of flower gas condensation is not as big as the description of it.

No matter where else.

Through this panel, Su Wen found a way to harvest the condensation.

I want to buff out a 10W god-tier flower plant.

"I need to spend 190 million attribute points!"

Su Wen said a number that made his heart tremble: "These newly harvested summoning formations can be used!...... When we get out, we will have to recruit a lot of legions!"


He looked up at Xu Xiaoxiao.

I saw Xu Xiaoxiao and couldn't help giggling.

"Laughing at what?"

Su Wen asked curiously.

Xu Xiaoxiao hurriedly restrained her smile, and she solemnly saluted Su Wen and thanked her: "Thank you! I have never seen so much money in my life!"

She received the full base bonus this time.

10 trillion lord points, 1 purification card, and 1 sea-controlling jade seal.

Regardless of the value of the other two items.

Just 10 trillion lord points.

has already allowed Xu Xiaoxiao to wake up laughing while she is asleep.

The rewards for this quest are simply beyond imagination.

She hurriedly handed the other two things to Su Wen: "Lord, I'll leave the points! How about the other two things for you?"

"I know I've taken a huge advantage, but I really need money to develop my skills and increase my knowledge!"

Xu Xiaoxiao said solemnly: "If you think it's inappropriate, how about I borrow you?" I use my 100 years of free labor in exchange for these lord points?"

Despite her words, she gave Su Wen 10 trillion lord points along with two items.


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