“Lord! These materials are all inside this ring!”

Xu Xiaoxiao stepped forward and handed Su Wen a storage ring that she regarded as a treasure.

This was a storage ring with 10,000 storage compartments that she got by rolling dice in another instance.

For this ring.

She also offended a companion who often took her to download dungeons.

Su Wen took the ring, looked at the contents, nodded and smiled, and put the ring on his finger.

Xu Xiaoxiao There was a thud in my heart:”Fuck! He wouldn’t think that I dedicated the ring to him!”

Thinking of this.

She hurriedly stepped forward:”Lord! The ring is mine! Please return it to me after use!~”

“Yeah? Shouldn’t you give it to me as well?”

Su Wen looked at Xu Xiaoxiao and tried.

Just asking Xu Xiaoxiao to pick up things was a test of his.

He didn’t care how much he got from the copy this time.

What he cared about was whether Xu Xiaoxiao lied.

And Xu Xiaoxiao behavior.

Because in the mind-reading comments of housekeeper Mike,

Xu Xiaoxiao is an opportunist.

She will use some means to get the upper hand.

But she also has her own principles.

What Su Wen wants to see is Xu Xiaoxiao’s principles.

Xu Xiaoxiao did not think about having an affair with Su Wen like she did before.

She stared at Su Wen solemnly and said:”For you, this may be just a ring with a larger capacity! But for me, it is indeed an important transportation and storage tool for my profession to be able to produce a large amount of super fertilizer!”

“With it, I can use the money I save to buy enough fertilizer resources, and then try to make a fertilizer recipe that is unique to me!”

“Without it, I would lose an important prop!”

“This is one of my must-haves for this trail!”

She didn’t back down.

This involved her bottom line.

Su Wen smiled slightly:”Look, this is the real you! For the sake of career, don’t be afraid of power and dare to fight for your own interests! That’s right!”

“But please don’t, arbitrarily use whatever method you think of to seduce, or have an affair with a man you don’t like, or do something outrageous!”

“Relative to what you think in your heart!”

“I prefer that the lords under my command can obtain a large amount of training resources from me through their own efforts!”

“And the so-called hard work is to fully display your talents, make you stronger, and let the part you are responsible for gain greater benefits!”

“Taking you into the dungeon trial this time is a trial! It’s also a test!”

“The result is not bad!”

He took out a Masterless God Rank from his pocket and threw it to Xu Xiaoxiao.

The test in front of him was indeed effective.

Xu Xiaoxiao’s performance at this moment and before also satisfied him.

He cares about the scheming women under his command.

As long as he is sincere to him , as long as you have principles.

Xu Xiaoxiao’s head buzzed when he was told that, and while subconsciously reaching out to catch the thing thrown by Su Wen, he shouted out loud:”How do you know?…Do you have the ability to read minds?……”

As soon as this terrifying thought occurred.

This made her want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

This is too shameful!

My thoughts were actually detected by the target.

Think of this.

She suddenly froze.

Realize that you should not overthink things.

But she couldn’t control her fourth dimension.

Su Wen waved his hand:”Remember what I said! Wait here, I’ll go through the customs!”

He said.

He strode downwards. soon.

Entered the last space. boom!

Xu Xiaoxiao sat on the ground with weak legs. She suddenly stretched out her hand, looked at the ring in her palm, and looked at Su Wen sharply:”This is not my one!”


She jumped up suddenly and ran down. same time.

Su Wen came to the last dimension. it’s here.

The powerful demonic energy has completely changed the environment here.

It gave him the feeling of entering an abyss.

This should be a construction area.

Don’t know why.

It became a ruin.

There were no bones in the ruins.

Except for the rubble.

Only a circular magic circle with a diameter of about three hundred meters was left.

The magic circle has a total of 5 eyes.

There is a diamond-shaped crystal suspended in the position of each formation eye.

At the center of the formation is a huge crack about a hundred meters high and more than ten meters wide.

In the crack.

Groups of demonic flames are rolling.

The endless demonic energy rolled up by the rolling demonic flames was sent to this space.

Demonic energy is corroding the boundaries of this space. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Through Su Wen’s observations.

The barrier seems to be reaching its limit.

He then looked at the magic crystals at the eye of the formation:”As long as these magic crystals are destroyed, the entire formation can be destroyed!”

【Crystal: Magic Crystal】

【Grade: 5th God level】

【Function: Array core energy crystal】

【Explanation: This is a god-level magic crystal synthesized through synthesis and consuming a lot of resources. 30% of the magic power has been consumed. ]

Immediately afterwards.

Su Wen looked at the formation

【Formation: Small Demon Realm Erosion Formation】

【Grade: 1 to 24 Grade God Grade】

【Array operation authority: White-Eyed Demonic Dragon】

【Functions: Erosion, catharsis of demonic energy, the host gains 100 times attack power, 100 times speed, and temporary control of the demon world. The level of all enemies in the area will be weakened to level 10, and the four-dimensional attributes will be weakened to an average of 10 points.】

【Explanation: This formation is an erosion-type formation created by the Abyss Demon King Cubik.

This formation can invade a small abyssal world into a large world of non-abyssal planes.

Through thousands of years of erosion, it can reach the point where the abyssal demon world adapts to the rules of the big world of the plane, and then the rules of the big world can accept that the small world is part of the big world.

, with this as the core, the evil energy spreads to the big world, and then after thousands of years of erosion, it completely changes the rules of the big world.

【This is one of the magic circles that slowly assimilates and transforms the world through time.】

【Cause: The Abyss Demon King Chubik accidentally explored the world where the Rising Sun Dragon King was. He learned that the Rising Sun Dragon King favored boys over girls, and specially arranged for his members to donate medicine.

As a result, the wife of the Rising Sun Dragon King became pregnant with a dragon son, which made the Rising Sun Dragon King very happy and appointed the person who offered the medicine as the steward of the Dragon Palace.】

【Story: The Princess of the Rising Sun gave birth to a white-eyed demon dragon. The demonic dragon devoured the princess as soon as it was born and seriously injured the Rising Sun Dragon King. The Rising Sun Dragon King was forced to flee. After escaping, he unexpectedly discovered that his foundation had been destroyed and there was no way for him to advance.】

【Result: The Dragon King of the Rising Sun was worried that the treasure of the throne would be taken by the gods of other ethnic groups, so he converted the Dragon Palace under his control into a dungeon, and traveled outside the dungeon at all times, preparing to regain the treasure with the help of the lord, hoping to use this treasure to reshape the foundation.】

【Note: The White-Eyed Demonic Dragon is sleeping in the small demon world behind the core entrance of the formation. Once you attack the Formation Eye Magic Crystal or step into the formation, it will wake up and attack you. This is a demon god who has just become a god and is preparing to build the Kingdom of God.】

“A god!”

Su Wen’s eyes lit up when he saw this.

Then he showed a strange expression:”With this formation… Even if I master the formation with the White-Eyed Demonic Dragon, I will definitely die! Such a powerful domain power…but if it is used for me……”


Thinking of this,

Su Wen laughed.

At this time,

Xu Xiaoxiao suddenly walked in.

She solemnly handed the ring to Su Wen and said,”My lord! This is not my thing!”


She met Su Wen’s gaze and said seriously:”My special move has a 1-second effect on high-level enemies! I think I can help you!”

“Um? Have you seen it?”

Su Wen paused, looked at Xu Xiaoxiao in surprise and asked.

Xu Xiaoxiao shook his head:”As the saying goes, no reward will be given without merit! No matter how much this ring is worth, I don’t think I’m qualified to accept it now! I just want my own! Then do what you said, work hard and get rewards through merit!”

She also figured something out at this moment.

Then she added:”Don’t worry! I won’t seduce you anymore! But you can’t stop me from liking you!”

“Principled! I like!”

Su Wen gave the ring to Xu Xiaoxiao, and then said:”Be obedient! Get out! Wait until I’m done! Let’s talk about other things!”


Su Wen made a limitless increase in the formation in front.

【Is there a limit-breaking increase in the 1st to 24th level god-level small devil erosion formation? Consumes 10W attribute points!】


Su Wen looked at Tiandao’s reminder and chose”Yes” without hesitation.

Xu Xiaoxiao looked down at the ring on his palm, and realized that he had made a mistake. He nodded quickly and responded at the same time:”Yes!”

The moment the formation’s amplified light bloomed,

Xu Xiaoxiao quickly turned around and left here… for a long time…

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