“This copy is a bit strange!”

Su Wen couldn’t help but frowned when he looked at the reminder from Heaven.

There were two rewards in the reminder.

One is that if you bring the Dragon King’s throne to the Dragon King, you will get a gift from the Dragon King.

This is the first one.

The second is the reward from Heaven.

In this way.

Dragon King The throne is a required item for the mission.

You can give it or not.

After all, this is not a mission item required by Heaven.

It is just an item pointing to the Dragon King.

Xu Xiaoxiao also saw the clues, and she said at the right time:”I think if the throne is a treasure If so, we will stay! If it is an ordinary item, exchanging it for treasures for the Dragon King is also a good choice!”

“I just don’t know what level the Dragon King is! Thinking of this

, she couldn’t help but smile:”This is a level 60 dungeon. The Dragon King can’t be a god!””

While speaking, a thought came to her mind:”So what if he is a god! My man will kill with one hit!”

“Walk! Come inside and take a look!”

Su Wen took the lead and walked towards the dungeon.


The two of them passed through the archway gate.

They came to a���Drowsy space.

This moment.

All the demonized shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the space looked over at the same time.

Accompanied by a loud roar. howl!

A large number of monsters rushed towards Su Wen and Xu Xiaoxiao quickly.

Xu Xiaoxiao was suppressed by the monster’s aura and was almost unable to move. She looked at the dark surroundings with pale face.

The whole person lost his mind instantly.

This is the first time she has experienced such a scene

“Gudong! They are all level 60 elite monsters!”

Xu Xiaoxiao shouted.

The difference between elite monsters and ordinary monsters is that elite monsters have certain killing skills, and their attack power is twice that of ordinary monsters. It is equivalent to all of them being mini-BOSSs, with strong attacks and thick skin.

Ordinary monsters The monster only knew ordinary skills.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Su Wen directly used his special skill Meteor to fight against the enemy.

Xu Xiaoxiao saw only balls of light flying past.

The monsters running around were killed quickly.

The dead monster was in The moment it exploded, the surrounding monsters were seriously injured.

Repeatedly, the scene in front of her turned into a scene of monsters vying to explode.

After Su Wen fired dozens of shots, all the elite monsters that came around exploded and died..

Su Wen also received a prompt from the third-level god-level forced stripping talent.

After the death of each monster, he has a 72-second stagnation time to forcefully strip the monster of any item except reputation, four-dimensional attributes and professions. It can be used a total of 20 times.

But he didn’t use it even once.

Just like the battle not long ago today.

He didn’t use this talent even against the gods of the demon clan.

The main reason was that the skills and titles in the demon clan’s god panel were not useful to him. It’s of no use at all


After Su Wen finished dealing with the demonized monsters in the first space, he led Xu Xiaoxiao towards the second door.

This courtyard is like a garden.

The courtyard behind the second door is the palace.

The layers of palaces are like stairs one after another.

The layers are getting higher.

The highest point is about three hundred meters above the ground.

Most of these palaces have collapsed.

In the palace complex, dragons are circling around.

Their eyes have changed. It turned deep red.

The gaps between the scales on the body were exuding strong demonic energy.

The demonic energy was flowing out continuously.

Looking from a distance, it seemed like hair growing from the body of the dragon.

A group of dragons were in Su Wen As soon as the two entered, he turned around and rushed towards them.

“Level 70?”

Su Wen looked at the panel of Jiaolong in front of him, and his eyes moved slightly.

The muzzle of the Shenxiao shotgun in his hand was slightly raised.

The 2nd God-level special move, the decomposition star like rain, was released in an instant.

【2nd God-level special move: Decomposition-style Star Like Rain: Instantly pour out all the bullets in the magazine, covering a range of 39,100 meters, increasing attack power by 750 times, range by 700 times, critical hit by 680 times, armor breaking by 670 times, and armor breaking by 690 times. Shooting speed, causing a stun effect on the target, lasting 465 seconds.

Causes 8000 points of fire damage per second to targets within range, lasting 750 seconds.

Decompose the weapons, equipment and armor of targets within the range.

Note: props whose grade is lower than the skill grade will be decomposed 790%.

For props whose level is higher than the skill level, decompose and destroy them, causing the opponent’s props to lose certain characteristics.

There is an 80% chance of decomposing yellow-level materials when decomposing!

There is a 40% chance of decomposing god-level materials during decomposition!

When using splitting rounds as attack rounds, the power of splitting rounds is increased by 460 times.

Note: Please use god-level firearms when using this skill.

Note: This is Su Wen’s exclusive skill]

Boom! boom! boom!

A rainstorm of bullets suddenly fell.

All the dragons within the range were instantly hit the ground by violent bullets and exploded one after another.

It only takes a moment.

All the demonized monsters in this second courtyard have been cleared.

Most of the palaces here also collapsed due to Su Wen’s attack.

On the ground, in the ruins of the palace.

A large number of materials with various colors of luster came into the sight of Su Wen and Xu Xiaoxiao

“Damn it! What skill is this? Why did materials explode all over the floor?”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xu Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but exclaimed. She looked at an area in the palace complex in disbelief.

There was a red light coming from there..

This is the brilliance of god-level materials blooming in the copy.

Su Wen did not explain, he patted Xu Xiaoxiao’s hand and ordered:”Collect all the materials around you!”


Xu Xiaoxiao nodded excitedly.

She was like a happy little rabbit. She ran happily towards the area where the materials fell.

Su Wen did not move. He raised his hand and took out a dozen skill cards and a These are the skills and talents he obtained from Jiaolong through forced stripping of talents. These skills and talents can be used by water professional lords like Xu Xiaoxiao. After a brief check, he added these The things were stored in a separate storage ring. This time, he used a total of 10 forced stripping talents.


These 10 times forcefully strip the use of talents.

In total, you will get 10 dragons with 10 of each of 5 skills, 10 of 2 special moves, 10 of 1 talent, 1 talent only, and 1 title.

There are 10 opportunities left to use this talent.


He walked up to the palace complex.

Soon we reached the top.

Stand here and look around.

I saw.

In this copy space, there is still the last courtyard left.

The demonic energy there has infected the entire space.

If there is no barrier to block it.

This power has long since eroded outside

“Where’s the throne?”

Su Wen stood in the ruins and turned around to look around.

He quickly found a throne that was blown to pieces by bullets.

The reason why it was confirmed to be the throne was because the backrest of the throne was not damaged.

There were also three bright red streaks on the backrest. The light bloomed.

Su Wen walked over.

He looked down and his heart started to beat wildly.

“Damn it! Is this a throne made of Kunlun Jade Butterfly?”

At this moment, Su Wen understood that the real value of the Dragon King’s throne does not lie in the throne, but in the seven pieces of Kunlun Jade Butterfly on the back of the throne.

【Item: Kunlun Jade Butterfly】

【Grade: First Grade Innate Treasure】

【Function: Purification, Enlightenment, Refining the World】

【Buff: Rules! Through the Kunlun Jade Butterfly, you can understand the rules of Taoism. Chance of success 1%】

【Gain: Supplement! The Kunlun Jade Butterfly can make up for the flaws in the rules and act as a magical object to fill in the loopholes in the rules of the small world or the cave.】

【Explanation: The innate treasure from chaos has experienced thousands of catastrophes, resulting in great spiritual loss and dark Taoist charm. This object is neither damaged nor destroyed, and can only be refined. Once the world is refined, the Kunlun Jade Butterfly will disappear forever】

【Note: This may be the last Kunlun Jade Butterfly under heaven. 】

Looked at Kunlun Jade Butterfly’s panel repeatedly.

Su Wen was almost crazy with joy.

This is one of the materials used to build the eternal holy realm.

He didn’t expect to get it in such a copy.

Immediately afterwards.

He tried to amplify the Kunlun Jade Butterfly.

The results show that he is not capable at the moment

“Rank is a first-grade innate treasure! This is different from the current divine level, and I don’t know how heaven calculates it!”

Su Wen murmured softly.

He reached out and dug out seven pieces of Kunlun Jade Butterfly from the back of the throne.

As the Kunlun Jade Butterfly was taken away, the back of the throne also turned into pieces.


At this time.

Xu Xiaoxiao walked up, looked at Su Wen and said excitedly:”Lord! This time we obtained a total of 2315 green-level materials, 1420 blue-level materials, 509 purple-level materials, 142 yellow-level materials, and 5 god-level materials, for a total of 5123 materials!……”

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