“Damn it! How is this going?”

Zhong Jianwen looked up at the huge light portal in front of him, which was about 30 meters high and nearly 300 meters wide. He couldn’t help but turn his head and look around. On both sides of the door, he saw two light curtain walls stretching to the end of the sky and the earth.

Curtain walls Soaring into the sky, there was no end in sight.

This startled him.

He thought he had walked into the teleportation array set up by Su Wen and was sent to a certain area.

At this time, he couldn’t help but think:”Could it be The territory in Area 2 of Qingqing Prairie is not Su Wen’s real territory?”

“But here?”

You can see the endless plain.

There is only a mist.

The dozen or so lords who followed him in also looked confused.

Su Wen looked at everyone and smiled faintly. He coughed dryly. Twice:”Sorry! The territory is not yet equipped with any means of transportation. This is my oversight!”

When Zhong Jianwen asked to go through the main entrance, he realized that the area of the territory was extremely vast.

None of the guests coming this time could fly. How long would it take to walk a distance of at least 50,000 kilometers with only two feet ? This is impossible. imagine

“You mean this is your territory?”

Zhong Jianwen was stunned and couldn’t help but speak.

Ye Jinpeng couldn’t help but swallowed and asked curiously:”Su… Su Wen! How big is your territory?”

“From the outside, it looks like a fortress-like building with a diameter of 3 kilometers! The interior is a cave of its own, only 10W kilometers long!”

Su Wen said easily.

He did not take the lead to move forward.

The city gate was not closed.


As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn’t help but take a breath.

10W kilometers long?

Isn’t this 10 billion square kilometers ? Land?

Such a vast land…

Zhang Xiaohua was so happy when she thought of this, she couldn’t help but ask:”Lord Su! Do you have plans for spiritual fields or medicinal fields?”

“Um! Flower elf farmers have been arranged to take care of it! However, I have only been operating here for a short time, so I don’t have much profit yet!”

Su Wen looked at Zhang Xiaohua, and he felt the feeling of a similar kind of lord in Zhang Xiaohua.

Zhang Xiaohua, on the other hand, felt kindness, close friends, trustworthiness, and many other warm feelings from Su Wen.

She was walking When she took the first step towards Su Wen, she already had this special feeling towards Su Wen that only relatives can have.

She quickly introduced herself to Su Wen:”My name is Zhang Xiaohua! 19 years old this year! single! Flower Elf Farmer Lord, Green Rank! I am a completely auxiliary lord! I came here this time to become a vassal lord under your command, so please take good care of me!”

“We are all family members, no polite words! Su

Wen responded with a smile:”As long as you follow me sincerely, I will never treat you badly!””

“Su Wen! I am the wood elf lord and need a jungle territory! But here you are all plains! After I took refuge with you, I couldn’t even set up my hometown!”

Wenying said hurriedly at this time.

She was very uneasy in her heart.

She was very satisfied with Su Wen as a person.

But the environment here really made her speechless.

How could anyone like the endless plains?

The environment of mountains and rivers is not more beautiful. Is it graceful?

Su Wen was stunned, then laughed:”You are going to become a semi-vassal lord! Do you choose to operate within my territory or outside?”

Right now, his territory is large enough.

It can accommodate many semi-vassal lords to jointly manage it.

Ye Jinpeng said without hesitation:”Of course it is within the territory! The terrain around you is flat and flat, and there are mountains, rivers and woods only thousands of miles away! And just the Qingqing Prairie Area 2 has an area of 500 kilometers. If we build a territory outside, it will be too far away from you!”

“Whether it’s your side or ours, if one side has a problem, it will be very difficult to provide support!”

He answered excitedly.

Wenying glared at Ye Jinpeng, and then said:”Your place is not suitable for my development!”

“Do you want a jungle environment? no problem! I can help you arrange it, even if it’s a mountain or a snowy mountain! Su

Wen said with a smile.

Wenying was stunned and asked in shock:”Have you already controlled the territory to this extent?””

“of course not! I have a lot of money, so I can buy a jungle and put it in my territory! It’s nothing!”

Su Wen said cheerfully. With this look, several other lords who wanted to join Su Wen couldn’t help but feel sad in their hearts.

Zhong Jianwen was shocked when he heard this. He knew that Tiandao Market or auction It is impossible to have natural area sales in the industry.

Only Tiandao Mall has this kind of product.

This also made him more sure.

Su Wen got Tiandao Mall, and the level seemed to be not low.

However, he did not ask.

Then, there was another Several people asked some questions.

Su Wen then led everyone away from the city gate.

Everyone returned to the Eye of Territory sentry tower.

Su Wen introduced Qina, Alasuo and Yu Feiyu to everyone.

Then. ( To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) took everyone into the lord’s castle.

When everyone saw Su Wen’s castle, they were shocked again

“Damn it! Su Wen, what level is your lord’s castle? Level 19?”

Ye Jinpeng asked in shock.

He had seen the castles of most of the 69th level lords of the Qinglong Legion.

Their castles were at least 20th level.

They were roughly the same as Su Wen’s castle.

When he said this, he almost said Douyin.

Because he has never heard of a new lord who has just entered the lord space for a month, and can actually build a 19th or 20th level lord city lord.

How many resources does this require?

Just his uncle Qinglong When Ye Feng, the leader of the legion, broke through the level 60 level, he consumed almost all of Ye Feng’s wealth.

In the end, he had to agree to the request of a certain force in the world.

Only then did he get a large amount of resources to break through the level.

Only then did he complete the promotion of the lord’s castle. Meet the minimum requirements to pass the level.

Why is Su Wen a newcomer?

“Is this the privilege of students of Tiandao Overlord Academy? Or the help of his legendary god teacher?”

Ye Jinpeng felt sour in his heart.

What a pity!

His results this time were not good.

If he had been better, maybe…

Thinking of this, he shook his head.

Without Su Wen, he would not have been able to become the first. 1.


Eagle Sauce has a god-level professional named Donnie!

He can’t beat him!


Just when he was thinking wildly.

Su Wen said without any concealment:”Level 19!”

As soon as he said this.

Everyone showed horrified expressions.

They all exclaimed in exclamation.

Each one seemed to come with a hundred thousand reasons in mind.

They all asked.

Su Wen did not answer all.

Issues involving secrecy.

He covered it up with one sentence.


He led everyone out of here and went to Su’s Hot Spring Hotel.

Along the way.

Zhong Jianwen and others were completely numb.

Everyone can see it.

All are high-end buildings.

Even the civilians in the territory are high-level civilians.

What shocked Han Li the most was.

Walking in Suwen territory.

The power of faith that penetrates into the soul is constantly affecting their emotions.

Although this impact is small for outsiders.

But if it lasts for a long time.

It will definitely plant the seeds of faith in people’s hearts.

“Everyone! This is a hot spring hotel that I specially prepared for you. All the food, drinks and entertainment inside are free! But one thing, I hope everyone will pay attention to it, I do not include special services, please do not harass the staff here!”

Su Wen led everyone into the Hot Spring Hotel.

The moment they entered, everyone felt that their bodies suddenly became more comfortable.

The air inside and outside seemed to be different.

The hotel was not empty. Empty.

Many foreign guests are walking in pairs.

Some service staff are leading foreign teams to the hot spring area.

“alright! Everyone will rest on this floor tonight! Tomorrow I have prepared a sumptuous banquet for everyone, as well as a visit to the territory! Su

Wen said enthusiastically to Wenying and others:”Brothers and sisters who want to become my vassal lords can wait patiently for two days. During this period, you should also think carefully about whether you are willing to stay or not!””

“The last day! On the third day, I will arrange an interview!”


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