“Alas! This place is so cool! Very suitable for large army battles!”

Ye Jinpeng exclaimed excitedly.

What he values is not the resources for territorial development, nor the quality of territorial construction.

But whether he can fight one or even multiple large-scale battles happily.

This Ma Pingchuan’s Territory.

I love it so much.

“It’s ten thousand times better than my previous territory!”

“If I had this kind of territory, my dragoon legion… Hahaha! Just one array charge breath……”

Think of this scenario.

Ye Jinpeng was so excited that he could hardly control himself

“snort! War maniac!”

The girl with braids closest to Ye Jinpeng murmured in a low voice.

This is a 19-year-old girl.

She was the last one in the college entrance examination last year. Her name is Zhang Xiaohua.

She is a greengrocer in the auxiliary profession. The lord of the Flower Elf Farmer. She is good at animal husbandry, farming and brewing the green flower dew wine with the characteristics of Flower Elf.

Even though she is only level 30 now.

Because she gave up all combat skills and specialized in business, she has been classified as a member of the Blue Dragon Legion Academy. Focus on cultivating talents.

Come here this time.

It was Ye Feng who recommended her to Zhong Jianwen.

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the surrounding scenery with dissatisfaction in her eyes. 7.

This is not the basic environment that meets her needs.

“Although highly toxic plants have polluted this land, it is not impossible to improve it! Through the magic circle, highly toxic polluting elements can be transformed into nutrients useful to plants!”

“You can even grow this special highly toxic food according to the environment here!”

“after all!”

“There are not a few ethnic groups in the world who feed on poisonous food, and the benefits in this aspect are higher than ordinary spiritual food! Zhang

Xiaohua thought silently.

Then she shook her head:”Although I like farming, I don’t like farming in this environment!” If the other fields are not planted well, the abyss army has already attacked. After being destroyed, they continue to farm, and then continue to be destroyed… How can it be possible to develop good agriculture with this kind of bad cycle!”

“Is Su Wen, whom Director Zhong regards as his hope for the future, stupid?”

She couldn’t help muttering.

Not far away, a young man wearing a white martial arts sword suit with a sword hanging on his waist was staring at the close-range magic-proof turrets surrounding Lingxiao Palace.

“This is so damn scary! Tens of thousands of 14-inch near-magic-proof turrets! How did he do it?”

Han Li lowered his voice, trying to control his excited but extremely doubtful emotions, which made his whole body tremble. (bidi)

The soldier of the King’s Guard who was dragging the hanging chair couldn’t help but look at it and murmured in a low voice. Han Li couldn’t help but rolled his eyes.

Did this kid think he was sitting on an electric massage chair?

Han Li saw attributes that others couldn’t see.

This is one of his talents.

Forced vision panel: Ignore hiding and forcefully view the basic panel attributes.

He Although he only saw a small part, this part shocked him beyond words.

As he looked towards Lingxiao Palace,

Han Li was shocked again:”This… this… is this Su Wen’s territory?” ? A cave of its own inside?”

【Territory: Lingxiao Palace】

【Attribution: Su Wen】

【Level: No permission】

【Area: No permission】

【Explanation: The territory is a cave unto itself… The specific content cannot be found. 】

Although this information is very little.

But he saw clues from a few words.

He has never seen a territory that is self-contained.


It should be said that there is no such territory in the entire Dragon Kingdom or even Blue Star.

How did Su Wen do it?

He was terrified.

Han Li is a second-year student at the White Tiger Army Academy.

I majored in intelligence reconnaissance and investigation.

Focus on espionage.

When he was in first grade, he had already memorized the topographic structure map of the entire Lord Space.

And he is well aware of the lords, countries and other information of each region. at the same time.

Still in the first half of this year.

Participated in 5 intelligence spying missions against the Abyss Demon Legion.

And successfully followed the team into the first floor of the abyss to track and investigate the traces of the demon army.

The recent abyssal uprising.

It was their team that discovered the Abyss Legion’s intentions one step ahead.

Only then did Long Guo prepare.

Major losses were avoided. at the moment.

Came to Su Wen’s territory.

However, Han Li was furious. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This place is so weird.

It’s not like the territory of a novice lord.

On the contrary, it looks like a territory that has been in operation for hundreds of years.

And when his eyes fell on the advance troops on the Eye of Territory sentry tower. he closed his mouth

“Evil! It’s so damn evil!”

Han Li shouted in his heart.

He thought that the warriors in the Flower Elf King Guard team he brought in were level 100 warriors trained by Su Wen with all his efforts.

Who knew that all the warriors in Su Wen’s territory were level 100? A multi-level warrior.

Su Wen, who has advanced defense buildings, cave-like territory, and advanced warriors.

Is he a rookie?

Who the hell thinks so.

He will die terribly.[]

Han Li muttered quietly. call! call! soon.

Everyone arrived at the top floor of the Territory Eye sentry tower.

Zhong Jianwen was unhappy with this method of not going through the main entrance.

He looked at Su Wen with a smile and asked,”Building such a large fortress-level building cost a lot of resources, right?”

“Not much!”

Su Wen answered casually.

While speaking, he shook hands with Ye Jinpeng, Wenying, Zhang Xiaohua, Han Li and others one by one. Zhong Jianwen turned around and looked around, then asked Su Wen:”Your fortress doesn’t have a main entrance? This is not possible! If our caravan comes here in the future, we can’t keep walking this way!”

He said this in a joking way.

Su Wen laughed, and he understood what Zhong Jianwen meant.

He immediately said:”You are ordering this from me! When guests come from far away, I won’t let you go through the front door. Instead, I ask you to climb through the window and enter the house. This is really rude!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the tower couldn’t help laughing.

The complaints in their hearts were gone.

Zhong Jianwen nodded:”Yes! These are all good seedlings who want to join you! I’m afraid you’ll lose your popularity!”

“OK! Then take the main entrance once! But, I hope everyone can stay sensible! After all, my territory is not that big. It takes a lot of money to walk through the main entrance!”

Su Wen greeted with a smile.

He first carried Zhong Jianwen and flew down.

The soldiers of the King’s Guard flew down with others.

Han Li’s eyelids jumped as he saw it. He wanted to persuade Zhong Jianwen. , but no opportunity was found to open the door

“call! Su Wen is too strong! I can’t even see his panel, it’s so scary! Ye Army Commander, Director Zhong, and other level 69 lords, I can all see simple information, but this Su Wen can’t see it at all!”

Han Li retreated a little weak.

He was excited but also scared.

Su Wen simply exceeded his imagination.



They arrived below.

The city gate opened automatically.

A magic light curtain appeared at the door. Seeing this ,

Zhong Jianwen smiled and said:”Not bad! There is a detective magic circle set up at the door, so your awareness is still quite high! recent……”


He led the way into the”fortress”.

The moment he stepped through the magic light curtain.

Zhong Jianwen’s eyes suddenly widened:”What the hell is going on? Teleportation magic circle? Or?”

He was shocked.

He turned around and looked behind him. At this sight, he was instantly dumbfounded.……

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