In the top luxury box of Su’s Hot Spring Hotel

“Su Wen! You… I can’t believe it!”

Zhong Jianwen stroked the balcony table softly and sat down slowly, his tone full of disbelief and shock. He came from the distant Dragon Kingdom territory.

He was thinking about how to help Su Wen build a A complete territory without any loopholes.

Whether it is the selection of personnel, the preparation of secondary support resources, etc.

He thinks that he has achieved the ultimate.

Who knows.

After entering Su Wen’s territory and arriving at Su’s Hot Spring Hotel.

His world view almost collapsed.

The construction of Su Wen’s territory was an eye-opener for him.

Comparing his own territory with Su Wen’s is equivalent to comparing a rural town with a second-tier city.

The difference is immeasurable.

Regardless. Whether it was a high-end building or a high-end civilian.

Or a high-end factory in an industrial area.

This grand hotel and the surrounding buildings all opened his eyes.

He had never thought that buildings could have so many functions.

“I’m just getting started! The future will be better than this!”

Su Wen said with a smile.

He picked up the tea that the waiter had prepared on the table.


He poured a cup for Zhong Jianwen:”Director Zhong! This tea is a good tea that I specially prepared for everyone”897″!”

“Good tea? If you say good tea, I’m afraid it’s particularly good tea! I want to try it!”

Zhong Jianwen didn’t know what to say for a while, and he didn’t dare to ask Su Wen’s secret rashly. Hearing Su Wen’s words, he quickly answered.


A cup of tea went into his stomach.

At this moment,

Zhong Jianwen’s expression changed.

His eyes suddenly widened.

His face couldn’t help but tremble.

He looked at Su Wen solemnly:”100 years old?”


A cup of tea brought him 100 years of life.

This kind of tea!

In Blue Star.

But it is sky-high price tea!

The price of each gram is at least 10 trillion Lord Points.

“This fruit is also good!”

Su Wen pushed the fruit plate towards Zhong Jianwen.

There were three kinds of fruits in the fruit plate.

The first one was glass wine grapes, which can make people feel calm after eating.

The first one can add 50 years to the life of the eater. The second one is the flame strawberry, which is an elemental strawberry surrounded by a flame-like air mass.

After eating it, you can resolve the depression in your heart and restore your mood. The first use can increase your life span by 50 years.

The third one is Petal fruit, this is a jelly-like fruit that looks like petals.

It tastes quite cool, contains rich nutrients, and can cleanse the body and purify the mind.

Eating it for the first time can increase your life span by 100 years.

These three fruits are Su Wen specially asked Goblin Ping Ping to prepare one of the precious ingredients.

Combined with tea, it can add a total of 300 years to the life of people in his hometown.

This is more valuable than eating a meal of roast mutton.

After Zhong Jianwen tasted it, his emotions followed the fruit. Being digested, and changing between gentle ups and downs.

The emotional changes in a short period of time made him completely numb.

In the end, he was drunk. He no longer cared about the conversation techniques.

He no longer cared about whether the words he said would make people laugh. Su Wen was disgusted.

He asked Su Wen straight to the point:”Su Wen! Are the changes in your territory due to the help of your divine teacher? Or is it the privilege of Tiandao Overlord Academy? Or is it your talent?”

This last guess he said was very unfounded.

Of the first two guesses, he preferred that this be the privilege of Tiandao Overlord Academy.

Because there is no free lunch in the world.

Not long ago, the conspiracy against Su Wen involved. There are high-ranking lords from many countries in Blue Star.

Among the four major legions of the Dragon Kingdom, there are some lords who are influenced by foreign gods.

This is all because.

These lords have received help from foreign gods, and they have been receiving support from foreign gods..

Their role is very simple.

When selling local specialties to the Outer God at a cheap price, and doing some simple things when the Outer God needs it.

Among them, the Outer God has given them various channels to purchase resources and convenience.

Sugar-coated bullets Let them betray their faith.

If Su Wen is also in this pattern,

Zhong Jianwen can only consider his attitude towards Su Wen differently.

He does not want the Dragon Kingdom to become a place of slavery for foreign gods.

Su Wen looked at Zhong Jianwen and said calmly With a smile, he poured the tea on the tea tray, dipped it in the water and wrote the word”talent”

“You have to keep it a secret for me!”

He said lightly.

Zhong Jianwen’s expression was shocked, and he looked at Su Wen solemnly again.

His talent told him that

Su Wen was not lying.

But this… is too incredible!

“call! Do not worry! I know this, God knows! I won’t tell a trusted successor until I die!”

It took a long time for Zhong Jianwen to recover from the shock. He looked at Su Wen eagerly and couldn’t help but laugh heartily. His smile was for the future of the Dragon Kingdom!

For the millions of people of the Dragon Kingdom.

For Our dragon country finally has a real dragon! A real dragon that can really be independent!

Such a blessing!

It is indeed worthy of excitement


The other side.

Han Li was called to the hot spring by three lords around level 30.

Lie down in the comfortable private hot spring pool.

One of them, Liu Tao, a professional shaman lord of Huangjie Qiuqiu, clinked wine glasses with Han Li. He casually tested:”Old Han! The strength of Lord Su Wen is really not ordinary! Such a high-level There are no top lords who are afraid of class in this big hotel!”

“you say!”

“Is he relying on his own abilities or relying on external gods?”

As soon as these words came out. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A bald man next to him laughed sarcastically:”It goes without saying! It must be the help of outside gods! Su Wen offended the Asgard protoss because of this god, and has become a close follower of that god!”

“The god not only helped him destroy Nagakawa Fuso, but also gave him the tools to kill the demigod!”

“He can be regarded as having climbed onto his lap and soared into the sky!”

“Let me see! Don’t hesitate, come all in!”

“We can use Su Wen as a stepping stone to make friends from all over the world!”

“By the time!”

“We can do the same to Su Wen!”

“With the help of the east wind from the outer gods!”

“Soar! Become the protagonist of the era!”

His words made Liu Tao and another lord’s eyes widen.

They had started fantasizing about this kind of thing in high school.

However, after becoming lords, they knew that the real lord was completely different from what they imagined.[]

Who doesn’t want to soar into the sky and attract everyone’s attention.

Who doesn’t want to dominate the world!

But this. too difficult!

No great talent.

In the lord space, I will just become a pawn.


Han Li frowned and looked at the three bald men. He stood up and walked outside.

“Hello! Old Han! What are you going to do?”

Liu Tao asked quickly when he saw this.


Han Li stopped. He frowned and looked at Liu Tao and the other three and asked,”I really have some doubts about why you were selected as seeds by Director Zhong!”


“If this is your mentality!”

“I advise you to go where you came from!”

After finishing speaking………

He left without any hesitation.

This made Liu Tao and the other two people who were soaking in the hot spring look extremely embarrassed.

The bald man snorted coldly and said disdainfully:”Huh! Director Zhong chose me because I am the first among the second-year students of Xuanwu Academy! I am the first in all grades! Compared with me, you, Han Li, are nothing. fart!”

“that is! Liu Tao, you talk too little! If we can come here, it has been strictly reviewed! We are not traitors, is that so? Is it a traitor to allow outside gods to support you? We can’t deceive foreign gods and use our empty hands to defeat the wolf! snort!”

The other person couldn’t help but muttered.

Liu Tao sighed:”Leave him alone! Han Li has been like this since he was a child! This time, I originally wanted to bring him over to get acquainted with each other so that I could join a group to keep him warm in the future! If he doesn’t like it, forget it!”

With that said, the three of them started talking loudly again.


The other side.

Four girls, including Zhang Xiaohua and Wenying, gathered in Wenying’s room.

She looked at the other three people and said seriously:”Everyone! I have decided to vote for Lord Su Wen! This place is simply great! I think that only by staying here can I use my talents! Going to other places will limit my abilities!”

“I said Zhang Xiaohua! Don’t you think it’s strange? Su Wen is from the same class as me! I don’t even have this ability, where will he get the resources?

Wenying raised a question:”I think it’s better to think about it!” If this guy is really a dog raised by the outer gods of all the worlds, no matter how nice this place is, I will not stay!”

“Yo ho! Wenying! This is different from your initial attitude!”

Another girl asked with a smile.

She then said���:”We can only speculate on this matter. The one who can really make the decision is Director Zhong! I think it’s better to ask him!”

“Um! I think so too! However, now is not the time, Director Zhong must be testing Su Wen! Wait for tomorrow morning! Just ask before you have breakfast!”

Wenying nodded, then held his mouth and said.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Ye Jinpeng’s voice was heard from outside:”Wenying! it’s me! Ye Jinpeng! I have something I want to discuss with you 4.0!”

As soon as these words came out,

Zhang Xiaohua and the girls looked at Wenying with gossipy eyes.

Wenying’s cheeks turned red at the sight, and she glared at them angrily, and whispered:”Don’t think blindly! It is impossible for me and Ye Jinpeng! I want to marry a gentle scholar like Su Wen! It’s impossible for a fool like Ye Jinpeng! He is not my type!”

“Hello! Hello! Hello! This is what you said! You Wenying don’t want it! I, Xu Xiaoxiao, like Ye Erleng very much! Then I will take the initiative to pursue it!”

Xu Xiao smiled, lowered his voice in excitement and swore his sovereignty.

This attracted a burst of boos. It wasn’t until Ye Jinpeng knocked on the door twice that Wenying shouted impatiently:”Come in yourself! The door is not closed!”


Ye Jinpeng opened the door.

The moment he entered, he couldn’t help but be stunned.

Then he laughed:”You are all here! This is really great!” As he said that, he sat in front of the empty seat next to Xu Xiaoxiao.

He didn’t care whose water was on the table.

He just picked it up and took a sip.


After Ye Jinpeng felt comfortable, he waited for Wenying. The person asked with doubtful eyes:”Everyone! How did the discussion go? Do you want to stay? The hot springs here are top-notch. They can beautify the skin and get rid of inner demons. It is simply a holy land for spiritual practice!……”

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