【Building: Alien of Time Fire Pool】

【Grade: Level 73】

【Magic Crystal Pool: No connection】

【Fire Tree Pond: 73】

【Cultivation time: 1 year for seedlings, 10 years for mature trees, 100 years for flowering, and 500 years for fruiting.】

【Consumption: 100W magic crystal per day】

【Fire fusion pool: Random fusion of multiple fire types, no fusion formula yet】

【Time Acceleration Magic Array: Consuming 35 times the magic crystal corresponding to the corresponding number of years at one time, it can complete the process from seedlings to fruiting of the fire tree, and shorten the time for cultivating the fire tree. Acceleration takes 7 days】

【Alien Fruit: Each tree has a 20% chance of condensing a mutated fire fruit.】

【Related buildings: Giant’s high-level magic blacksmith shop, military factory, steel mill, sacred barracks, and sacred tribunal】

【Explanation: The divine fire pool has built-in cultivation formations and inscriptions, which can trap the power of special fire. People who enter the fire pool will not suffer any harm.

However, once someone without the permission of the lord touches the fire or the fire tree, a warning will be issued and the target will be ignited.

Ignite: The target takes 7000 points of burning damage every second】

“Um? The cultivation time is reduced by 10 times and the consumption is increased! It shows that although the time has been shortened, the nutrition is still the same as before!”

“Is there an extra acceleration magic… 35 times the magic crystal? 12.775 billion magic crystals are consumed in one year, which is 6.3875 billion magic crystals in 500 years!”

“This is just one plant! What if there are 73 strains? Or is it more? The consumption of using the acceleration magic circle is really terrifying!”

“The fire fusion pool…it’s a pity that it’s a random fusion! Can the fusion formula be generated independently after fusion? Can!”

“The ability of the Alien Fruit is also pretty good! Will the fusion of special-shaped fruit fire seeds lead to a better variety of fire trees?”

Su Wen murmured softly.

At this moment, he thought a lot.


Su Wen walked into the Shenhuo Pool. He found that a fire fusion pool appeared in the center of the Shenhuo Pool.

As his eyes fell, the fire fusion pool popped up. a separate small panel

【Building: Fire Fusion Pool】

【Affiliated to: Alien of Time Sacred Fire Pond Annex】

【Function: Tinder fusion】

【Type: Random】

【Fusion formula: Zhan Wu]

Su Wen tried it.

He cannot increase the attributes of a separate fire fusion pool.

It seems that it is one with the Alien of Time Divine Fire Pool.

Immediately afterwards.

Su Wen looked at his Divine Ring of Kelius.

Now he has 3,472 small undeveloped magic crystal mines.

These small magic crystal mine secret realms are all magic crystal secret realms with a production capacity of 1 billion.

A total of 3.472 billion magic crystals can be brought to Su Wen.

The number of these magic crystals is simply not enough for the consumption of the Divine Fire Pool.

Su Wen took the initiative to omit these.

He set his sights on the two world-class magic crystal mines he had just obtained from the auction.

One of the god-level magic crystal mines has 10 infinite levels of god-level magic crystal mines.

An ordinary magic crystal mine world is also a magic crystal mine world of 10 infinite large numbers.

“It’s you.!”

He chose the ordinary magic crystal mining world.


When 10 infinite levels of god-level magic crystal mines are integrated into the Alien Divine Fire Pool of Time.

The Divine Fire Pond suddenly changed.

It was covered with a hemispherical barrier.

The membrane wall of the barrier is translucent. through this translucent membrane wall. can be seen.

The ordinary masonry at the bottom of the Divine Fire Pool is being replaced by magic crystal ore.

A large number of complex formations appeared on the ground.

When he looked at the panel of Shenhuochi.


The data on the panel is still exactly the same as before. only.

Its name, magic crystal pool, and description have changed.

【Architecture: The Alien Divine Fire Realm of Time] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Magic Crystal Pool: 10 infinite large numbers】

【Explanation: The Divine Fire Realm evolved from the fusion of the Divine Fire Pool and the Resource Realm. It has built-in cultivation formations and inscriptions that can confine the power of special fire. People who enter the Fire Pool will not be harmed.

However, those who are not authorized by the lord cannot enter the realm of divine fire. If a person who enters the Divine Fire Realm does not have permission to pick or cultivate, once he reaches out to touch a fire or a fire tree, the Divine Fire Realm will proactively issue a warning to the target and the lord, and with the permission of the lord, the touched target will be ignited and the Divine Fire Realm will be closed.

Ignite: The target takes 7000 points of burning damage every second】

“I didn’t expect such a change! Does this mean that if all buildings are integrated with the world-level resource world, they will evolve into this kind of world-within-a-world?”

Su Wen couldn’t help but have an idea.

He took out the second miniature world and carefully looked at the light and shadow flowing in the big world. He eagerly wanted to integrate him into a certain building.

Just when he was thinking.

Qi Na sent a message through the territorial communication channel:”Your Majesty! Vice Commander Tang Fen and his guests were found 10 kilometers away! They are expected to arrive within 5 minutes!”

Su Wen’s eyes lit up and he temporarily put away the miniature world.


He spread out his dragon wings and flew towards the Eye of Territory sentry tower. At the same time, he gave Yu Feiyu and Alasuo the order to assemble.

Soon.He came to the Eye of the Territory[]

Look up.

I saw Zhong Jianwen, Wenying and others sitting on a hanging chair in the distance.

Two flower elf warriors held one end of the rope in one hand.

Flying slowly towards this side.

Zhong Jianwen, who was sitting on the hanging chair, looked at the Lingxiao Palace getting closer and closer.

His eyes were slightly startled.

He turned his head and glanced around.

He couldn’t help frowning and murmuring:”What did Su Wen do? He built such a big fortress-like building and didn’t develop agriculture, let alone other industries. What did he want to do?”

“.This place is not very good!”

“A radius of 500 kilometers… No!…At least the area of more than 1,000 kilometers is covered with plains, without mountains or jungles. Although it is suitable for the development of agriculture, the territory needs to be purchased in full for the consumption of other resources! What a waste of money!”

“There are traces of battles around, and the cracks in the earth are particularly large, indicating that a great battle took place!”

“There are more enemies here than expected!”

“What is that green channel? jungle? No! Is that where poisonous plants grow?”

“This highly toxic plant is integrated with the underground river water, and the surrounding area is no longer suitable for building territory! Unless you have an antidote or a water purification device! This is another expense!”


“I have to persuade him to leave here and go to a safe place to develop!”

“Not to mention agriculture, there is no way to develop even the cultivated land needed to maintain normal demand in this place!”

“It’s a whole poisonous place!”


During the observation, Zhong Jianwen became increasingly dissatisfied with this area.

Originally, he thought that the abyss (Li Nuo’s) crack here had not opened.

Even if there are enemies around.

They are just some indigenous groups.

This is not troublesome for Su Wen.

No idea.

What I saw all the way here.

He was extremely dissatisfied with this place:”Su Wen is the hope and future of Dragon Kingdom! How can he develop in a place like this! This kid’s chamber of commerce has been promoted by Tiandao Market, which shows that he is talented in this area! Such a person The place is too barren and resources are scarce…change! Must change……”

Just when he was thinking.

They are getting closer and closer to Lingxiao Palace.

Wenying in the air looked calmly at the Lingxiao Palace in front of her. Her eyes were full of curiosity, but she felt a little disappointed in her heart:”This place is too spacious! It’s flat! It’s easy to be surrounded by the abyss army… I am the wood elf lord…Need to be stationed in a place with jungle……”

“If I vassal Su Wen, wouldn’t it mean that a clever woman can’t make a meal without rice! Where to build my territory? A thousand kilometers away? This is too far!”

“If something happens, it may be too late to rescue!”


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