The 100-meter giant sculpture is like a beacon.

The radiance emanating from the whole body gives people a warm feeling.

Stand under the sculpture.

Su Wen looked up.

I saw that the sculpture was lifelike, exactly like him.

The words engraved with glorious deeds on the base slowly turned into images under careful attention.

Showing Su Wen’s powerful ability to kill enemies and destroy all enemies on the battlefield

“It’s getting more and more amazing!”

Su Wen murmured softly.

He looked at the panel of the Monument of Faith

【Building: Icon of Radiance】

【Grade: 12 (MAX)】

【Holy light: 100W】

【Loyalty halo: Whether you are a civilian or a soldier, a noble or a hero, the longer you stay in the territory, the higher your loyalty will be. Increase loyalty by 5 points every day!】

【Will of Faith: Whether civilians or soldiers, nobles or heroes in the territory, they will firmly believe in Lord Suwen! Lord Suwen’s will is their will!】

【Brilliant Rain and Dew: Pray sincerely to the great Lord Su Wen in front of the monument or in the church. Whether it is a skin injury or disease, you will be healed by the holy light! Consumes 1 point of Holy Light each time】

【Holy Light Pool: The carrier of divine power! It is condensed by the praise of faith, healthy hearts and unyielding will of the people of the territory! Total amount: 100 million】

【Brilliant Incarnation: When the territory is in danger, it will become the guardian incarnation of the territory, and will temporarily obtain Su Wen’s strongest moment of power from time and space to launch a counterattack against the enemy!】

【Sacred Audiovisual: Su Wen’s wishes through it will be heard by Su Wen】

【Related buildings: Monastery of Light】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station】

【Description: Holy light is transformed from the core of light associated with the Temple of Light. Su

Wen’s eyes lit up when he saw this:”A building involving the power of time! This is so amazing!”

He murmured softly.


Su Wen walked to the Heroes Temple again.

He performed attribute enhancement on the Heroes’ Temple.


It lit up with a ray of light.

The Temple of Heroes was just a flash of light.

Everything is back to normal.

Everything about it is exactly the same as before.

Su Wen looked at the temple

【Building: Temple of Heroes】

【Group: Flower Elf】

【Grade: 12 (MAX)】

【Attribute: light! The probability of being recruited by heroes from the light camp is 90%, and their loyalty is guaranteed at 90%.%】

【Attribute: Flower Elf! The probability of being recruited by the heroes of the flower elf group is 99%, and their loyalty is guaranteed at 95%】

【Attribute: Werewolf! The probability of being recruited by the heroes of the werewolf group is 60%, and the loyalty guarantee is 94%】

【Description: Wandering heroes from all over the world can be recruited through the temple. After each recruitment, there will be a 20-day cool-down period! Only 1 hero can be recruited at a time! Hero position 10! If you miss the recruitment, you can accumulate it.】

【Electricity related: Nuclear fusion wireless power station】

“not bad! Two more attributes! Werewolves and flower elves!”

Su Wen muttered softly.

That’s what the Hero Temple is like.

A place to recruit heroes.

No matter how many locations there are, you can only recruit one.

However, now the time has been shortened to 10 days.

It can still be accumulated.

It’s not bad.

Su Wen goes Entered the Temple of Heroes.


After entering the temple, rays of light flashed before his eyes.

Tablets covered with exquisite patterns appeared in front of him.

“Can we recruit again?”

Su Wen’s eyes lit up, which made him a little excited.

Now, everything in the territory is on track.

Although the First Climb Army and the King’s Guard have been handed over to Qi Na,

Qi Na is just a soldier with only the template of a soldier. That’s it.

The level is high.

It’s also very average.

Still not as powerful as a hero.

And the ability to lead troops in combat is greatly lacking.


Su Wen wants to recruit an outstanding commander! If he can’t recruit him, even a general. Okay.

He looked at these ten cards.

Among them were 3 hero cards from the Flower Elf, which were a gunnery hero, a spell hero, and a hero who was good at charging.

2 hero cards from the light camp. , one is a missionary hero, and the other is a hero from the Holy Light Judgment Legion.

1 card from the werewolf camp, this hero is a hunter hero.

The loyalty of the heroes in these 6 cards is above 90%.

The remaining 4 cards.

1 tree hero card, loyalty 30%. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

2 druid hero cards, loyalty 40%. One is good at controlling the herd, the other is good at sowing.

1 Behemoth The hero card has a loyalty of 1% and is a bandit hero.

After reading it,

Su Wen first eliminated the last 4 cards and 2 cards from the light camp.

Among the spell heroes in the flower elves, the charge hero was eliminated.

About ten minutes later,

Su Wen After careful inspection and analysis, Wen chose the flower elf gunner hero.

This hero followed the second flower elf king to participate in the defense battle of the flower elf king.

In the war, he single-handedly turned the tide of the war and was defeated. Canonized as a hero.

Owned an army of gunners.

With this army, the army killed all the invading abyss, drove back the abyss rift, and successfully sealed the rift.

Later, she followed the Flower Elf King to fight against all the races in the world.

She He has experienced more than 20,000 large and small battles.

It meets Su Wen’s requirements.

The reason why Su Wen considered it for so long[]

It’s because the werewolf hero has very strong skills and comes with a lot of group buff skills.

“It’s just you, Flower Elf Heavy Artillery Sun Shangxiang!”

Su Wen clicked lightly.

In the blink of an eye, a contract appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards,

Sun Shangxiang was teleported from the card to Su Wen.

“Meet your Majesty! Greetings to Flower Elf Sun Shangxiang!”

Sun Shangxiang knelt down and surrendered, and said respectfully.

This is a young and beautiful woman with black and shiny hair like a waterfall with twin ponytails.

She wears a very fitting short skirt woven with green leaves.

Her boots reach to her knees, and she can see from above. She saw clear scales.

A very eye-catching rose petal pattern was engraved between her eyebrows.

Su Wen nodded when he saw this.

He looked at Sun Shangxiang’s panel.

【Name: Sun Shangxiang】

【Race: Flower Elf】

【Occupation: Gunner】

【Gender: Female】

【Rating: 0 (0.00%)】

【Rank: 2】

【Attributes: Strength 200; Agility 200; Spirit 200; Constitution 200】

【Equipment: Jiuyang Heavy Artillery】

【Professional skills: High level 303 plant control, advanced commander, advanced strategy, advanced all-terrain combat, heavy artillery, sure-kill: meteorite】

【Loyalty: 96%】

【Senior Commander: Possess all the knowledge possessed by the Commander, Command +500】

【Advanced Strategy: Familiar with the Art of War and use it in war, Strategy +500】

【Advanced all-terrain combat: Leading troops to participate in a variety of wars in different environments and gaining certain experience summaries. Command +500】

【Heavy artillery: You need to equip a shotgun, which fires a bullet with 500 times the critical hit at the target. The bullet will cause 1000 points of damage to the target after it hits the ground, and cause 500 points of concussion damage to all lives within 300 meters around it, and continues every second. Causes 20 points of burning damage, lasting 30 seconds】

【The special skill of Meteor: You need to equip the shotgun. It will consume all the bullets in nine magazines at the same time in the target area. Each bullet will increase the attack power by 100 points and the speed by 100 points. Coverage range is 1 km, special effects are applied to hold the body, the holding time is 2 seconds, and the cooling time is 5 seconds.】

【Recruitment conditions: Military chief, obtain the authority to lead troops in combat】

【Recruitment points: 1000]

Su Wen nodded when he saw this.

Although Sun Shangxiang’s special moves and attack skills are acceptable, her other skills are also very good.

Especially the three attributes of control, strategy and command.

In addition, Sun Shangxiang’s four-dimensional attributes shocked Su Wen even more.

This is an all-around excellent hero.

Su Wen was even more happy

“Um! The contract is not bad!”

Su Wen nodded and signed the contract.

He said to Sun Shangxiang:”Sign the contract and you will be mine!”.

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