“What can your Majesty give me?”

Sun Shangxiang looked up at Su Wen and asked.

She obeyed Su Wen because of Su Wen’s blood and aura.

If you want her to surrender sincerely, you have to convince her!

“oh? I don’t think you have so many requirements? Isn’t it okay to lead troops in war? Su

Wen looked at Sun Shangxiang and asked.

Sun Shangxiang laughed:”Of course!” This is just the most basic requirement! But I want to go further, I don’t want to be a level 2 forever! If Your Majesty is willing to help me get promoted, I am willing to serve you wholeheartedly!”

“Just an advancement?”

Su Wen smiled and asked in surprise.

This girl’s request seems relatively simple.

But it is indeed the most difficult.

You know,

Su Wen can advance through hidden talents. If other lords want to advance, they must rely on the way of heaven. Rewards may be other means.

And after promotion, they are not as comprehensive as him.

This request is even more excessive than Yu Feiyu’s original request.

“certainly! If you are willing to help me advance to level 6, my life will be yours!”

Sun Xiang held her head high and said proudly. She has been fighting for so long.

She has also been recruited many times.

She has deeply experienced the pain that her rank has brought to her.

She does not want to bear that feeling for a moment.

Although she is very Missing the past.

But the Flower Elf Dynasty has become a thing of the past.

Now she is just a”mercenary” without a family.

In other words, her resume is better than others.

After hearing this, Su Wen smiled and asked:”If I can help you What about being promoted to level 12?”

“I’d also like to be your bed-warming maid!”

Sun Shangxiang was stunned for a moment, then her face turned red and she said cheerfully. She didn’t hesitate when she said this.

She was straightforward and sincere.

“Ha ha! It’s not impossible to be my bed-warming maid! You work hard!”

Su Wen patted Sun Shangxiang on the shoulder and added this clause to the contract.

Sun Shangxiang was stunned. She looked up at Su Wen and asked,”Do you really want to cultivate me like this? Do you know how difficult it is to advance to level 12? This may result in all the long-term benefits of your territory going to me alone!”

“This may cause psychological problems for people in your territory!”

“This will make it difficult for your territory to develop!”

“This might also attract enemies?”

“This is a waste of money and materials!”

“And the Tiandao promotion card is not so easy to get! Even if you are the Overlord of Tiandao Overlord Academy, it is extremely difficult to collect all 12!”

“Why are you doing this?”

She looked at Su Wen in confusion and said a bunch of words.

“You are such a contradictory person! I want to hire you, but you said I must cultivate you, so let me cultivate you! You are so pretentious here again! I really have some doubts about whether you came here to apply for the job! Su

Wen laughed angrily.

He rolled his eyes and whispered,”I’ll give you 2 seconds to think about it!””

“I sign!”

Sun Shangxiang was stunned, then grabbed the contract and wrote his name on it without hesitation.


At this moment, the contract relationship was established.

Sun Shangxiang became a hero under Su Wen.

Su Wen nodded. , he looked at Sun Shangxiang and said with a smile:”You are very good! Arathor, take her to visit the territory! Then come to me at the Lord’s Castle!”


After Su Wen released Aratho from the fantasy beast space, he turned and walked outside.

At present, all buildings have been promoted to the highest level that can be increased for free.

“Let’s first increase the attribute points to 2 million!”

Su Wen’s eyes flashed, and he immediately decided to give himself some small rewards.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! As he walked, the attribute values of his four-dimensional attributes increased to 2 million.

The powerful attribute points made his body make a crackling sound..

There was a large area of muscle twisting.

The majestic firepower was released from his body and was quickly restrained by him.

Even so, he still left two holes about 20 centimeters deep on the hard bluestone ground. footprints


At this time.

Alasuo looked at Sun Shangxiang and sighed:”You! You are too reckless!”

“Uh…why do you say that?”

Sun Shangxiang asked in surprise.

Arathor’s appearance also made her feel a little relieved.

She could feel it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Arathor is particularly powerful.

With this kind of The overlord of powerful fantasy beasts.

Her net worth is definitely not bad.

At least it means that

Su Wen has money. He will definitely train her.

Maybe there will be a chance to be trained recently.

Alasuo turned to look at Sun Shangxiang, who only wanted to advance to the next level:” Is this your only dream?”

“ideal! After 20,000 battles, I should have been in a high position, becoming the commander-in-chief of the three armies, or a prince, but because of my rank, my work was taken away by a high-ranking commander!”

Sun Shangxiang followed behind Alasuo and said sadly.

Alasuo was stunned:”You haven’t fought for it?”

“certainly! More than once! But every time it was because my rank was too low. I had enough military achievements but not enough status! Sun

Shangxiang said with a sigh.

Arasso was stunned again:”You can’t upgrade yourself?””

“Upgrade yourself? I have tried before! But…how difficult it is! I’m only one step away every time…just one step away!…Either the lord’s money has been exhausted by me, or I have been outclassed by other more powerful heroes! Every time, it’s just the last step away from success!”[]

While they were talking, Sun Shangxiang looked up and looked around.

Her eyes lit up at this sight.

I saw that the square around the lord’s castle was extremely bright.

The Monument of Faith has been promoted to a high-level building.

This territory also has places such as the Holy Tribunal and the loot sorting center.

Especially the loot sorting center.

It made Sun Shangxiang’s eyes brighten and even ignite with fire:”Such a big sorting center, it means you have a lot of battles to fight here! If there are many trophies, the income from the territory will be good! The income from the territory will be good, and I will have the resources for promotion. Of course there is no shortage!”


She saw the flower fairy goddess’s back garden.

This shocked her momentarily.

It was literally the center of her faith.


A place that countless flower elves yearn for.

The legendary fragrance is full of fragrance.

Everywhere is a sacred place with high-grade flowers and plants.

Practice flower energy here.

Will get twice the result with half the effort.

Looking at the flower farmers taking care of the flower fields carefully.


Sun Shangxiang stopped.

Her breathing became rapid.

He turned to look at Arasso in disbelief and asked:”Sir! Are all the farmers in this…this…territory high-level?”

“Dang (hao Zhao)ran! Everyone in the territory is high-level!”

Arasuo couldn’t bear to hit Sun Shangxiang, she nodded and said cryptically.

Sun Shangxiang was shocked after hearing this.

She walked up in a hurry.

Looking at the two high-ranking civilians, before they spoke, the civilians had already saluted them first.


These common flower elves spoke very nicely and were extremely polite to others.

There was no discrimination between high-level bloodlines and low-level bloodlines.

This made Sun Shangxiang feel another kind of warmth.

This made her confused for a moment:”I’m here. Have you reached the mythical world? Could this be a dream?”

“This this……”

She spoke tremblingly several times without saying her question.

Looking at Sun Shangxiang’s appearance, Alasuo couldn’t help but sigh.��:”The talented flower elf who was deceived by the unscrupulous lord! Fortunately, she met His Majesty, otherwise she would have never been able to get ahead in her life and would have been fooled by others based on her concept!”

“But she is obviously the commander-in-chief! To be resourceful and resourceful, why is this so unexpected?”

She was a little confused..

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