“Another trash god?”

Su Wen’s eyes flickered.

He dug out the corpse of the abyss god and looked at the opponent’s attribute panel.

【Corpse: ancient special case】

【Race: Abyss】

【Rank: 1st grade god level】

【Position: None】

【Origin: One of the disciples of Lord Ertao, a true god who has just entrusted the Kingdom of God, with great ambitions, and is known as a rare genius under Lord Ertao in a hundred years.】

【Evaluation: Geniuses that are rare in a century are as numerous as the sand in the Ganges River. The gods of the abyss are not worth mentioning. Their status is better than that of false gods.】

“Um? A god who upholds the Kingdom of God?”

Su Wen’s eyes lit up.

The only pity is that you can’t earn many attribute points by killing the abyss god.

Although it is very strong, it has the same price as an ordinary abyss life.

It only has 1 attribute point.

It is a life with no cost-effectiveness.

Kill it. It doesn’t seem that strenuous to get up.

But it’s easy to get into trouble.

“”Three five seven” At this time,

Yu Feiyu woke up from dizziness.

She looked at the scene around her in horror.

“His Majesty! His Majesty!”

Yu Feiyu shouted

“Don’t scream!”

Su Wen said through mental transmission.

Yu Feiyu looked at the huge golden dragon in front of him and then breathed a sigh of relief:”You have changed so much! Can you put me down?”

“It’s impossible to let you go!”

Su Wen flew straight forward.

He had already made up his mind. Rather than running away now, it would be better to do something big. Anyway

, the top officials of the abyss god have not yet reacted.

He can completely rely on the high-speed movement of his transformation. The body of a dragon.

Complete the rapid harvesting of thousands of miles of area.

Get a wave of fat ones and run away.

Otherwise, run away now.

Who knows.

When he comes in next time, will he be surrounded by the gods of the abyss?

Exactly. Realizing this,

Su Wen decided to transform into a dragon, attack and escape.

After listening to Su Wen’s story, Yu Feiyu smiled excitedly and said,”You just charge, I’ll do the poisoning to kill the soldiers!””

That’s it.

The two of them coordinated their interest towards the next target.

Ang! Ang! Ang!

Not long after, waves of dragon roars rang out in this abyss area.

The aura of the fallen god of the abyss spread again.

Three Hours later.

In a vast camp fifty thousand kilometers away from this area, the Lord of the Abyss, Ertao, was drinking with an Asgardian protoss.


At this time, the messenger soldier walked into the camp with a solemn face.

Er Tao was shocked when he saw this. He looked at the soldiers and asked in shock:”What happened? Just say it!”

The Asgardian protoss next to him also had a solemn face.

The messenger kowtowed solemnly and said:”Your Majesty! There is a big commotion around the No. 3 rift leading to Blue Star space and time! The commanding gods Aguda, Atawa, etc. died one after another, and the 1st Army, 2nd Army, 3rd Army, 4th Army, 5th Army, and 7th Army lost contact with the headquarters one after another!”

“According to the latest news from the Kingdom of God!”

“Your disciples Guteli and Amaru collapsed around the No. 3 fissure!”

“in addition!”

“Lord Dominion, the Asgardian god who was there to assist his subordinates, died unexpectedly!”

As the messenger told the battle situation.


Ertao stood up suddenly, and asked with a solemn look in his eyes:”The lord on the Blue Star side attacked?”

“impossible! We still have manpower over there. If there were to be a large-scale invasion of your guarded area, we would have received the news already!”

The Asgard god quickly stood up and said solemnly.

The messenger trembled and said:”Your Majesty! It’s a dragon! It has learned a skill similar to the scourge of red poison. It is with the help of this poison that can infect or even kill gods that it dares to wreak havoc in the legion territory in the No. 3 rift area!”

“Its body is very strong and possesses the invincible Golden God. No forbidden spell can kill it!”


“Our unit has lost 100 million troops in the No. 3 rift area thousands of miles away, and more than 31 gods have died!”

As soon as these words came out,

Ertao couldn’t sit still at all:”Damn it! A high-level dragon actually went to a place where a bird like me doesn’t poop to increase his record! How disgusting!”

“The Shenlong clan is elusive and extremely vindictive! It’s hard to kill them!”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Upon hearing this, the face of the Asgardian god changed a little, and he said solemnly:”But! I have a dragon-attracting medicine here. As long as I trap him and release the medicine, I can control his body!”

“By the time! Adults can tame it into a mount!”

While speaking, the Asgardian god took out the treasure.

Ertao was overjoyed after hearing this:”Okay! Walk! Walk! Walk! Now that the dragon has appeared, I will conquer it myself! Order the 5 elite regiments to follow me on the expedition, and the Le Mans Army will set out together!”

By the time he came to this area with his army,

Su Wen had already escaped from the great rift with Yu Feiyu.

Er Tao looked blankly at the cleared area of Xiang Wanli.

Suddenly there was a huge anger

“Damn bugs don’t let me catch you!”

Er Tao roared angrily.

His Le Mans Star Divine Army totaled 50,000 false gods, dispersed into hundreds of small teams, and quickly searched around. 0

But there was still nothing around.

Even the breath was gone. Can’t find

“Damn bastard!”[]

Ertao’s liver ached with anger.

This place finally waited until the cracks opened.

When his troops were about to invade the Blue Star Lord’s space to harvest lives.

But here comes such a bad situation


Er Tao cursed.

It took half an hour for him to stop firing.

He sent an order to the messenger:”Command the main army, I want to take charge here! Let each legion prepare to organize their forces and invade Blue Star from the rift!”

“Order the Heavenly Envy Legion to come over and clean up the red poison!”


Su Wen, who had just returned outside, laughed excitedly.

Not to mention how many gods he and Yu Feiyu killed this time.

Just harvest a massive amount of attribute points.

This made Su Wenle grin from ear to ear.

Along the way.

He kept giggling.

Still not looking at the properties panel.

Afraid of seeing it wrong

“Um! That’s right!”

“More than 135 million! More than 135 million!”


Su Wen laughed while flying.

Yu Feiyu behind him excitedly pinched the storage ring on her finger.

This time, she collected a large amount of red poisonous plant materials and even the corpses of gods.

This simply made her happy. She was so happy.

With these things, she could continue to develop her special skills on the Red Poison Bane.


Su Wen joined the Xianden Army.

Then they flew to the territory together.

After returning to the territory

Su Wen brought Yu Feiyu back to the room.

After the two went crazy for several hours on May 5,

Su Wen finally regained his composure.

Looking at the beauty in his arms, he pinched Yu Feiyu’s nose and smiled. He said:”Baby! Well done this time! It’s just a bit weak! Finish learning the knowledge I gave you as soon as possible, and I will help you increase your power when the time comes!”


Yu Feiyu shyly nestled into Su Wen’s arms and said timidly.

After a while,

Su Wen changed into comfortable clothes.

He had lunch with the housekeeper in the hall downstairs.

After getting to know some of the territory After making arrangements, he came to the front of the monument of faith

“call! Raise the building to the top first! Implementing the next plan!”

Su Wen breathed out and used attribute enhancement on the Monument of Faith.


A ray of light flashed.

The Monument of Faith became even larger, directly turning into a giant sculpture 100 meters high.

And the whole body exuded a soft light. light……

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