Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 578: Big incident

   Chapter 578 Big Event

   Xie Quan sneered, put one hand on his lips, and whistled.


   The cry of a pack of wolves, from far to near.

   Listening to Zhu Yun's ear, it seemed to be the talisman of the Hell King's Palace, the fear in his eyes overflowed, and he tried to move his body with the strength of feeding.

   She doesn't know why this person can attract so many wolves, she only knows that with her current situation, let alone a pack of wolves, a little wolf could kill her.

   She can't die, she hasn't killed Zuo Qiu Ran, and hasn't married the boss yet.

With this thought, Zhu Yun stimulated her ultimate potential. She suddenly turned over and stood up. At the same time, she waved a palm in Xie Quan's direction. Then she pulled out another gun and pointed at the wolf. direction of the group.

   bang bang bang!

   A wolf was injured and fell to the ground, and the wolves were completely enraged and attacked.

   At this moment, Zhu Yun suddenly turned around and ran towards Xie Quan.

   Her purpose is very clear, that is, to transfer all the attack power of the wolf pack to Xie Quan.

   However, she misestimated Xie Quan's strength.

   Just when the pack of wolves swooped viciously and was about to pounce on Xie's body, Xie Quan suddenly disappeared, leaving only Zhu Yun who was about to run away, but was suddenly stopped by something and couldn't move.



  The wolf howls and the screams of Zhu Yun mixed together like this.

   Not far away, Xie Quan watched this scene coldly, and the figure slowly disappeared.


  The big incident in the imperial capital, wild wolves appeared in the suburbs, biting the Thunder Goddess who happened to pass by and seriously injured, and has not woken up till now.

  The First Hospital of the Imperial Capital, where the media gathered to compete for first-hand information.

   "Young Master Yan, is the person bitten by the wolf really Zhu Yun, the Thunder Goddess of War?"

   "Young Master Yan, I heard that Captain Zhu was disfigured, is it true?"

   "Young Master Yan, there are mad wolves in the suburbs, seriously endangering the safety of the citizens and the people in the suburbs. Does Lei Ting have any countermeasures for this?"

"Yan Shao, as the Thunder Goddess of War, Zhu Yun has achieved countless military exploits, and her kung fu is even comparable to yours. This time, she was injured so badly by the wolves. Does it mean that Thunder's medals are also watery? ?"

  Yan Yibin was surrounded by a group of reporters as soon as he came out of the hospital. The first question was just asking about Zhu Yun's injury, but later it turned into a question about Lei Ting.

The rhythm of    was quickly brought up. The reporters stopped paying attention to what kind of injury Zhu Yun was, and turned to her ability and Lei Ting's review of military merit and position advancement.

   Even the passers-by watching the fun all showed doubts and doubts.

  Yan Yibin sighed inwardly, and he said why Heitu suddenly asked him to come to the hospital to deal with Zhu Yun's affairs. Emotionally, he knew that there would be a group of media waiting here, so he asked himself to come and deal with them?

"Thank you for your concern for the Thunder Warriors. Zhu Yun is still in the operating room. I believe that with President Lin personally performing the operation, she will be fine. As for the problem of the wolves, Lei Ting has already sent someone to deal with it. , Now all the wolves have been captured alive, please rest assured. Finally, regarding the issue of Lei Ting's military merit review, I'm sorry, it's a secret, and it's inconvenient to disclose. If you have any questions about this, you are welcome to call the Department of Letters and Calls of the President's Office. There are professionals to answer your questions."

   (end of this chapter)

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