Chapter 577 Really ugly

  bang bang bang!

   After unsuccessfully trying to open the door, Zhu Yun banged on the window, but no matter how hard she tried, the glass was still intact, not even a crack, stubborn.

How can this be?

   After the shock, Zhu Yun gathered her inner strength and waved towards the car window again, however, the result was the same.

   "Who? Who is playing with me?!"

   Zhu Yun scolded while glancing around. At the same time, she pulled out the gun pinned to her waist and put her on the chin.

   At this moment, there was a chill behind her, and she turned around suddenly, only to see a person suddenly appearing in the back seat.

   is exactly Xie Quan.

"I just want to play others with applause because I have a little bit of power, and treat everyone as a fool, calculating one by one? The one I despise the most is a woman like you!" Xie Quan looked at Zhu Zhu with a sinister gaze. Yun, at the moment when she raised her hand to shoot, she raised her hand and waved, and the gun turned into powder.

   Zhu Yun was surprised, "You, who are you?"

  Xie Quan has now condensed the entity, so as long as he takes shape, it will not be in a phantom state, and Zhu Yun will naturally not be able to find it.

The two fought in the cramped car. Zhu Yun had strong internal strength, refined martial arts and plenty of combat experience, but Xie Quan was a ghost cultivator who cultivated soul power, and had Zuo Qiuran's advice and guidance. In just one round, Zhu Yun was pressed against the door of the car.

   A face was pressed against the window glass by Xie Quan, almost deformed.

   "Tsk tsk." Xie Quan looked at Zhu Yun's face and shook his head, "It's ugly."

   is almost less than 1/10,000th of the Lord's. With such a thing, he dares to covet the Lord's man, and dare to dig a hole to plot against the Lord?


  The window glass was broken.

   Zhu Yun's body flew out like a rag.

   A few meters away, in mid-air, just when Zhu Yun thought she would fall badly, suddenly, Xie Quan who suddenly appeared again grabbed her throat.

   "Thunder Goddess of War?" Xie Quan carried Zhu Yun and floated in mid-air, mocking all over his face, "Don't you feel pain when you look at those medals?"

  Clap clap clap...

   Countless slaps made Zhu Yun dizzy, her cheeks were red and swollen, and the corners of her mouth were full of blood.

   The anger in her heart reached the highest point in an instant. Since she entered the Thunder, she has never been treated and insulted like this!

   "What exactly are you..."


   Before he could finish speaking, he was slapped again.

   Xie Quan's palm was merciless, and Zhu Yun's body fell suddenly from mid-air, and then hit the ground heavily.

   There was a pit on the ground, the size and shape just matched Zhu Yun's current posture.

Xie's body flashed, and the next second he appeared beside Zhu Yun, lowered his head and looked down at her, "No wonder he can do such a shameless thing, his skin is so thick that he can even punch a hole in the ground. , A woman like you, who thinks she has a good skin, makes full use of men's appreciation and love for you, and tramples it recklessly. Did you get any of your medals by your own skills?"

   Zhu Yun was beaten long ago, she wanted to fight back, she wanted to fight back, but her body seemed to fall apart and she couldn't gather any strength at all.

   "You, who are you?"

   This is the third time that Zhu Yun has asked this question.

   She doesn't know Xie Quan, and she admits that she has never offended anyone. Of course, those secretly done things don't count, after all, no one knows, right?

   (end of this chapter)

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