Chapter 579 It's not a joke

Zhu Yun suddenly became a hot topic in the imperial capital, even more popular than celebrities. At least celebrities are only known to those who chase after them, but Zhu Yun is now a household name, ranging from a lonely old man in his 80s and 90s to a kindergarten in his 90s. Milk doll, everyone is discussing this topic.

   Ji's family, Ji Shiming and Ji Wenhuo were also watching news reports at this time, and their brows were furrowed on their similar facial features.

   "Father, what are we going to do now?" Ji Wenhuo turned off the TV and turned to look at Ji Shiming.

Ji Shiming gave several speeches in succession recently, and was secretly suppressed by the president's faction. He was also worried about his missing daughter. He was already exhausted. In a few days, he seemed to be several years old, and the white hair on his temples could not cover it. .

   However, even so, the shrewdness and ruthlessness in his eyes are no less than others.

   "Zhu Yun is just a chess piece. The chess piece is damaged. The other one is, son, we are running out of time now. After tonight, Commander Wilson will take the initiative to contact us."

   Ji Wenhuo was startled, "Father, are you already doing something to Zuo Qiuran?"

  Ji Shiming frowned and looked at the only son carefully, "Wen Huo, have you been interested in that Zuo Qiuran?"

   "Why did father say that?"

"Because of your temperament, when you learn that Zuo Qiuran is the only hope to solve our current predicament, you will definitely arrange everything as soon as possible. Maybe now that she is lying on the operating table, Commander Wilson has also agreed. Our plan, but now, you have no action, son, which makes me have to wonder, are you in love with that little girl?"

   It has to be said that Ji Shiming still knows his son very well, and Ji Wenhuo is indeed a little concerned about Zuo Qiuran.

Ji Wenhuo didn't deny it either, smiled slightly, and said, "Father, don't you think that she is a very different woman? She has the ability and the scheming. She is soft when she should be soft, and she will never be ruthless when she should be ruthless. She is merciful, doesn't have the squeamishness of the daughter of an ordinary family, and has a great view of the overall situation, such a woman is worthy of me, Ji Wenhuo."

   Ji Shiming raised his eyebrows, "Are you serious?"

   "Father, this time I'm not playing around."

   "But, she has to go to the operating table." Ji Shiming insisted on this point, he would not give up his cooperation with Li Guo, "Also, Zuo Qiuran is Mo Yichen's woman, are you sure you can accept it?"

  The son is a perfectionist, and even those little lovers in the past were innocent before they were with him. Although Ji Shiming had never asked about them, he knew it.

Ji Wenhuo smiled, "Although Xiao Ran and Mo Yichen are engaged, they have never been in the same room. This is what my spy in Mo's house said personally. Father, don't you think that now? In this society, is it very rare for a girl who can insist on keeping her own body before marriage?"

   Thinking of this, Ji Wenhuo is even more determined to win Zuo Qiuran.

Ji Shiming couldn't help but give a blow, "But the spy I placed in Mo's house also said that their relationship is very good, and it's not an exaggeration to say that it is like glue. Under such circumstances, you can definitely remove her from Mo's. Yichen grabbed it from her side? You are my son, and I don't believe that you only want her and let her have another man in her heart."

   (end of this chapter)

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