Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 544: hate being restrained

   Chapter 544 Hate being restrained

   Ji Wenhuo was really angry, thinking of the treatment he received in Yun Country this time, and the concessions and sacrifices the Ji family made to save him, he could not wait to twist Mo Yichen's throat.

  Take two deep breaths.

   Calm, he must calm down.

   Now is not the time to take action against Mo Yichen.

"Hehe, Mo Yichen, you'll never know, what an unwise choice you made to sell me to the military of the Yun Kingdom this time, don't you know, I met an old friend there, speaking of which, I played with him when I was a kid, I really didn't expect that he became almost unrecognizable after not seeing him for so many years."

  Mo Yichen raised his eyebrows, not knowing what he was thinking of, his eyes changed a bit, his voice was a little low, and he asked, "Who did you meet?"

  As Ji Wenhuo, there are only a few people who could play with him when he was a child. If he met him abroad, the most likely one was...

  Ji Wenhuo started to sell off his sons and left without saying anything.

   His behavior in coming to Mo's house today was indeed a little impulsive, but he didn't regret it, and it was good to be able to block the surname Mo in advance.

   After he left, Mo Yichen immediately ordered Nanyue to personally bring people back to Yunguo.

   "Remember, you must ensure his safety." Mo Yichen looked solemn.

  Nan Yue nodded and set off immediately. This time, he also brought Mo Qi with him, which is enough to prove that Mo Yichen attaches great importance to this time.

   Zuo Qiu Ran had just finished practicing when he saw such a scene. Naturally, he heard Mo Yichen's words. He couldn't help but feel a little curious.

  Mo Qi is also highly valued by his uncle because of his delicate mind and proper handling. If there is no accident, he will not send her away from his side. This is something Zuo Qiuran has known for a long time.

   "The president's son has been studying in Yunguo, and nine times out of ten, the person Ji Wenhuo met this time was him."

   This is also what Mo Yichen is most worried about. The president only has one son, so naturally he likes to let his son live by his side, and Cheng Huan is under his knees, but there were too many accidents when he was a child, and even some of them were on the verge of dying.

   Helpless, the president sent his son abroad and lived in anonymity, just so that his son could grow up safely.

   I just didn't expect it, but Ji Wenhuo found it.

   Zuo Qiuran didn't have a good impression of the president. When he heard that it was about his son, he lost interest and changed the topic.

   "Uncle, I'm going to retreat and do research for the next time."

   Mo Yichen frowned, "Is he a medicine researcher?"

   "Well." Mo Guoxing has been brought back to the Chenghan Research Institute. Zuo Qiuran has a hunch that this time she can make a major discovery in Mo Guoxing.

"Okay." Mo Yichen nodded, but didn't forget to say, "If you have to eat on time, I will visit you, and if I find out that you have neglected your body for research, I will force you to come back. of."

In the past, if someone talked to Zuo Qiu Ran like this, she would definitely call her with a slap, and the person who beat her would regret coming into this world. She hated being restrained, especially after so much experience in the Demon Realm, and she didn't like others treating her even more. things point fingers.

   But now, she is being controlled by Mo Yichen like this, but she only feels warm and comfortable in her heart.

   (end of this chapter)

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