Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 543: Helping each other

   Chapter 543 Helping each other

  God knows, he would rather go to the battlefield to charge into battle than do the work of these mother-in-laws, otherwise why would he spend so much effort urging his father to transfer him back from Wuqing City?

  But, why did Ye Chen not look at himself, but stared at his girlfriend beside him instead?

   There is also the third young master of the Bei family. It seems that as soon as they enter the door, their eyes have been on the woman beside him.

   "Uh, do you know each other?" Ye Jing asked.

   Beside him, his newly appointed girlfriend smiled softly, "Master Chen, Bei San Shao."

   Beilou chuckled lightly, with a strange look in his eyes, "Miss Nan is really a resolute person. It's only been a few days since she returned to China, and you've even found a man?"

  It's okay to look good, but you can be blind, and you can't pick and choose men well, and you need everything crooked and cracked.

He pouted, worrying that Ye Jing was also one of Chen Ye's subordinates anyway, so Beilou didn't say the last two sentences, but just watched him and Nanyue sitting side by side, this picture felt a little annoying. .

   Forget it, out of sight is pure.

   got up, "Master Chen, think about what you just said, I'll go first."

   Mo Yichen nodded and glanced at Nanyue again, then said nothing. Whoever the subordinates want to fall in love with is their freedom, and he will not interfere.

   "You have your own measure."

   Leaving such an inexplicable sentence, Mo Yichen got up and left.

   Ye Jing sat on the sofa and looked at Mo Yichen's back on the stairs leaving, confused, "What does this mean, Lord Chen?"

Nanyue smiled, moved her body, and distanced herself from Ye Jing, and a voice as gentle as water sounded, "Yehui has unique eyes, of course he sees that we are not a real couple, he just It's telling us that no matter what our purpose of pretending to be a couple is, don't affect the overall situation and don't do anything wrong."

   Hearing this, Ye Jing was relieved, as long as Master Chen wasn't still mad at him.

"Thank you for your willingness to help me." Ye Jing didn't expect that the blind date introduced by his father this time was a good person in all aspects. People did not refuse.

   Nanyue smiled again, "It's okay, I said it, we just help each other."

   The two were talking when suddenly the alarm bell rang loudly.

   is the alarm bell of the Mo Mansion's security system.

   As soon as the two got up, they saw Mo Wei appearing in a hurry. After going out, they came in quickly, and they happened to meet Mo Yichen on the stairs who was about to go downstairs.

   "Master, it's Ji Dashao who is forcing his way."

  Mo Yichen raised an eyebrow, "Please come in, Master Ji."

   Ji Wenhuo is really pushing hard, why do you say 'in'? Because he tried every means, but he still stayed at the gate of Mo's house and couldn't break in no matter what.

   Therefore, the moment he was invited into the living room, his whole face was as black as charcoal.

   "Mo Yichen!"

"Sit down." Mo Yichen pointed at the sofa beside him casually, and then looked Ji Wenhuo from top to bottom, "I haven't seen you for a long time, Young Master Ji seems to have lost a lot of weight, and she came back from a vacation abroad so soon. Now? Why haven't you had a good time?"

   When Ji Wenhuo went abroad, he declared that it was a vacation trip, so now Mo Yichen is also using this excuse to block him, but Ji Wenhuo can't say what he thought.

With a cold snort, Ji Wenhuo sat down next to him, "Mo Yichen, I've lost this time, but, just facing our Ji family, you won't be able to get anything good, the election will start soon, At that time, we will wait and see, if my father becomes the president, how will you and your Mo family have a foothold in Huaguo!"

   (end of this chapter)

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