Chapter 545 Stuck

   Thunder Special War Base.

   After a year, Mo Yichen finally stepped into this place again.

   Tens of thousands of warriors lined up on both sides and welcomed him in the most traditional and outdated way.

Steady military posture and uniform military salutes, they are using facts to prove that they have not relaxed or slack off during the year that the boss Mo Yichen left, and even the simplest military posture etiquette is well trained. Sample.

   And Mo Yichen also used the most familiar way to show that I miss you too.

   On the training ground, Mo Yichen took off his jacket, threw it aside gracefully, and then rolled up his sleeves, "Come on, who's on first?"

Yan Yibin's mouth twitched, he took a step back subconsciously, and then pushed the person next to him forward, "Xu Zhao, don't you always talk about missing the days when you fought with the boss? Now is the chance, come on! He has just recovered, The strength has not recovered, now is a good opportunity for you to defeat him, let's see how arrogant he will be in the future."

  Xu Zhao was pushed out just like that. He looked back at everyone, who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the fun, with an expression of "Come on, we're optimistic about you", and pouted, what kind of brother are these?

  Mo Yichen doesn't care about this, he just wants to see if these **** have made progress this year, and move their muscles and bones by the way.

The two quickly fought together, Xu Zhao dealt with it with all his heart, and did not dare to slack off, but he was still unable to accurately capture Mo Yichen's figure. fall down.

  One move, only one move.

  Xu Zhao lay on the ground with a look of hopelessness.

   "Boss, I lost."

   He stood up and returned to the crowd with his head down.

   He was autistic. He trained hard for a year, but he was beaten by the boss who had been recuperating for a year. Although he was their boss, he should be better, but he still felt that he was bad.

  How to train to catch up with the boss?

   What Xu Zhao was thinking here, the others didn't know, they were all gearing up and lining up to fight Mo Yichen.

   To put it bluntly, it means lining up to find abuse.

   After I don't know how many people were knocked down by Mo Yichen, this meaningless unilateral crushing discussion finally ended.

Among them, Yan Yibin was the one who was the worst and was injured the most. Yan Yibin, who had panda eyes, rubbed his eyes in disbelief, "Boss, you won't be practicing in a wheelchair this year, right? Why do you feel that your Has your cultivation improved so much?"

  Mo Yichen put on his coat, and a faint arc appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Because I have Ranbao."

"..." Yan Yibin blinked, then frowned, "Hei Tu, it's amazing that you have a girlfriend, but it's your fault that you abuse me with dog food regardless of the occasion, do you still have a little bit of it? Brotherly love, you..."

   "No." Mo Yichen interrupted Yan Yibin's chatter, "All my love belongs to Ran Bao, and it's not my girlfriend, but my fiancee."

   He proposed to marry, although Ran Bao has not agreed, but it was terminated because of a sudden accident. It was definitely not Ran Bao's subjective wish. She was definitely willing to marry her.

   Thinking of the ring in the safe at home, which symbolized the identity of the Mo family's mistress, which had not yet been given away, Mo Yichen felt that he should plan another marriage proposal as soon as possible, and he must keep Ranbao locked up.

   (end of this chapter)

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