Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 542: Respect you are a man

   Chapter 542 You are a man

   What is this all about?

   He was finally transferred back to the imperial capital from Wuqing City, but on the first day of reporting by the Special Adjustment Department, the first case he received was actually catching a few little brats who like to eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble?

   And they can't be caught until they've been dancing in the street for ten hours.

  Ten hours, he just took the once and current subordinates who were finally reunited, and stayed here for ten hours.

   I was hungry and thirsty, and now I had to endure these sleazy little cubs rubbing against them, listening to them sing that kind of ghostly roaring songs that don’t need money.

   "Boss, why do I feel like you're being targeted?" Shu He, who had waited for years to finally be reunited with his boss, first punched the howling youth beside him, then looked at Ye Jing and asked.

   Wu Tie also nodded in agreement, "Boss, did you offend Chen Ye in some way?"

   After shoving these **** into the car, Ye Jing sat aside and thought, did he really accidentally offend Chen Ye?

   Suddenly, a picture burst into his mind.

It was the day he just came back from Wuqing City. He listened to his father's words and brought a gift to visit Master Chen at Mo's house. Because he and Miss Zuoqiu were old acquaintances, he hadn't seen anyone that day, so he asked a few more questions. Sentence, is it because of this?

   However, he was really just out of concern and courtesy.

   After expressing his thoughts, Ye Jing got sympathy from Wu Tie and Shu He.

   "Boss, I respect you as a man."

"Me too."

  The two patted Ye Jing on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

   Caring about his fiancée in front of Lord Chen, I wonder if the rumor that Lord Chen spoils his fiancée has already spread throughout the imperial capital?

Both of them were brought out by Ye Jing in the past. Even if Ye Jing made a mistake and was demoted and assigned to Wuqing City, they never lost contact. They were more like friends and brothers than they were friends and brothers. , so, it is not taboo to make fun of it.

   Ye Jing sighed, then shook his head with a smile, "I really didn't expect that Lord Chen is usually very stern, but he is so cautious when he is jealous when he is in a relationship."

  Wu Tie glanced at him with a strange look in his eyes, "Boss, you have been in Wuqing City for the past few years, have you never found a woman? You are not still a baby, are you?"

   Ye Jing rolled his eyes at him, "Stop talking nonsense."

  Shu He smiled, "It seems to be true, then no wonder, boss, it seems that it is time for me and Tie Zi to popularize the relationship between men and women..."

  Shu He talked at length for a long time. After finally stopping, Wu Tie continued to speak, explaining all the emotional experiences of the two and the behavior of jealousy, which is beneficial to the body and mind.

   Ye Jing finally realized the seriousness of the problem, and that night he agreed to the blind date arranged by his father Ye Qi, and after meeting the other party, he quickly settled the relationship.

   A few days later, he brought his newly appointed girlfriend to the Mo House.

   "Master Chen, this is my girlfriend."

   Ye Jing's subtext is very obvious, I already have a girlfriend, and I really have no interest in the second lady, Lord Chen, just accept the supernatural powers and forget about this little guy.

Thinking of the cases he received in the past two days, what about the haunted mountains in the east, what traces of demon cultivators in the western suburbs, and Tiandaomen, alas, all of them are difficult and thankless cases, and it is inconvenient to directly suppress cases by force .

   (end of this chapter)

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