Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 541: She's so old

   Chapter 541 She is so old

   "You can't do this!" Elder Xu hurriedly reprimanded.

Zuo Qiu Ran laughed, "I can't do this, but you can. This Xuzhou official set fire and didn't allow the people to light the lamp was quite decent. He really regarded your medical school as a group favorite in the martial arts circle, and no one could disobey it. you guys?"

"Don't say that my uncle abolished this woman's cultivation in order to vent his anger and find a place for me. Even if there is no such reason, as long as the uncle does something, I will not stop it, not only will I not stop it, I will help, He kills, I can hand him a knife, he sets fire, I can add some gasoline for him or something, why do you think I will sing against him for your mental retardation? Do you have such a big face?"

   Elder Xu's face turned blue and white for a while, and finally he snorted coldly and turned back to Guan Ting's side.

   At this moment, Mo Yichen also returned to Zuo Qiuran's side, held her hand, and caressed her lovingly, "Can you relieve your anger?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran looked at Zeng Qing over there. Because she lost her cultivation, she looked a lot older now. She nodded, "So she's so old."

   "Well, I heard that her first husband just passed his 70th birthday last month." Mo Yichen replied solemnly.

   "Uncle, respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue. Since this grandma likes Fang Huai so much, let's do a good deed and match them up."

   Looking at the bright light in Zuo Qiu Ran's eyes, Mo Yichen smiled and nodded, rubbing her head, "Well, I listened to Ran Bao."

   Then, Guan Ting and others saw the efficiency of Mo Wei's work. Within half an hour, Zeng Qing and Fang Huai were each holding a red notebook in their hands.

"Now you are a legal husband and wife, the uncle has reported this matter to the President's Office, and the President has also sent blessings to you, so you must be happy and not divorced, otherwise you will not be able to explain it to the President. ,Milk!"

   Zuo Qiu Ran was completely relieved now. The wicked have their own grind, and tying these two together is the biggest punishment for them, and it also saves her hands from getting dirty.

   And an hour later, a strange sight appeared on the streets of Imperial Capital.

  Six young men dressed in semi-perspective maid outfits bowed their heads on the street, each with a sign hanging around their necks, with only two large characters written on it.


  What to do for free? What's free?

  The onlookers were bewildered, but this could not stop their gossip. Everyone held a mobile phone and recorded this rare scene.

   Soon, the video went viral on the Internet, and many people even drove here just to watch the live version.

   Not long after, the identities of several people were revealed by everyone. They were disciples of medical Taoism, young talents, and rising stars in the medical field.

   "Bah! Don't smear the words 'young talent' and 'rising star'."

   "I believe that he is a professional male actor just because of his head and posture. Alas, are the entrance requirements of the Medical Daomen actually so low? Anyone can enter?"

   "What's the matter, you forgot Song Lin before? He was praised as a national hero and a national idol by the medical school, but in the end, wasn't he arrested and committed suicide?"

There were more and more discussions around, and everyone expressed their doubts about the medical sect and their disdain for a few people. Ye Jing, who was not far away, saw that it was almost time, so he brought people forward and took the Several people were taken away in handcuffs.

   (end of this chapter)

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